The theme for this week's You Capture is Togetherness. Love the theme. And today Togetherness looked a bit different.
When I went to pick up Tommy from school the weather was 70 degrees and beautiful. Because of said lovely weather, and the fact that my boys are hard to say "no" to, I reluctantly agreed to let the boys play on the school playground with their friends instead of speeding home to make their lunches and get them down for their naps as soon as possible.
Bad decision.
Just as I was about to tell the boys that it was time to go Tommy took a bad fall from the top of the playground. He landed on his head and his arm. When he didn't calm down after a few minutes went by I began to wonder. When we got home and he didn't want to move his arm I was pretty sure. When my boy, who doesn't ever flinch when he gets shots, could not keep himself from crying I knew it. It was broken.
Grandma came over to watch Ben and Grace as I took my poor little boy to the doctor's office. Once there the doctor confirmed it was broken. Tommy got a temporary cast put on until the swelling goes down a bit. Then it is back to the doctor's office for the real cast on Monday.
(Sportin' the sling before they put on the temp cast. Such a toughie!)
The kid was a real trooper. I think I winced more as the doctor moved and manipulated his arm than he did. He kept saying, "I'm just glad that I didn't die. That would have been worser." Yes. Heavens yes. That would have been much "worser". I told him mommy didn't even want to think about that. With that he decided to lighten the mood. "Good thing I didn't break my penis off because then pee would have been spraying out everywhere!" Hmm. Now why hadn't I thought of that?
When Tommy got home his brothers were equal parts impressed by his bravery, sorry for his pain, and jealous of his cast and ice packs. Still, they both decided that they NEVER want to break their bones. Wise decision.