Tuesday, March 7, 2017


I've been fighting off a bit of the blues lately. The down in the dumps. A general blah. 

It has been going on for a few weeks (months?) and I just can't seem to shake it. I have been short tempered, cranky, and a bit depressed. I can't really put my finger on it. I don't think it is just a seasonal thing. I'm thinking that the state of our country and world is a big part of it. You just can't escape the anger and meanness of people these days. It is hard for me to deal with all the negativity. 

And, too, my personal life has been hectic. There is the usual but there are also some possible big changes on the horizon which are both exciting and nerve wracking.  Add to that the usual parenting dilemmas and uncertainty and growing pains and I am just a bit of a mess lately.  

For lent I decided to dedicate a bit of my day to prayer and reflection. It has become a rejuvenating part of my day. Like meditation. It brings a peaceful element to my day. I am really enjoying it.  

Today the sun made an appearance. It was much welcome from the snowstorms and gloom we'd been having.  It wasn't terribly warm but it was getting close to the 50s and my back patio had warmed up enough for me to venture outside.  The 40-50 mph winds were muted in my backyard by the house and the trees. It was a little haven. 

I made myself a cup of coffee, sat down on my patio, and began my prayers. I listened to the birds singing and fighting over the bird feeders a few feet from me, and Molly lay at my feet soaking up the sun with me.  I stayed there for quite a while. It seemed the meditation, prayers, coffee, vitamin D, little critters, my dog, and nature were just what I needed. 
As I finally got up to go back inside I really had to chuckle to myself. My mind recalled all the times when I was growing up that I would come home from school and find my mother doing the same thing I had just done. Sitting in the backyard on her swing, dogs at her feet, watching the birds, with a rosary in her hand and a book at her side my mom always looked so peaceful. And now I know why.

I guess it's official. The transformation into my mother has begun.


betty said...

This is something you'll be able to do after Lent is over too :)

Some of us daughters in our youth think we don't want to be anything like our moms, but as we grow and mature, we realize how much like our moms we are and how wise they actually were :)


Kat said...

It is definitely something I can keep up with after Lent! 😉

My mom and I have always been extremely close and we are two peas in a pod. Honestly I have always been a lot like her. And once I became a mom I tried to emulate her in many ways. People often tell me I am just like my mom and I take it as a huge compliment. I always have. 😊

Anita said...

The state of our country is definitely having an impact on me, but if it were not that, then it would probably be something else contributing to my occasional state of trying not to lose it. However, we count our blessings, right! :)

Keep soaking up that sun whenever you can. Let the house get messy and cook simple meals. At the end of our lives, what things are we going to be glad about.

Anonymous said...

Your mother sounds wise, good for you to take a page out of her book!

Bijoux said...

It's easy to feel down and overwhelmed, and I feel the same way about the negativity that social media seems to fuel. I'm glad you had a time to sit down and refuel.

Tabor said...

Might be hormonal changes, Kat, or even a thyroid issue. You can check with your doctor if it gets so bad you lose energy and ideas. Meditation and prayer are really good medicines I think, and that sunshine Vitamin D is the best.

BrightenedBoy said...

What a fulfilling transformation that must be. I, too, find a lot of solace in prayer. Every time I sit down to do it I think I don't want to, and every single time I finish up feeling better than when I started.

The tenor of things down where you are is really getting scary. I recently moved from the Washington, DC area to a town straddling the Arctic Circle, and the disconnect from the political hothouse of the Lower 48 has been one of the best things about being here.

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson