Friday, February 27, 2009

The First Belly Shot- 4 Months

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

There it is! The very first shot of the baby belly. Okay, it really isn't that exciting, seeing as how it isn't a full-on cute, round baby belly, but it is there nonetheless. Four months along and the belly is definitely poking. Yippee! Of course, for anyone who doesn't know I'm pregnant it still just looks like I've eaten a bit too much, but that's okay. Tommy loves telling me everyday, "Mumma! I can see your getting a big belly now!" Just wait, Tommy. You ain't seen nothing yet, kid.

We had our four month check up at the doctor's office yesterday and everything is looking well and good. Baby's heartbeat was a strong 151. Todd immediately said, "That definitely sounds like a heartbeat with a penis attached to it!" Hahaha. Silly guy. It definitely made the nurse and I crack up, which was his whole intent.

The ultrasound is now scheduled for March 16. I can't believe how fast it is all going. I remember with all of my other pregnancies that it felt as though time was moving in slow motion waiting to get to that appointment. Now I don't want it to come so quickly. The ultrasound marks the halfway point and everything always seems to speed up from there. Life is moving too fast.

For now I'm just going to do my best to move as little as possible to avoid further injuries. Today I tweaked my back climbing into the minivan. Yep. Ms. Graceful has turned into Ms. Clutz just like that. I was trying to quickly climb into the back of the minivan while the automatic door was still opening and underestimated my proximity to the door. Apparently there is a big metal nob that sticks out on the door. It caught my pants pocket and wouldn't let go. The door continued to open with me attached, and then sensing something dragging, began to close with me still attached. Here I am hanging by my pants in the doorway of the minivan, trying to reach the "open" button so I don't get squashed, while the door itself is slowing ripping my pants off of me. Now I have a big hole on the side of my favorite pants and a bruise the size of a plum on my hip. Yep. I'm cool. I can only imagine how the whole scene must have looked to our neighbors. Good grief.

Is this something I can blame on pregnancy too?


Anonymous said...

You look sooooooo cute!
Sorry about your incident with the car door - I think you can totally blame it on being PG.

Mom24 said...

Very, very cute. I know exactly what you mean about how fast it will go. I hope you get to really enjoy it.

I can't wait to hear about the ultrasound. It's always so fun to see them in there.

Sorry about the van incident. Totally blame the pregnancy.

Brittany said...

SO CUTE!!! :)

Ah.. I am Ms. Clutz during pregnancy, too! It's SO embarrassing!

Homegrown Tribe said...

oh my goodness you are too cute! I'm bigger than that now. Ha!


Riahli said...

Cuteness...I always take belly pics every month because I love seeing how the belly grows...

I'm pretty sure that my belly looks bigger then yours though and I am only two months along, embarassing. You really do look great, and it's your fourth, I don't know how you do it. My stomach started popping out the moment I read the positive on the pregnancy test this time, I swear!

Tammy said...

How cute...I never took pictures of the belly and I so wish I did. Blame the clutziness on pregnancy and memory loss too. :)

Jeni said...

I seem to recall hearing an old wives type tale -back about 36 years ago when I was pregnant with my second child, my son, about women with child having a propensity towards clumsiness. Since I've always had that as part of me, I just kind of ignored that story but if I wanted to, I would drag it out and blame some stupid klutzy move on being pregnant. Whatever works, Kiddo!

Rachel said...

You are just adorable!!! Clumsiness and pregnancy are fairly synonymous, right? ;-)

I'm glad you're feeling better, but take it EASY!! (hugs)

Rebecca Ramsey said...

You look awesome!

lime said...

honey, you get to blame EVERYTHING on pregnancy. that's one of the joys. ;)

and glad to hear the yoga helped your achy self get a good night's sleep. yay!

Megan said...

Sure, we'll chalk the little incident up to pregnancy! :0) You looks SO cute! I definitely think you should start posting more pictures of yourself, you're beautiful!

Kelly said...

You are just too adorable!! My muffin top is bigger than your pregnant belly! LOL

I loved when I started to show and actually look pregnant. I hated those in between stages when nothing fit and I just looked like I gained weight. I can't wait for your u/s...are you going to find out the sex??

Kat said...

Aww. Y'all are just too kind. I was just looking at the picture again and thought, "MY WORD! Could I be any whiter? I am SO PALE! I could probably be cast as a vampire in the next Twilight movie or something. Well, except for the exceptional beauty thing, but they've got good makeup artists. Oh, and my recent clumsiness. Okay, forget it. I guess it wouldn't work. ;)

4 Little Men and Girly Twins- Ummm. You just had twins and you're STILL tiny. What are you talking about?

Cassie said...

Aww first belly pic! How cute.

You've been tagged over at my place :)

kimmy said...

Love the baby bump! You look adorable!


