What was I thinking?
I must be a masochist
Or just plain stupid
Yesterday I decided that since my nausea has finally slowed down and my neck and shoulders were feeling slightly better it might be a good idea to start an exercise routine again. You know, to make up for all the extra calories I've been eating.
When I was pregnant with Ben I continued running up until my 8th month. I would have run longer but I developed spider veins and the stinking things were actually pretty painful so I had to stop. And, if I'm being honest, I was pretty ready to stop at that point anyway. It really wasn't comfortable to run anymore and I kept picturing poor Ben bouncing around in my belly and maybe even getting tangled up in his umbilical cord.
Even so, I've really missed running these last four months. As soon as the first trimester was over, and the danger of migraines was gone, I was going to pick it up again. Well, the nausea held on longer than I thought so here I am going into the fourth month and still not running. Still, I was determined to give it a try.
You know how all the experts tell you to take it slow when you are exercising during pregnancy? Yeah. You should listen to them. Unfortunately, I didn't. I jumped on the treadmill and though I started off much slower than I have ever gone, I worked my way up to a decent speed and kept it up for a half an hour. I was so proud of myself being able to muscle through a half hour run after not having run for over 4 months.
Then later that night my muscles started to tense up. I started walking more slowly and by the time Todd came home I was sitting in the living room, not moving. He immediately said, "Now what did you do?"
It only got worse as the night went on. My whole pelvic region down to my thighs and on through my calves were so sore I could barely walk. By bedtime I was seriously considering having Todd carry me up to bed or even just sleeping on the couch. I did manage to get to bed but even rolling over to switch positions was terribly painful.
I'm an idiot.
Note to self: You are pregnant. Your muscles are more relaxed than they normally are. They are not used to running three miles anymore. Don't do this again.
I was pretty sore this morning when I got out of bed but it has gotten a little better as the day has worn on. I did some pretty good (and painful) stretches which seemed to help a bit.
Here is the funny thing. I don't even really believe the experts who say that working out during pregnancy keeps you fit or makes labor easier. Or even that it makes getting back into shape easier after you have the baby. I think that is all a load of crap. I didn't work out AT ALL when I was pregnant with Joey and I only gained 23 pounds and bounced right back into shape afterwards. I worked out all the time with Ben and gained about 40 pounds and had the longest labor of all three of my boys.
So why am I attempting to work out now? I guess I just really miss running. Every time I hear one of my running songs on the radio I can't wait to run again. I love getting my blood pumping and feeling strong and stress free after a workout. When I felt okay yesterday I thought it would be a good opportunity to try it out again. My problem is that I get so excited about running that I can't hold myself back. I need to learn my limitations. So I probably will run again, but MUCH SLOWER and for MUCH LESS time and only for a couple months. I don't feel like dealing with those spider veins again.
Then again. Maybe this was all a sign. I mean, this is my last pregnancy. Maybe I should just consider chasing after my boys exercise enough. That and maybe a lame workout DVD when the mood strikes. There will be plenty of reasons to run after the baby comes, right? Perhaps I should just ease up on myself and enjoy this slothfulness while I can. Hmm. That does sound infinitely more appealing. Yes, it does make sense. It's all coming together now...
Yes, there will be plenty of time to catch up on running after the baby comes. Give yourself a break! Rest up...you're gonna need it.
I'll run, you rest;)
Yeah, working out is for people with a lot of energy. Which means it doesn't suit me so well. With my son I stopped working out by the time I was 8 week along. Mainly because I was exhausted! And look how consistant I am...I haven't done it since! heehee
Yes loads of time to catch up on your running after you bundle of joy gets here. If you have time I have photo's of my new niece up on my site. she is just adorable. She will be a month old on the 27th of Feb.
I don't run but I power walk. With my last pregnancy I was more devoted than ever so that it would help keep my blood pressure down. Well, it was my most frightening delivery (not because of the excerise)so I will forever more take it as easy as possible if I ever become pregnant again! Listen to your body, but still keep moving...just not at a sprint!
Hi. I came to running very late in life, like, just last September! I'm 48 and I quit smoking a little over a year ago, then started gaining weight because I no longer had nicotine helping my metabolism. I was starting to lose weight and felt better about things, but I cannot say I loved running - AT ALL. Until I hurt my foot in December and was on the bench for 6 weeks! Not only did pounds start to creep on again, but I actually missed heading out and doing my miles. How annoying to have to sit and heal and not run! Anyhow, I can sympathize with that, but there's something to be said for sloth and loafing, too! :)
Tink *~*~*
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La Luna Obscura
I agree, they'll be plenty of time later. Try to relax and just "be". It sounds like that will be really hard for you though and not so much relaxing. Another sacrifice we make when we give our bodies to our little peoples. I'm sorry it didn't go like you wanted it too.
Stupid question...if you kept at it, would the soreness ease, or not really? Just wondering...if it was something you really wanted to continue.
I completely agree though about it not helping with the pregnancy or delivery. I think that's pretty much about luck.
Mom24- Yes the soreness would completely ease if I kept it up. When I ran through my last pregnancy I was never this sore. I usually wasn't sore at all. But then because of the extra weight I was carrying the spider veins hit. Ah well. ;)
I gained the least amount with my fourth baby and I believe it all had to do with running after the other three kids! She was also my biggest baby so that was pretty funny to me. I did water aerobics with my first 2 pregnancies and gained about 35 with both and my 3 I did nothing...not even chasing the other two kids! And I gained the most :) It's true what they say every pregnancy is different! Hope you aren't sore for long...
Bless your heart you little running junkie!!! I wish I had your love for running. Hmmmm....nope! Hang in there!
