It was a vast improvement on last year simply for the fact that I was 8 1/2 months pregnant last Christmas. I remember I was primping in our bathroom before the party and Joey came around the doorway, took one look at me and said, "You look like Santa, Mumma!" Just what I wanted to hear. Here I thought my red blouse simply looked festive. Ah well.
This year when I came downstairs where the boys were eating Joey looked shocked when he saw me and said, "WHAT? Mumma you look beautiful! I love your beautiful blouse! I like your headband!" It was very sweet, and yet a little disconcerting that he was so taken aback to see me look put together. Of course he did finish it off with, "You should wear that everyday!" Typical male. Every woman should wear high heels, full make-up, and a skirt around the house while she cooks and cleans. Little caveman.
I managed to keep myself clean for all of 10 minutes until Tommy put his sticky food fingers on my blouse. He just couldn't keep his little hands off. He kept saying, "Mumma you so bootiful. I lub you." Heh, heh.
Anglophile Football Fanatic gave me this awesome award. It is to go to bloggers that, in her words, spread Festivus for the rest of us. I am very excited about this one as it feeds into my snowman obsession.

Why thank you! Very cute award. :-) If you liked that picture, you should check this one out:
He's Watching!
Hehe. Mexican Santa knows if you've been good or bad!
Lovely photo, btw. Beautiful couple and beautiful tree!
Sometimes when we are too caught up with kids and every day life, we often forgets to have our own personal time...and that's when the frustrations start coming...
so glad you got time away from the kids.
you really look festive! *wink*
I love that it was the 800th picture as I can so relate to that and you all look so happy and beautiful - what a nice looking couple you are!!!
Thanks so much for this really great award - I'm glad you like my new design, I couldn't be happier with it and I love that you always come to visit me as you are my dear friend. Thanks again and have a good weekend. Kellan
Awwww, that picture is perfect. And yes, I do love the toys.
I was soo pregnant this time last year too. Wow, things really do change in a years time. Don't they?
Have a good one. Again, you picture is adorable. Makes me want to take one of just my husband and I.
I think you look gorgeous! You don't look sweaty at all! Hope you had fun!
It is generally at the point when you are about to just say, "That's it. There won't be a good one," that the really great one appears. What toys? That's every room in my house! You guys look great.
That is such a great picture of you two. Hope you had fun at the party.
you both look fabulous, not at all sweaty or about to blow up at the kids. good acting. ;)
Hope you had a good time. Lovely picture -- wouldn't have imagined it was taken amidst chaos :)
You guys look great (and no, not sweaty!) and so glad it was a nice time out. :)
Using My Words
You guys look gorgeous! My kids are always taken aback when I "clean up," too.
You look great. And it's nice you are teaching your son how to complement a woman.
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