Todd came home from work early, we outfitted Ben in his brand new helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist pads, bundled up in warm clothes and headed out into the 35 degree weather to do a little biking. I stayed inside and watched from the window while I waited for Grace to wake up from her nap. Todd set Ben up on the bike held on to the back of the seat for a second and then Ben rode the rest of the way down the driveway by himself. The first try and he was up and running. Sure he forgot how to turn (or brake) and kept going straight into the ditch on the other side of the road, but he did it! I grabbed my camera and the video camera and rushed outside to capture the magic. He was a pro!
Ten minutes later the older boys came home from school. As they were dismounting the bus they saw Ben on his bike and ran screaming and clapping towards him as he biked to them. He was so happy for the accolades that he ran off the road into another ditch.
No matter. He got back on and tried again.
Up and down the street he rode. Each time he got a little better.
Soon Tommy and Joey were on their bikes too, showing him the art of how to get started peddling by himself and how to turn around the big cul de sac.
After one or two attempts Ben no longer needed Todd to start him off and he could do it all by himself. We were all overjoyed for him.
It is hard to be the youngest brother. Always watching the older boys do things you only dream of doing. Now Ben has one less obstacle standing in his way. Now he too can fly down the street with the big boys. We were outside for almost two hours yesterday watching Ben go back and forth, back and forth. Tommy and Joe tired of biking and played football and soccer, and still Ben continued to go up and down our street.
I was expecting today to be filled with more biking but even as I write the snow is coming down quickly in big, fat flakes outside. Go figure. The boys spend the entire winter begging for snow and now when they want warmer weather to ride bikes it snows. Isn't that always how it goes? Oh well. Seeing as how we haven't even had an inch of snow, cumulatively, all year here I don't think we can complain.
Besides, there will be plenty of time to bike this summer. And I can't wait.

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
Typical Wisconsin winter weather--jerking us around. It's so passive-aggressive.
Huzzah for Ben and mastering the 2 wheeler!
Yay! Great job Ben! Would Todd like to come teach Julianna? I think we've met our match. ;)
Awesome. :-D
Love the pics of the 3 of them riding together!!
He is doing to so well! I bet he loves riding with his brothers.
aww good for him. it's such a feeling of freedom, accomplishment and excitement when a little kid gets it.
Learning to ride a bicycle is truly one of life's biggest and best things ever, isn't it? I remember my first bike quite well and that was 60-61 years ago! It's a skill that never fails to provide many hours (and miles) of entertainment, for sure.
Oh, that is awesome! We are no where close to that! But, I think I got a bike that's a little too big!
But, we live on the corner of the busy neighborhood street, so we need to go further back to even really try it out.
Go Ben, go!
Go BEN! That is so great. I remember the feeling of seeing my oldest ride his two wheeler for the first time. We are now working with our youngest, just today we took the training wheels off.
Awesome! Being the youngest brother is hard... but it gives them the drive to do better!!! :)
I'm thinking the wheels are coming off this year for Banden and Ira. Banden is plenty old enough {6} but he is super cautious and not eager to get them off, Ira on the other hand will probably be riding his bike with out training wheels before Banden. He has the drive, my youngest boy. :) And then there's Atty, I have to talk him into riding his bike... He just isn't interested in that sort of thing. He's rather look for birds. :) Every one of my children is so extremely different it's wild!
I see the Tour de France in his future! What an awesome kid!
Yay!! I'm so happy for him & his new freedom - nothing like flying on a bike. Such a sweet post Kat.
Yay!! I'm sure he LOVES keeping up with his brothers!!
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