Anonymous said...

I would really like my belly to look like yours when I'm not pregnant. You are positively adorable. Congrats!

Life in the Crazy Lane said...

Yay for belly shots! My bellybutton looked like a golf ball embedded in my abdomen at that point *grin*. You don't have pregnant head, in case you were wondering - ha ha!

Kat said...

Karen- HAHAHA!!! I actually WAS wondering about that after reading your post. And looking at that picture my face does look a little fuller but I think that is because I've got my head down. hehehe You crack me up!

Not Your Aunt B said...

Your baby belly is too cute! What's sad is that it looks like mine and I have no baby in my belly. And I am a klutz and not pregnant.

The time does fly by fast. Enjoy it! Soon their will be a little bitty baby in your arms!

tiarastantrums said...

4th baby - and you are TINY!!!!!!!!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

oh Kat, my thighs are bigger than your tummy, and not nearly as cute.
I'm sorry that I laughed through the door incident, it just seemed like it would've been so entertaining (it would've been funnier if you hadn't gotten bruised). Maybe you should should just stay inside a padded room for a while?

Momisodes said...

Your belly is adorable! And may I add that you look fabulous. I think my belly looks about the same, and I'm not pregnant :)

LOL. Todd is too funny with his heartbeat comment.

designHER Momma said...

you are looking so cute! Glad all is going well....but remeber to take it as easy as possible! thanks for the fun update.

Anonymous said...

Yay for you! I'm glad you're staying healthy despite the universe conspiring to injure you!
That penis comment is a hoot.

Cathy said...

You look great! Beware of the automatic doors...those things are boogers! Happy Friday!

Kat said...

Imbeingheldhostage- It WAS funny. If I would have seen it happen to someone else I would have been laughing my butt off. It seemed like something straight from an episode of I Love Lucy. Well, if there had been minivans with automatic doors when I Love Lucy was around, that is. ;)
I should be in a padded room. Poor Todd comes home from work and is so leary of asking me how I'm doing. It is always something. You should have seen his face as I was telling him this story. Sheesh!

Cathy- Boogers. hehehe

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Okay, your 4 month preggo "bump" is soo much smaller than my 4 month post-partum belly! You suck.

Okay, really, you don't! You look fab!

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

Aww, your ultrasound is the day before my birthday :-)

I'm the opposite of you regarding time going fast. This pregnancy seems to be creeping by. I'm already so ready for it to be over with. I loved my first two pregnancies...this one? Not so much. I'm ready to fast forward and just get her here already!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Belly? What belly? And yes, I think you can blame any and everything on the pregnancy - suck it for all its' worth! :)

Cupcake Dessert said...

that preggo belly is super cute!! i am so sorry that you got hurt but i couldnt help but crack up at the mental picture the neighbors must have gotten :)

Jennifer said...

You have an adorable baby bump!

Lindsay said...

Wow! You are a bit accident-prone while preggers aren't you?! :-) Oh well, at least you really do have something to blame it on.

Nice bump! I'm winning. :-) LOL. (that's NOT a good thing....for ME...btw)

Midwest Mom said...

Oohh... the downside of automatic doors on the minivan rears its ugly head.

But that cute little growin' baby is just perfect! Congrats. Today's picture will be a pretty good "before" photo, and I'm guessing that at about month 7, you'll be wondering why you wanted to slow all of this down so badly. ;)

Keep yourself healthy and out of any door danger! :D And have a wonderful weekend.

(I'm glad you shared.)

- Julia

Tonya said...

Are you kidding this is totally pregnancy related!!! Wow you find out in a little over 2 weeks. So exciting. Your hubby's comment is something my hubby would say ;)

Karen Deborah said...

You are sooooooooo cute!!!! I'm glad you didn't get more hurt that was kinda scary! sure blame everything on being pregnant why not?

A Crafty Mom said...

You look adorable - just perfect :-) I remember that stage of not looking pregnant WELL - so hard when you just look like you've gained 5-10 pounds. Soon enough you'll have a little basketball in there!! I'm in awe that this is your fourth. My three keep me so busy I can barely consider another one lately.

Hattie said...

You're sooooo cute prego! remember u can always use the pregnancy excuse for anything. Then after u have the baby you can always use the "I just had a baby" excuse!!!! btw - I just had my 4th boy and the pregnancy went by like a blur!

Fire Hunt said...

You look adorable

Anonymous said...

Some of my favorite pics are from when I was 36 weeks with Olivia and we went and had "professional" pics done. I really loved the ones with Jake's little hands on my belly. :)

You look great!

Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

Dear lord... I look more pregnant than that, and I had my kid six months ago!!! You do look too cute, though and milk that excuse for all its worth!

Dani said...