Bless your heart Kat. Would you feel better with a nice walk? Glad you didn't throw up the strawberries. Now there's a silver lining for ya.
I think it makes more of a difference what you're doing BEFORE you get pregnant than during. Good thing, too, since I was so sick last time I couldn't exercise almost as soon as I got pregnant, and then I never really got back into it. I walked some from 7 months on, but it really was more waddling than walking.
I hope you feel better soon.
If anyone has ever had an excuse to laze around while they have a chance, it's you. Just sayin'.
I can't even imagine running when pregnant...but then i don't run when I'm not either! LOL I took a water aerobics class with my last pregnancy and it felt so good, it took all of that weight off of my lower back and felt amazing. Have you thought of yoga?? That might feel good too
Came by thru AMommyStory's site.
I, too, couldn't imagine running while pregnant. Both of the girls sat on my sciatic and my left leg was constantly on fire because of it.
Good luck!
I'm laughing at Todd's comment: "Now what did you do?" That sounds like something Tim would say to me.
I didn't work out at all when I was pregnant but I wished I would have. I wish I would now. Even pregnant, I want YOUR motivation.
Kelly- I have a great prenatal yoga DVD but it doesn't feel like a workout. It kinda makes me sleepy. Which is good too. :)
that's so frustrating! Pregnancy takes such a toll on the body.
Ha! The least I've gained with any of my pregnancies was 47 pounds...the most was 55. If I exercise or don't it doesn't seem to make much of a difference with me. So why kill myself?! Lol! Anyway, sorry you're so sore...take it easy next time. ;-)
yikes, i am not a runner so i can't really comment specifically on that but yeah, dont' push quite so hard i am thinking.
I hate running...so I vote you listen to your body.
And, I taught aerobics (up to 7 classes a week) until 2 weeks before Izzy was born, and I still had a long labor and long pushing.
Doctors don't know what they are talking about!
Well, it sounds like your body gave you a message, loud and clear. ;) Don't worry, you won't be pregnant forever...you'll get to run again.
You crack me up! I have not even REMOTELY attempted to exercise since getting pregnant...even though now in the 2nd tri I feel better. But I think it's becuz as it IS, everything aches on me (my low back, my hips) and I just can't see how exercising is going to HELP that. I have a feeling it will be like your experience...bad, bad, BAD. LOL So thank you for reminding me why I don't want to exercise. ;-)
Oh, Kat. You should take it easy! Be like me - I'm trying to nap whenever possible!
Hugs to you my friend! Take is easy for sure!
Yikes! I'm so sorry. I hope the soreness subsides for you soon. I have to agree with you on the working out and having an easy labor. Most of the women I know who delivered quick and easily, didn't exercise at all during their pregnancy.
I like your logic, and I think you should totally kick back a little and not push it. Just have more of those yummy chocolate strawberries instead - they are practically health food. :)
See? This is why I park my butt on the couch as soon as the pregnancy test has those two lines :-)
Wow, you're brave! I'm a fan of that feeling of, "hell yeah! I'm sweating, adrenaline's pumping, I really accomplished something working out today!" But I hate to run, and I have a hard time getting up off the couch so that I can go sweat. :)
When I was pregnant with my son, my only exercise was walking to and from work (about 10 minutes from the subway stop twice a day, five times a week). Then I got put on bedrest, and I wished I could run.
Nice haiku this week! Take it easy on your pregnant body!
I say take a rest!!! When we first found out that we were pregnant my husband insisted that I stop running... like and idiot I did. When we went to our first doctor's appiontment, I asked the doctor about working out and she said it was fine as long as it was what my body is used to. Then my husband told her that I hadn't ran in over a month and she suggested that I just walk because at that point even though it had only been a month my body was not used to it. She told me it takes little to get out of shape but takes much effor to get back into shape or to get your body accustome to what it was orginally accustome to!!! Does that make sense?
Anyway, I have a feeling you will have plenty of running to do once your fourth child is born!!!
I wouldn't give it up if you are missing it. I would take it a bit easier. Girl, 3 miles after nothing for so long, I would have loved to see Todd's face.
I've had NO energy for running but I did do a little on Tues. morning. My legs were pretty sore after but it had also been at least a week and half since I'd done ANYTHING. I do think we need to take it easy. It's hard work already just to gestate! ; )
I don't run but good for you.
I've not been by for a while so I'll start with congratulations! Guess each pregnancy is a bit different.
Hugs and blessings,
Good thinking! There's time...
Don't over-do it, missy. I'm sure your boys give you plenty of exercise.
I vote for enjoy the slothfulness!
My theory is that athletes and mothers know their bodies well and our bodies tell us what they need/crave. Sounds like your body said "I need a little run...well, not quite that much."
After THREE high risk pregnancies, my response to being pregnant now is to LAY RIGHT NOW! No more running! A nice walk sounds fine.
Hi Kat. I have passed along the Lemonade Award to you. Thank you for your lovely blog. And for visiting mine.
I could not imagine running while pregnant so give you kudos on that one. I think running after your boys would be excersise enough :)
Do take it easy--you'll have plenty of running when that baby makes its way out into the world!
YOU are just motivated and determined to run a marathon with ME when after your baby is born!!
now THAT'S true masochism;-)
I feel truly lazy now. Even a PREGNANT woman is able to exercise. WHAT'S my excuse?
I'm thinking chasing after those boys . . . that is exercise enough. Plus, if there is ever a time when you can just chill (if having 3 boys ever allows for "chill" time), not most certainly is it.
And remember . . . I'm a runner and right now, walking suits me just fine :)
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