Baby girl, a mere six months into your beautiful life and it is safe to say that we are all smitten. Oh yes. We are in deep smit.
You are the most mild mannered, patient, sweet, charming, lovable and loving, feisty and funny, smiley and snuggly, smart and gorgeous baby girl that ever existed. Not that we are prejudice. It is just the truth.
To your brothers the day does not begin with the rising of the sun. They day begins with the rising of their Grace. The minute you awake the boys are smiling and cooing at you. They sing you songs, fetch your toys, and fight over who gets to hold you first.

I'm afraid we may be impeding your development because you are always being held by one of your adoring fans. You are so sweet and cuddly it is difficult to put you down. The boys constantly crowd you. You barely have room to move. I don't know how you will ever learn to crawl or walk. You have zero personal space. But you don't seem to mind.

You have your daddy wrapped around your pudgy little, dimpled finger. You have made your daddy a fan of the baby stage. No small feat. But he tears up when we speak of you growing so quickly. And he doesn't mind his arms and legs going numb if it means that you can sleep just a little longer in his arms.

And your mommy? Well, I feel I've known you all my life. It seems I always knew you would be coming. Even when I wondered if I would ever truly get to hold you a part of me felt you near. Yet you came, this bright light shining, at just the right time. You brought hope and happiness to our whole family when we needed it the most. And now you are here. In my arms. Exactly where you belong.
We are kindred spirits, Grace. I know you. And you know me. It is a soul connection. I never knew there was a piece of me missing until you came into my life and completed me. You completed our whole family.
Thank you for being my daughter, Grace. I can not thank you enough. For making me a better mommy. A better woman. For showing me a new kind of love. For completing our family.

You are loved.
Okay so I shouldve grabbed the kleenex before I started reading. Thanks for sharing Grace with us, I love all the pics and the sweet stories. so much fun!
That is great. She is so beautiful..So is the rest of your family... I love reading about them and your adventures...
She is absolutely gorgeous, as was this post.
Kat that's so beautiful. I'm very, very happy for you.
With eyes like those and cheeks that sweet how could you be anything but smitten! She's a doll! And I cant' believe she's six months already.
Look at those great photos! Little Grace is gorgeous and how great that she has three adoring older brothers. I think I'll share this post with my THREE older brothers.
Awww you two look so sweet together! She is just so adorable, it is absolutely no wonder that you are all head over heels for her!
Awww, she is a doll!!! What a lucky little girl she is to be so loved!!! What a sweet post!
She looks like a doll! She is such a beautiful baby. And has such a sweet temperament. What a wonderful post. I love that she is adored. All children should be that way and I bet all of yours were. It's just that she's just a doll, that Grace!
what a sweet post for such a cute little girl!
Great now I want a little girl after reading this. I don't think my hubby will be happy w/ you!!! Ha!
Such a sweet post! Love the pics, so cute!
Awww...that made me a little teary! You are all truly blessed. :)
What an angle face. And "deep smit"? I might have to steal that. ;)
I love this post. I know that love for a daughter, too. And you know what? We keep on staring at her and smothering her with love and she keeps on eating it up. Grace has grown so much! She's such a beautiful baby. And that shot of her in Daddy's arms is just beautiful. (And Daddy is pretty cute! Go Kat!)
So, so beautiful. I'm crying over here and can feel SO MUCH love from this post. You are just the sweetest family... Happy 6 Months of Grace to you all!! :D
This is SO beautiful, Kat. I'm glad you get to experience being a mother to a daughter. It's so special.
And you both are beautiful!
Oh Kat! You brought tears to my eyes. That was such a sweet post. She is adorable and so loved - it's insanely evident how much you all cherish her. What a special little girl!
You ARE ALL in deep smit! This was too sweet a post!
Awww, she is so sweet...and halfway to a year already!! She is definitely one loved little girl. Beautiful pic of you and her at the end of your post!
Easy to understand the "deep smit" with your little Grace! She is beautiful now and it boggles the mind to think she gets more beautiful by the day doesn't it? I know that feeling all too well -especially with my grandchildren! If you think this connection with Grace is special, just you wait till you have grandchildren and you'll see that stuff magnified 10 times and more, over and over again! Peace!
Oh, she came here for a reason, that's for sure! You have an amazing family, Kat!
What a lovely post! You have a beautiful family.
I can hardly believe 6 months have passed already!
She is such a beautiful girl indeed. I can see why you are all so smitten :) Happy 6 month birthday!
Oh she is a YUMMY munchkin. Y'all look so happy... so very, very happy!
I love the photo of you and her at the end.
oh, chills. and understanding-- when our daughter made us a family of five, it seems like things settled, shifted, were made whole. A girl and her mama-- there really is nothing quite like it.
Lovely, lovely, lovely. Your family is full of grace, truly.
Awwwww...stop making my uterus hurt. Deep, deep pains.
How could you not be smitten with that beauty?
And, nestled in daddy's arms? Priceless.
So, so sweet.
awwww! I'd be pretty smitten too!
what a fortunate little lady
ahhh feelin the love.
oh, so sweet. post like this make me wish I had been blogging through MQs baby years!
OMGoodness! I can remember when you were at the *thinking about another one* stage. {It was a GREAT thought too!} WOW! One tiny person can change your life in HUGE ways...
LOVE this post SO much!
{Love that pic of you and your girlie even more!}
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