Praise the Lord above
NaBloPoMo is over
In the nick of time
So sick of writing
About nothing important
Just blah, blah, blah, blah
I'm taking a break
Decorating for Christmas
Fun weekend ahead
This weekend will be nothing but fun, decorating, baking, and playing in the snow brought in by the storm that is being predicted.
The boys have been asking since Thanksgiving when we will decorate for Christmas, and I told them they had to wait until December. So, tomorrow the decorations will be brought out, dusted off, and carefully placed. To be honest I am just as excited as they are. Not really looking forward to hauling Ben away from the Christmas tree every two seconds, but oh well. It is all in good fun.
Joey has his first playdate tomorrow. He has been asked many times by various classmates, and I finally said "yes". Am I the only playdate grinch? I don't remember ever having a "playdate" when I was little. We just played with our siblings or people in our neighborhood. Such a strange concept to me. It isn't that I think a playdate is a horrible idea, it just doesn't make too much sense in our family. The boys have each other to play with, and we have 12 boys (and 1 girl) on our street that the boys are always with. I am also working around Ben's nap in the morning and all of the boys' nap in the afternoon. Not only that, but when Joey goes to school Tommy misses him so much, and I dread telling him that Joey is going to play somewhere without him. Poor kid.
But really, I don't want Joey to miss out. I'm happy he has friends. He is a good boy, and he deserves to do fun things. He shouldn't have to be held back because he has younger brothers. Plus, I don't want the other mommies from school to think I am an anti-social grouch, though I may be sometimes.
So, off to the playdate Joey will go. I planned it for a Saturday so that I can stay home with Ben while he naps, and Todd can have some one-on-one time with Tommy, something they will both appreciate. The two of them will be going to "the man's mall", Fleet Farm, to pick out some more outdoor decorations. Tommy will be so excited. Really, it is a win-win situation for all.
I hope you all have a wonderful NaBloPoMo free weekend. I know I will.