Monday, September 29, 2008


Quite a busy weekend around here. Lots of football games attended and cookouts eaten at. Lots of time playing with the boys in the crisp fall air. And then of course yesterday was our open house.

I'd love to tell you how our open house went but that would mean I would have to speak to the hubby and that just isn't happening right now. He was the one who stayed home to show the house while I made the boys scarce by taking them to the lake, McDonald's, a pet store, and their auntie's house. But seeing as how we still weren't talking once I did get home with the boys I have no idea how many people actually stopped for the open house. My guess is just a few.

I actually don't mind the silence. It is kinda nice. Me being an avoidance person and all I'd rather not discuss with him how I think he was being a total asshole and I certainly don't want to hear how he thinks I was being a complete bitch. So we'll just stew in our silent juices of asshole and bitchiness.

But don't worry about us too much. I'm sure the silent standoff will inevitably end once Todd needs me to help him find his wallet, or his watch, or his ass. That, or I'll need him to kill the massive centipede I will most certainly spot hiding out in a corner, walk me to the bathroom after I get too scared watching Paranormal State, or open a stuck-on jelly jar lid. Which ever comes first.

We may be stubborn and pigheaded but we have our breaking points.


Tonya said...

I hope you had more than a few people. You are too funny about your stubbornness!

Mom24 said...

I'm so, so glad we're not the only couple like that. Hope he breaks soon and corrects his behavior. ;-)

Melissa said...

Those juicess sound good. All you need it a dash of revenge and a pinch of nagging and you will have your self a nice hardy stew :)

painted maypole said...

isn't this where one of you is supposed to say something stupid and sarcastic to make the other one laugh?

Hattie said...

Hope your Open House went well when you do find out about it! I think all married couples do this. Well atleast we do! No one wants to be the first to cave!

Wendy said...

Well, I'm glad you both know the limits of your stubbornness. Hope yesterday went well!

dawn klinge said...

I'm glad to know my husband and I aren't the only ones who do this to each other. ;) I'm sure your stress levels are pretty high right now.

Anonymous said...

You guys fight like we do! I am glad I'm not alone. Childish really, but sometimes it's a perfectly reasonable reaction. Is Paranormal State on tonight? I get so confused about timing. I hope the Open House went well.

Unknown said...

Did I miss something? Why are you and hubby on the outs?

I'm the same way, I have to "stew" a while. This was us last weekend! ; )

Beck said...

My husband and I are both passive agressive, so we never talk about ANYTHING, EVER. At any time. It's GREAT!
(hope you guys are getting along again by now....)

Anonymous said...

It must be going around...I was so mad at my hubby this weekend and was stewing in it while I was driving home from a birthday party. I must have had a pretty ticked off look on my face because some guy in a truck next to me on the highway actually stayed next to me and told me (with his hands) to smile! How pathetic is that? How angry did I really look??

Kristen said...

Sorry to hear that there are disagreements right now, but the post you wrote is hysterical!!!

Hoping he shapes up fast!! :)

Fire Hunt said...

Hope your Open House went well. It must be going around that was us to.

Anonymous said...

Here's to hoping he caves in soon! And that you had TONS of people come to look at the house.

Kat said...

Elaine- Nope you didn't miss anything. It was just a typical stupid husband/wife type of arguement while we were getting ready for the open house. Not even worth mentioning what it was about. ;)

Momisodes said...

Yep, insects and bugs would break the silence for me too. Oh yes, and paranormal state (LOVE that show).

Hope the open house went well, and speaking resumes soon.

imbeingheldhostage said...

Oh I am so relieved I wasn't the only one not talking to the Hubby over the weekend. Do you suppose the earth's gravitational pull is a little off or something?

Selling a house is stressful-- buy a bottle of champagne and have it standing by for when you're through this mess.

Roxy Wishum said...

Maybe asshole--I mean Todd should be the first recipient of your "thank you" posts?

Kelley said...

