Through the woods,
into the tall grass,
past the river,
and back into the woods again.
Finally we reach our destination. Our teepee in the woods.
Years ago we stumbled upon this teepee that someone (the kids are sure the Indians built it) lovingly built.
It is large enough and sturdy enough for our whole family to enjoy. A place to pretend. A place to wonder. A place where imaginations run wild. Our teepee in the woods.

So beautiful. Can I come live with you?
Wow, that is gorgeous. I wish we could find a spot like that. And again, your Fall color is blowing me away. LOVE it!!
Chrissy- Sure! Come on over! I must warn you that the weather has been pretty crappy lately so I don't know if we could make it to the teepee. ;)
Elaine- The boys LOVE the teepee. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera the last few times we went there so they aren't in the pictures. Oops.
Oh my gosh Kat, that is awesome! Congrats on finding it. How fun!
That is SO COOL! Beautiful pictures, as always.
That is amazing! Does it stay together year after year?
Mom24- The credit goes to my hubby for finding it before we even had kids. He always walked our dogs there and stumbled upon it. :)
Wendy- It is SO cool. Even better than it looks in the pictures.
Brimful- Yep! It has been there for years. I think anyone who stumbles upon it helps out a bit too. Adding more logs and clearing it out a bit. :)
Isn't it great to have a secret spot for kids to play?
I love the pictures in the woods!
Green Girl- Your boys probably have spot like that on your own property! And yes, it is SO great. :)
Tonya- The pics don't even do it justice. It is so cool. :)
the tee pee is amazing!! what a magical place for your family.
i followed you over from should do a Happy List post sometime. i would love to have you join the party...and it most def helps me get out of my time to time funk.
hope to see you soon!
What a cool find!
Love it! My kids would be over the moon excited about a find like that! :)
How cool is that? My kids would LOVE it. Awesome photos!!!
what a wonderful discovery! and such a fun place to go have adventures, i am sure!
That is all just SO beautiful!! I wish we had a walking place like that - so close!
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