It all started on Thursday with Ben's last day of school. One less kid in school makes me a happy momma. The other boys have 13 days (and numerous big projects to finish) left until they are out for summer. I think I am more excited about it than they are.
Here is Ben "graduating" from his 4K class. His teachers announced, "Ben wants to be a storm chaser but he always manages to maintain a sunny attitude." I thought that was pretty perfect for him. My sunny boy.
After his graduation ceremony we had lunch at the Arts Center's cafe. Every single day when we walked by the cafe on the way out of school Ben would ask if we could eat lunch there. Every day I would tell him, "Not today." Every. Single. Day. This day we actually stopped and it was such a special treat for Ben on his last day.
The next day, otherwise known as Friday, was an errand day. I ran here and there getting groceries, and potting soil, and birthday presents, and all kinds of stuff. Laundry was done. And kids happily played outside for the majority of the time they weren't napping, in school, or running errands with me. It was a busy day but the weather was gorgeous so all was well. We capped the day off with salmon on the grill, watermelon, and corn on the cob. Perfect!
On Saturday I started my potting. If you recall my yard last year you will understand what a project I had on my hands. Todd was fishing so while I started on my 40 pots of flowers the kids played in the yard. Two hours into my potting I ran out of soil just in time for a lunch break. Just as the kids were finishing up with lunch Todd came home with more potting soil. We rushed off to take Tommy to a birthday party and then we picked up more plants (hanging bags for the porch, tomatoes, and more perennials for the front). By the time we were done picking out plants it was time to get Tommy.
Soon we were all back home, the boys playing in the woods down the road, and Grace sitting on the patio watching me plant more flowers. A couple of hours passed and before I knew it dinner time was upon us. I finished up all my planting (though I will probably get more flowers down the road), cleaned up my mess, and then cleaned up my kids. Each kid got a shower (playing in the woods is dirty work) and then I took a shower too (planting is dirty work). I got a bad sunburn on my shoulders and back from all my time out in the sun. Oops. Funny how I slather my kids with sunscreen but completely forget about myself.
By bedtime I was pretty exhausted but looking out at my patio makes me think the sunburn and exhaustion were worth it.
Sunday morning I sat out on the patio with my coffee and newspaper surrounded by flowers. It was great way to start the day. When Todd got up (it is unusual that he is the one to sleep in but this time I was up early) I got dressed, grabbed Molly, and headed out for a nice morning run before the day got too hot. It was a beautiful run.
When I came back we all hustled to get ready for church. Immediately after church we went to Todd's folks' house for brunch. What a treat to have such a tasty meal that I didn't have to prepare. It was wonderful. I did the clean up in the kitchen while Todd cut the grass and his mom put the kids to work picking rocks out of her garden. It was an absolutely beautiful, warm day and we all enjoyed each other's company and being outside.
We got back home and since it was so hot outside we thought we would try out our new sprinkler. It was a hit!
Gracie watched as her crazy brothers stuck their heads in the freezing water.
Not one to be upstaged she decided she could do it too.
Grace liked the sprinkler but I think she liked her new swimsuit even more.
The wind changed course (a storm was predicted to come in a couple hours) and soon the boys were little popsicles. The boys decided quickly that they'd had enough of the sprinkler and wanted in the house.
I made a last minute decision to call my mom and see if she could take the kids for a few hours so Todd and I could go to a movie. Next thing you know we were hustling the kids off and rushing to a movie. It was the perfect way to round out a wonderful summer like weekend. Todd and I got to relax in a cool theater and really enjoyed The Avengers. It was so much fun. Just like the rest of the weekend.
This weekend had all the makings of a fun summer. It had hot weather, lots of time outdoors, flowers, sprinklers, a nice run outside, time with family, two nights in a row of grilling out, and a big blockbuster action movie. It was wonderful.
The weather is much cooler today, it just reached 60 now, but thanks to this past weekend I have enough warm memories to hold me over for a few weeks.

You're kids are so cute!!! I have 3 older brothers...she will be ok. :)
Your weekends always inspire me to do more with our weekends. :)
Oh man, what a stellar weekend, for sure! Grace looks so cute in her bathing suit.
Tim took Ben to see the Avengers. They loved it but I kinda wanted to see it too... boo. ;)
your princess is beautiful! What a lucky girl to have 3 big brothers...although she might not realize it yet!!
What a wonderfully busy few days! and these are beautiful pics. Looks like the kids are getting a great start to their summer! Enjoy!
For Gracie, growing up with three older and very adventurous brothers, it's easy to see already how they are providing her with a secure attitude about her own abilities! Just look at the look on her face as she was watching them jump, face-first, into that sprinkler! All those attributes together will make her a leader of the pack in years to come and that's a good thing for any little girl to go forth with that in her hip pocket.
Jeni- She really is the luckiest little girl in the world. Those boys just ADORE her. They are constantly telling her how pretty she is, they laugh at her when she is trying to be funny, they compliment her singing and dancing (spinning), tell her she is smart, and include her in their play as much as they can. They constantly applaud her. Such good big brothers for a lucky girl.
The Avengers was totally worth the price of a movie ticket & sitter!
You sure kicked off summer perfectly at your place!
Beautiful! I love how sweet your boys are to their little sister, my little girl is lucky to have three older brothers that adore her as well, it really warms the heart. :)
Popping over from Elaine's! I have to get a fun sprinkler for our back yard! The kids love playing in the water, but we only have them in the front for now. I have to get potting flowers in my yard! It is very green...but could use some color. :)
Sounds like the perfect weekend. I love the sprinkler much fun!
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