Then again, I think the tooth fairy is a bit more, how shall I say it, CHEAP, at this house than others. Joey came home from school and told me that the tooth fairy left his friend TEN DOLLARS. Sheesh! I suspect the exchanged tooth was made of GOLD. In this house the first tooth warrants a two dollar reward and all following teeth a dollar. I still thought that was a hefty price. Goes to show what I know. I am starting to second guess that now.
I wonder if our local bank gives out tooth fairy loans. Hmm...
Baaahahahaha! Hey if your tooth fairy is cheap then so is ours. Our kids get a dollar for each tooth too. Ten dollars! Yikes!
What happened to the quarter?
Ten dollars? Per tooth? That's crazy.
My friend came home one night and the babysitter told her that her daughter lost her tooth. My friend had been drinking so she put all the money in her purse under the pillow.
Ten dollars!? Good grief! I only got a quarter. Jack has one loose tooth...I guess I need to start saving up. :)
how fun! I remember waiting to catch up with my bro too! Sometimes the tooth fairy forgets to set her alarm and ends up putting way too much money under that pillow because she feels guilty for not showing up...ooops
Funny, Jacob was just telling me tonight that the tooth fairy left a friend $10 for a silver-capped tooth. I tried to convince him--not going to happen. Crazy!
Congrats on his first tooth. How fun!
...I was thinking a quarter...shows how cheap I am! :)
$10 bucks? Sheesh, I guess the tooth fairy isn't struggling in this economy. I was thinking $1-$2 per tooth like you.
The tooth might be worth $2 but that smile is priceless!
WOW! Looks like inflation has even taken over the Tooth Fairy! Boy, when I was a kid, I got either a nickel or a dime -probably depending on what my Mom had available to let the Tooth Fairy deliver to me. The granddaughter -Miss Maya -has been losing her teeth for a little while now and I think she's been getting a big old quarter per tooth -regardless of which tooth or what order it came out at.
I think $10 is ridiculous! Our tooth fairy is cheaper, too, although she has recently been retired. (sniff)
Julia got $1 for her first tooth. And this is from a "tooth fairy" that got $20 for her first tooth. Yep - MY tooth fairy was nutso!
don't feel bad, our tooth fairy only brings a dollar per tooth here!!
TEN BUCKS?!? Here she leaves a Sacajawea dollar for each tooth--and 5 for teeth pulled by dentists (rare).
Yeah, the 10 dollars won't be happening here either.
$10????? Man, maybe I should lose some more teeth!!!
The people who give ten dollars obviously haven't thought this through. Our closest friends give stuffed animals for front teeth. WHAT are they thinking? Our tooth fairy gives a dollar, too, and sadly, she once had to borrow it from one of the kids' piggy banks.
The tooth fairy gives a dollar at my house to, although my kids have told me of friends who get $10 per tooth. I like your idea. I'll tell them that's only for gold teeth next time. ;)
That is more than plenty of a tooth fairy number.. My youngest has lost one tooth but has another that is loose but wont come out.. she keeps playing with it.. Any suggestions are welcome...
We did a two dollar bill for all Noah's front teeth-- and silver dollars for the rest...which I still thought was insane!
Man the most I ever got was 50 cents! I think if the price goes to high the tooth fairy can leave a note that says this, "Since your tooth is so highly valued, I thought you should keep it."
just so you know the tooth fairy gives out the same amount at our house too! The 2 for first and 1 thereafter. With 4 kids you could go broke giving more than that :)
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