Hmm, that sounds like it would be an interesting story, though I promise I'm not prying. :) I hope your open house went well. Or, perhaps what I should say is, I hope YOU find out how well your open house went soon. :)

Brittany said...

So really. How long does this silence tend to last? A few days?

Ours usually only lasts an hour or so. One of us usually breaks. haha.

Robyn said...

Sorry, I had to laugh, because that is exactly how it goes here. Once someone needs/wants something it breaks the silence. Thankfully I am the stronger willed out of the 2, or just the one who is mad more often.

Anonymous said...

You cracked me up at, "I'm sure the silent standoff will inevitably end once Todd needs me to help him find his wallet, or his watch, or his ass."

Bryan never lets me get mad at him. Once he sees I'm mad, he hugs me until I hug him back. It can be frustrating, but works every time. Sometimes I just want to stew over it though!!

I hope the open house went great!

Kelly said...

You are too funny. I'm pretty stubborn so my hubby usually caves and talks to me first. I hope someone calls tomorrow while he's at work and offers to buy the house!! Then you'll have the upper hand. ;)

Give him a big sweet juicy kiss....he'll never know what hit him!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

We do this too. It's funny that two people who love each other so much can ABSOLUTELY DRIVE EACH OTHER SO CRAZY!!!


Hey Girl, we made it 16 years on
Sept 25th and I know marriage has
ups and downs. Yeahhhhh!? You will weather the storm, you got a lot of
stress goin on rite now!!!! You will be fine....... OH yeah:
I really enjoy your blog and I
am awarding you the Brilliante
Weblog Award You deserve it for
all of your hard work! ♥ Stop
By and pick it up!

krissy said...

Considering how I want to become a Tonya Harding right now and break my husbands knee caps I can honestly say that I feel ya sista!!

The problem with us is he wants to talk (talking is so over-rated!) and I want to avoid him so I don't split his head open.

And bravo for proving that great marriages have their disagreements but they always have their make up moments too. Your too cool.

Chrissy said...

Yep. Been there.

david mcmahon said...

You have the knack of writing on any subject and making it readable.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I saw an Open House sign this weekend and thought of you.
I hope it went well. I LOVE Paranormal State!
I hope the Standoff ends soon.

kimmy said...

My husband and I will go through periods of not talking to each other too. It usually ends with him asking me where the remote is because I hid it on him!!!! He doesn't get it back until he is nice to me :)


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Here's to making up! And, I did laugh a bit. Two non-confrontational people together? How does that happen?

Kat said...

A few extra points:

- Nope the fight backstory really isn't interesting. Just a bunch of bickering while we were getting ready for the open house.

- As predicted, we're fine again.

- Todd is usually VERY confrontational so I was surprised our silence lasted as long as it did (one day). He always wants to talk about it RIGHT NOW. I, on the other hand, am just the opposite. And if I MUST talk about it I need a good long while to cool down. ;)

Cynthia said...

It's a tough time to be selling (I'm sure you know that) good luck on that front.
Glad the silence is over:)

Jill said...

The silence treatment never lasts long in my house... hubby never takes it seriously that I'm upset and he just blows me off - which irritates me even more.

Good luck on your house!!

lime said...

oh dear stewing in asshole juice sounds terribly unpleasant...

hope all is well soon.

Stephanie said...

I'm sorry this made me giggle just a little bit. It reminded me so much of me and my husband :)

I read the other post first so I'm glad things ended up okay and you turned your stewing into actual stew! ;)

Molly's Mom said...

So I'm not the only one who clams up when she's pissed? Whew! :)

CC said...

Your brutal honesty is great and hilarious. said...

I love your blog. Your honesty is so refreshing. You're a normal, wonderful mom and wife in an anything-but-normal world!

Congrats on your POD nomination on David's authorblog. Hang in there with your house sale!!

Bryan said...

i'm sure it was your fault anyway ...

i still love that pic you use up top. very cool!

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson