It seems like just yesterday we were having Grace baptized. Today she received her First Holy Communion. It was a special day.

It was a very windy, cold, and rainy day. No outdoor pictures in front of colorful flowers. I was disappointed but I think it actually worked out for the best. I got a few very nice pictures of Grace sitting in front of the window in our dining room. They turned out really well.
Grace took the ceremony very seriously. When she saw this picture she wondered why she looked mad. I told her she has the same downturned mouth that her mama does so if we aren't smiling we either look sad or mad. Really, I think she was just concentrating.
When Grace was up at the altar with her baptismal candle she took a deep cleansing breath and exhaled. She accidentally blew out her candle. The man with the lighter was close by but she refused to speak up to get it lit again. The girl can be very shy. I could tell she was a little miffed that she had no flame.
Other than that very tiny little problem with the candle everything else went off without a hitch.
It was a beautiful ceremony.
Afterwards we had to get a few pictures of Grace with the family and the grandmas.
I just love this one of Grace. So sweet.
Ben, my little photographer, took a picture of Todd and I with Grace. I think he did a nice job!
When we got home I realized I had forgotten to get a picture of Grace with her banner. She was happy to pose for me again.
The boys were so proud of their little sister, and they were so sweet to her. They were lavishing her with love and praise, telling her that she was beautiful and looked like a princess. Joey even told her how proud he was of her and that he loved her very much. It was enough to make this mama cry.
Of course I had to get a picture of me and my girl too. Ben did a great job taking this picture as well.
We celebrated with cake and pizza and a few presents too.
As the day wore on and our guests left Grace still did not want to change out of her fancy dress. Not that I can blame her. It is too pretty of a dress to only get to wear one time. I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to wear it to bed tonight.
It was a beautiful and holy day for my sweet girl.
Congratulations on your First Holy Communion, Grace! May God be with you and bless you today and always.
So sweet! Such a special day! One for the memory books and beyond! Something Grace will always remember! I remember my 1st Communion back in 1964. I remember practicing for it, I remember waiting to line up for it, I remember the dress, the veil, etc. I remember finally being able to receive the elements along with my brother and sister afterwards. Such a special time indeed!
Oh my goodness, you brought tears to my eyes with Joey's comment. What a sweet relationship she has with her big brothers. May God continue to bless your family.
That is a big communion group! I think there were never more than about 10 kids with my kids.
Congratulations Grace.
Congrats to the proud parents.
My just attended my Godson's first as well and boy he was sharp. However getting photos was a trial as there were so many parent with cameras, cellphones and ipads. I was eventually able to get some good shots. The plus my camera had the multiple shot mode so I was able to get a few off. The priest allow 20 seconds each as there were so many children.
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