Ever since Todd and I started having children I've been taking family Packer pictures. Once we had a couple of kids Todd and I removed ourselves and now the pic is just the kids in their Packer gear, usually taken on the day of the first game of the season. Typically I blow the picture up and frame it in our living room. Looking back at all of the pictures just amazes me at how quickly life changes.
This year as I took the Packer pictures I couldn't help but look back at the past couple of years and compare how much my kiddos have changed and grown.

Kinda of crazy to see what a few years can do. And it makes me wistful. And melancholy. Oh, the days are so long but the years are so short.
In my quest to get a great Packer picture I decided to venture away from the typical "couch" photo of the last few years (seems I've always had a baby so it was difficult to do anything else) and take the kiddos down the road to the lake for a few shots. The weather was warm and windy and the waves were huge and beautiful.
This one is by far my favorite shot. I think it is my new kiddo Packer shot.
This one really makes me smile. I'll have to figure out some way to use it.
I love this shot because you can really see each individual personality come shining through. Love.
This one actually kind of chokes me up a bit.
This one makes me proud. Gracie is trying so hard to follow my directions and she did such a great job. And my boys were being so patient with me. Just made me proud of them.
And this one is just cute.
It is amazing what can happen in just one year. Or two. The changes. The growing. It is a reminder to me, to let the little things pass. To grasp what I can while I have it. Enjoy it. Relax a little. It goes quickly.
(I'll have you know that the kids were all rewarded, handsomely, with playing at the lake and a trip to a nearby park. Our little photo shoot didn't take very long because my kiddos know me well enough now to understand the the quicker they cooperate the sooner it will all be over and they can play. They are so smart.)
Those are great shots Kat, and what a wonderful idea. It's crazy to see how much they've grown!
You're right, there's a lot of different emotions in those pictures.
these are beautiful shots. and beautiful children. it's a cool idea you have started.....
Great pictures! I love her brothers holding Gracie's hands, SO sweet!
I LOVE the pictures from this year! What a fun idea to take a Packers picture every year. Doing something like that really drives home how fast the kids grow, doesn't it?
so cute!! Your kids are so big now! Did you watch the game last night?????
tiarasantrums- Oh yeah! We watched the game alright! Soooo good. A little too stressful though. I don't like them so close like that. Whew! ;)
Adorable photos! I always love pics from behind, too. I take one of Mr. D walking the boys to school each year on the first day--from behind. It shows how they grow next to their dad.
What a game! Go Pack!
So I had to comment on this one, too. Very cute group shots. And what a lake! Is it one of the Great Lakes?
I love all the shots!
Every single one of those pictures is adorable. Your kiddos did great posing for you!
I'm Cassie- Yep! It is Lake Michigan. LOVE it. :)
You got some great shots!!!
I'd collage them and make all of these photos your Christmas card...I know you can make collage cards at different stores like Walgreens. They are too cute to decide to use just one for anything! I think I'm going to have to steal this idea from you!
Oh my gosh, those pictures are awesome! And I can't say this enough - you're family is beautiful!
OK I know I haven't been around as often but these pics really sucked my breath away. FOR REALS? Your boys are getting that young man look and wow Gracie is a little girl. I knew you should have left a way to have more kids!!! Well heck yawl could adopt. Get a little Chinese baby or something. You have kids now Kat, as in youths! WOW, I just sprouted 50 new gray hairs...yep I did.
Beautimous, and good kid!s What is beautiful, and not well behaved becomes unattractive, you are a good mom.
fun set of pictures for sure. i think my favorite is the one where the boys all have their arms out. just looks like they are having so much fun.
They really are growing fast! Love the shots. Nicely done!
--> Insert requisite bitter Steelers fan comment here <--
I love these..and the fact that I've seen them all in their original posts, too!
Such beautiful photos. I love your tradition of Packer photos (even though I'm a Vikings fan).
I thought about you as I watched Packes/Saints game last week.
Oh I love, love, love these photos, just beautiful! :)
Your kidlets are all just so adorable. Such fine shots, Kat!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE comparison shots - the ones from 2009 on are awesome. And the rock one is great - all framers in my opinion!
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