In the past when I have done these I got a smidge sarcastic. As a matter of fact my last one became one of my most popular posts ever. Y'all must like my sick sense of humor. Anyway, I am attempting to keep this one somewhat straight. We'll see how it goes.
Where is your cell phone? In my purse
Your significant other? Is currently up north with my boys getting everything ready for deer camp next weekend.
Your hair? Has just gotten significantly shorter. See this post. I am still getting used to trying to style it. My stylist got it beautifully straight, but the back of my hair is so short that when I tried it I couldn't even get my hair around my round brush. So my hair got all curly in the back and then I just decided to let it get curly all over. I may like it better curly now.
Your mother? Is my moral compass, my best friend, my inspiration.
Your father? Is my angel now.
Your favorite thing? Sleeping in late.
Your dream last night? I dreamed I had another baby and the day after the delivery I went to a New Kids concert.
Your favorite drink? Coffee. And lots of it.
Your dream/goal? The hubby and I always dreamed of eating our way through Europe.
The room you are in? My living room.
Your fear? Honestly? Losing one of my children (is scares me to even write that down). Superficially? Sharks.
Where do you want to be in six years? I really don't want anything to change. I love my life as it is right now. Hopefully my life will be much the same. Maybe I'll be pursuing a career in medicine at that point. We'll see what God has in store.
Where were you last night? First Gracie and I went to a craft fair, bought matching rings, ate some yummy food, and listened to the local high school jazz band play some Christmas (ugh) music. Then we went to church, came home, took a few silly pics, ate dinner, sat in front of the fireplace, and watched a movie together.
What are you not? Batman. Whew! The secret is out.
Muffins? I have zero feelings on muffins.
One of your wish list items? A giant beanbag chair. Yes, I am a child.
Where you grew up? About three miles from where I'm living right now.
The last thing you did? Fed the dog.
What are you wearing? Kind of a pervy questions. My new super cute pink plaid flannel pajama pants, a pink shirt, a pink sweatshirt, and my bathrobe.
Your TV? Is off. There is a thunderstorm this morning and I just love listening to the rain and thunder.
Your pets? Molly, the dog. Stanley, the guinea pig. Hugo, the hamster. And lots of fish we don't really name.
Your computer? Is new and I'm still getting used to it.
Your life? Is blessed.
Your mood? Peaceful, happy, calm, reflective.
Missing someone? Always. (Dad)
Your car? Is a rusty minivan that the husband keeps wanting to replace but that I think we should squeeze every last mile out of it before we buy something else.
Something you are not wearing ? My contacts.
Your favorite store? It has been so long since I've gone shopping for pleasure and not out of necessity. It is really hard to say.
Your summer? Went entirely too quickly.
Like someone? Like, totally.
Your favorite color? Peach.
When was the last time you laughed? Last night watching this:
Last time you cried? This morning reading about Batkid .
What is one thing on your to-do list? Rid my closet of unnecessary items.
There! I did it! Now wasn't that fun? I think so. Go ahead and get old school with us!

I cried yesterday morning about the batkid incident as well. He is such a beautiful child and so threw himself into that role! Nice meme and I learned a little more about you.
Your dream cracked me up! When I had my physical over the summer, the nurse told me about going to see NKOTB the previous evening, with her Mom!
A little disheartening to find out her mom is my exact age!
Hey Kat :) really really like the hair curly :) interesting post today...nice to get to know u better...Stay Strong C
Thank you so much for posting that video! It is perfect in so many ways!!! This is my first time here so I did not see your hair before but I think it looks adorable! It did take me a second to figure out that your and your daughter were not there with your middle fingers up, bet hey, I am tried. We had the kids up in the middle of the night playing Barbies. They so really do that stuff and it freaks me out! Thanks so much for linking up!
Brittany- Welcome! Thanks for coming by!
Funny that you mentioned that it looks like Grace and I are flicking the camera off because I had issues with that while taking the pics. Grace's hand was completely covered by her sweatshirt for some of the pics so it was just her little finger sticking out. It really did look like she was sticking up her middle finger. Oops! Needless to say, I didn't use those pics. :)
Charmaine- Thanks! But these photos don't do the curly hair justice. I was severely windblown in these pics. When I had it fixed (before we left the house) it really did look cute. However, the wind was a 40 mile/hr wind and kind of wrecked it a bit. ;) But thanks for being so kind! :)
Oh my gosh, I had not seen your new hair yet, it looks SO great!! And you and Grace with your matching rings, how super cute is that?
Every time you answer one of these things I laugh and wish we lived close so we could hang out. We would SO be friends!!
Very cool Kat. I love storms too, as long as I'm not worrying too much about our trees falling. Those pictures of you and Grace are adorable.
That was a fun meme to read! Your new short haircut is cute. Sounds like you had a good girls weekend with your Grace. Hope you're having a great day. : )
Totally agree about you and your husband with the car/van thing. We're eeking every last mile out of our 14 year old van; who wants to start again with car payments?
Great meme! Did enjoy learning more about you.
I love the sound of rain and storms too. It's one of my favorite sounds. I understand about the vehicle. After almost one year of being a one vehicle family we just broke down and bought a second vehicle. And also a second payment. Ah well. Nice to meet you.
Barbara @
I'm laughing about your dream! I have had some weird ones lately myself. I like the new hairdo!
Beautiful. :) Your dream cracked me up! Thunder storms are my favorite, the kids and I always run around turning everything off, including the lights, and then open up a window to really hear that thunder do it's thing! Or we run outside onto the deck and then dash back in screeching with excitement {even me}. :)
Somebody needs to smack me when she does this again....I keep forgetting and I love it!
I love your hair so I hope it's growing on Grace:)
Eating through Europe? Sounds amazing!
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