All the other soloists' bios talk about where they got their masters in performing arts. Where they teach. Where they have performed recently. My bio? Umm. It doesn't look like that. I haven't performed a solo on stage in about 12 years. I never earned a degree in the arts or teaching. I am a stay at home mom. This is my first solo in a very long time. And? It is a very small solo.
Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I wasn't even going to try out for a solo seeing as how this is my first year singing with the symphony. But this is the Broadway concert and we are doing One Day More from Les Mis! I have Eponine's part memorized. It is ingrained in my memory. I figured that if I didn't at least try I would always wonder.
I didn't get that solo. It went to one of the conductor's students. But the conductor did give me a very small part. I think she is testing me out. Seeing how I'll do on stage after so many years away. Anyway, this very small solo needs a bio and I'm feeling a little inadequate.
"This is Kathryn's first year back with the Symphony after a 15 year hiatus. She is currently a stay at home mom to her four children."
I don't think that will do. Most bios are more like a paragraph.
"Kathryn is a stay at home mom to four children. She originally joined the Symphony in 1994 when she was a student at Lakeland College. This is Kathryn's first year singing with the Symphony after a 15 year hiatus. She feels silly even writing a bio considering her miniscule solo, but does what she is told. Please don't laugh at her."
I wonder if the audience would find the humor in that. I'd better keep trying.
"Kathryn is happy to be back on stage with the Symphony after a 12 year absence. She was last seen as the lead in a number of musicals such as Man of La Mancha, Babes in Toyland, and Anne of Green Gables with The Theater Co. 12 years ago. She can currently be seen feeding and cleaning up after her four small, rambunctious children in the home she shares with her husband."
I'm in trouble.

I like the second option best and always feel silly when I have to write a bio.
OK, I am laughing at the second one (even thought it asked me not to). I feel for you... I would have no idea what to write, either!
And yay for getting to perform music again! I missed it, too, after college until I found a community chorus.
I like the third one except I would say something like "While music was a first love, four beautiful children now occupy most of her days"
The last one is workable don't cave when it comes to what you do! say it with pride heck sing it with pride!! WAIT this is news you sing?!? Will you share a video and sing for us? Icould write you a great bio I would just say SHE is great!!
I have to say I love them both. I would use the second one and not think one thing about it. It reflects that you are interesting and real and portrays you as someone who is accomplishing her goals and doing a wonderful job balancing the different parts of her life.
I like the second one;) How fun to write a bio for a program!
Bios are hard! The last one is perfect! Congrats to you!
Frankly, I see nothing wrong whatsoever in bringing a smile or better yet, maybe a little bit of a chuckle to people reading your bio. But if you are uncomfortable with that, the third one is very good too. And I liked the suggestions one commenter above made to add to the third one too! Anyway you cut it, be who you really are and don't be afraid to tell it that way then!
Oh and congrats too on the return to the music and the solo!
Awww. Thanks everyone. You are all too sweet. These bios are all just jokey. I'll think of something, but I'm definitely not using any of these. ;)
I think the last one really is not bad at all. When I first went back to work I was asked to write a bio for the staff page on the office website. I don't remember what I gave them but I actually wrote some looney ones for myself first and when I showed my coworkers they wanted crazy ones too.
Kathryn is delighted to be performing with the symphony this year after a long absence. In addition to it showcasing her magnificent voice it affords her the protection of an audience full of witnesses should the hired assassins pursuing her show up. Her absence was spent training an underground group of rebels in the art of sub-frequency yodelling used in espionage. She is also talented in juggling chainsaws, weaving the hair of rare wombats into colorful and unique garments, and removing stains caused by bodily fluids. In addition to performing with the symphony she is writing and producing her own one-woman show "Marathon Mom" which will be a post-modern mime-based event.
Lime- That's it! Perfect! THANK YOU!!!
Keep going. You're getting closer! Also, I HATE describing myself in ANY WAY. Ew. And, good luck on the solo! So exciting.
In case anyone was curious this is what I ended up with:
After more than a decade away from performing this is Kathryn's first year back on stage with The * Symphony Chorus. Kathryn first sang with the Chorus in it's premiere year in 1994 as a Lakeland College student. She was also seen in numerous productions with the * Theater Co. and was a member of the Ozaukee Chorus. Kathryn is currently living in * with her husband, Todd, and her four children, Joseph, Thomas, Benjamin, and Grace.
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