Four months!!! Holey crow... I was double that size at four months... You look awesome girl!!! You sure do know how to carry a baby lol... And yes the door thing was definately because of that big baby belly of your lol....

Maryeliz said...

Goodness, I hope I didn't give you some sort of clutz bug by coming over here to read your blog. That's exactly the sort of accident I tend to have. And I don't even have to be pregnant... Hmm. Take care of yourself. That's a wonderful photo. Wishing you all good things. (And no more bumps and aches!)

Chris said...

Oh my stomach hurts from laughing -- that's the best laugh I've had in a while...thank you. And why is there never a video camera around when you need one?

Laski said...

Seriously? That's it? That's all you have????

Errrr . . .

Well, at tiny as it is right now, it is lovely :)

And I am a FIRM believer that EVERYTHING can be blamed on pregnancy.

OHmommy said...

LOVE the belly picture. and a VERY belated birthday wish to your "little" man.

Unknown said...

Oh, look at your sweet little baby bump! : ) Sorry about your little accident and of course you can blame it on pregnancy. You can blame anything on that! HA!

Brimful Curiosities said...

First time here. Those minivans doors can be wicked. One tried to shut on me too last time I was pregnant. Kind of scary!! Looking good at 4 months!

Anonymous said...

You're so cute~!
And I am going to have to agree with the are making another little boy!

But in the big picture what does it matter. I am so excited for you! And all of my bloggy friends are having another, I am getting in the mindset to do the same!

I'm with you...I can't believe that you are almost at the half way point! It wasn't that long ago you announced it! (It seriously seems like it wasn't even a month and a half ago...*sigh* where does that time go?) said...

So glad the pregnancy is going well! That is such a teeny belly! Are you sure this is your FOURTH baby?? Brat.

dianna said...

Blame everything on the baby while you can...and when your boys are around, blame them*!*

Anonymous said... are sooooooooo cute!!!

"That definitely sounds like a heartbeat with a penis attached to it!" ....LOL!!!!

(((ACTUALLY... i"ve heard the girls beat faster!!!))))

Robyn said...

I am laughing with you as I picture you been pulled by the door.

Laura said...

You look so happy!

Thanks for all the great advise on my blog! APPRECIATED!


Hollie said...

okay you are absolutely adorable and not big at all!!! can't wait til the next belly pic!

Anonymous said...

You look so beautiful. I love belly pictures. :) Pregnancy is so wonderful - watching others going through it. ;) I'm not a huge fan of my own.

Jill said...

Women tend to get accident prone when they are prego. We get a bit off balance when the tummy starts growing. You are going to carry this baby nicely. Lucky you!!! I am glad it's going good so far. Just take it easy!

Kristen said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear of your mini van incident even though it sounds like it was hilarious!!!

You are too funny!!

And by the way my dear, you look amazing!! Wish I looked that good at any point in my pregnancies! Happy 4 months!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Your "belly" is still so tiny!
Now the story is hilarious! Too bad someone wasn't watching and getting footage on that! :)

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Oh shut up! That is not big enough to qualify as a "belly". LOL
I'm so glad all is well!
I'm klutzy all the time and have NO excuse for it.

Cynthia said...

Gah...take it easy girl! Cute picture, can't tell at all;)

4funboys said...

wow... I'll trade you tummy pix and I'm NOT prego!

you look great!

tweetey30 said...

I miss those tummy photo's but no more for me.. Yikes you got hurt again.. You know we were around your area on Saturday morning.. LOL.. On our way to Milwaukee. I will have photo's up tomorrow or the day after..

Cara said...

You barely look pregnant, my current belly is that size.(LOL) Did each of your boys weight more than the last? I thought for sure my second would only be a little bit bigger and was surprised he was a whole 2 lbs more than the last one. I love you husbands comment, too funny!

painted maypole said...

blame it ALL on pregnancy. ;)

Stephanie said...

You look great girl! I wondered if time would move more quickly with each pregnancy. It seems like it would. I can't believe you find out soon what he/she is! Yay! So exciting!

Beck said...

You look so cute! And I should post a belly shot of me - not that I'm pregnant. Sigh.
Take care of that back!

CC said...

How can you be so cute and thin when you are on pregnancy #4? I've never been pregnant and don't look like you!

Anonymous said...

You are looking great, look like your preggers with number 1 not 4. Will you be finding out the sex on the u/s ?

Cyndi said...

Okay, my belly is bigger than that and I am not even pregnant. So cute!

Karen MEG said...

How CUTE are you... and, uh, what belly? When I told everyone at 6 weeks because I felt huge already, they said "we figured as much"!
Oh, and when I was pregnant with the girlie, I did over $1000 worth of damage on my car door just pulling into my regular parking spot at work.. the spot that I had parked in for 3 YEARS!!!! Be careful!

Anonymous said...

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Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson