The first week I was away was mostly because I was feeling blah and icky and down on myself. It must have been posting those pics of me in my swimming suit that did it. I just felt so yucky. I stopped running (thinking, what's the point?) and ate like a cow. I didn't feel much like doing anything but moping. Real mature, I know.
The second week I snapped myself out of it. I hung up some curtains I've been meaning to hang (and fell in love with using Todd's power tools). I started eating right and running again. And I soaked up as much sunshine as I could. It helped tremendously. My mood is much better now, thank goodness, and I was able to have some fun with the kiddos.
So, this is what we've been doing.
Of course, there was Easter. It looked like this:
Yesterday we had another hot day (84 degrees in Wisconsin in April is just completely bizarre, but I love it) and Grace got to have her first ever time on the swings. She loved it!
Today we are back to our normal 55 degree April weather so I am attempting to catch up on the laundry and cleaning that I've been putting off in favor of play. But while I fold and sort and match I will be dreaming of the perfect summer day that starts with breakfast on our back patio, over looking our lush GREEN lawn, continues on to a long day of swimming and happy children, and ends with a cookout, a bonfire, and carrying heavy, warm, sleepy children up to bed. Ahhhh.
What is your perfect summer day?
Way to go on turning things around! I hate that 'downward spiral of doom' as I call it. Doesn't sunshine make the biggest difference ever? It does for me!
Great photos! Thanks for posting one with Grace's toes...I think baby toes are adorable...and Grace looks like she's having fun on the swings.
Ok, you're going to be my inspiration...I'm stuck in "week 1" and need to get to "week 2." Running is on my list of things to do but apparently it's lower on my list than chocolate.
Oh man do I want summer something bad!! I started ripping up my front lawn to landscape and it really got me in the mood for warm summer days. Spending time at the river. Picnics, hikes, bike riding on (easy) trails, beach combing for cool rocks, eating our meals outside on the back porch, warm nights listening to the frogs, BBQs, get togethers at the park, Oh I could go on and on. I not quite sure why I live in the rainy NW because I LOVE the out doors and sunshiney days!! In fact I get down right nasty when I'm cooped up inside for to long...
What I'm not looking forward to though is my summer clothes that I can't fit into yet, not loosing the baby weight like last time. :( I guess lots of hikes are in order!
My prefect summer day would be biking riding to a new park to explore. Then an afternoon of swimming fun. The evening we would grill out and have a dinner outside. End the night with a fire pit and smores and maybe a sing along with hubby playing the guitar.
Our perfect summer days sound awfully similar! A lawn, a pool, a charcoal grill, laughing people all around.
Glad you're getting your groove back! Those kids look so happy and healthy.
congrats on returning to normal. I have been blahh lately to but have been keeping myself busy..Or trying to with little things.. but you described my perfect summer Saturday, Day.. We cant do much since I work in the evenings.. So it has a to be a weekend...
I love the pix of them all holding there easter Baskets.. That is cute because Grace looked swamped under hers...
that baby girl is growing up so FAST!! Is it flying by for you too? Just enjoy these days and those kids. Were here whenever you have the time and so glad you feel better. you look smashing, fab. Give me a break did you see what I look like? come on now the shape I am in is something to feel pathetic about, you are beautiful!
Oh my, I love summer to! I think you have already described so many of my favorite parts of summer. I'm also looking forward to shopping at the Farmer's market again and eating watermelon, cherries, and peaches!
Kelly- "Downward spiral of doom". That is perfect! That is exactly what it felt like. ;)
Mood Swing- I love baby toes too. :) And chocolate too.
Riahli- Oh yeah! I forgot that! We love picking rocks at the beach. So fun! And yes. Summer clothes. That is why I am picking up my workouts now. I'm not sure how much good it will do, but I have to try. ;)
Tonya- I LOVE sing alongs!
Green Girl- How awesome has this weather been? It must have given you the itch for summer too, right?
Tweetey- I know. Gracie looks so small compared to her basket. Hehe!
Karen- YES! Grace is growing way too fast. They all are. I just can't believe it. :(
I swear I feel like I am looking at a stranger when I see a picture of myself. It does not feel like me. And I think that is what bothers me most. I just don't feel like myself. Ya know? Oh well. I'll get there eventually.
Dawn- The boys and I were just talking about the farmers market. We are so excited! Yeah summer!!! :)
Getting in a funk is the pits...or, in the {much more poetic} words of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, feeling "out of grace". {I seem to pick up and read "A Gift From the Sea" about this time every year. A great read for women!} Hope you're feeling 100% soon.
Your summer day sounds perfect...add bare feet and pink freckled cheeks and we'll be there*!*
Glad you're back : )
so glad you've been able to enjoy some fun in the sun to shake off the blahs. i have to say i always loved pushing my wee ones in the swings.
my perfect summer day? i think it would have to be with my family at my stepmother's cottage on the river in maryland. sleep late, then have a laid back morning before spending the afternoon and evening on the beach. come home, clean up, have some dinner, and stay up late in the night either talking or playing scrabble.
Glad to hear from you and that you are out of your "funk"! I hear you on that for sure...
Happy belated Easter too!
Love that shot of Miss Grace in the swing - that smile is too precious!
Yay! Way to pull out of the fog! Happy to hear y'all had some great times in the past two weeks. Love all the pics. You have such a beautiful family! Hope y'all have a great weekend!
I love everything about summer. Really I love spring & fall too - just HATE winter :)
Looks like you've been having lots of fun with the kiddos. Hooray for nice weather!!!
I was missing you! Love the pictures.
A perfect summer day for me would be spent at St Augustine beach, with a long walk afterward down St George's street eating ice cream.
I love how Grace looks like she's trying to swipe something from her brother's basket!
Glad you're back and out of your funk! ;) Warm, sunshiney weather does that to me too!
I've been moping lately and have found a running schedule that works for me. Any tips you can give?
I can't wait for summer to get here either. I'm ready to lose this baby weight and jump in the pool!
Ahhh, looks like Easter was wonderful! And I'm sorry-- feeling NO sympathy for you after you post that picture. What are you, a size 3? ;-)
You're an awesome Mom Kat. Tell that to the icky self when she starts saying, "Running, what's the point?"
I just love the Easter pictures...and sweet Grace in her swing!
We know you are the updates when you get a chance.
Glad to here you are feeling better! I just got on the scale for the first time in several weeks and saw that I gained 5 pounds. So, I;m eating better, too. You can do it!
Jeri- Ha! A size three. You're funny. The picture is deceptive. If you have any doubt please refer to my prior post of me in a swim suit. EGAD!!!!
Stephanie- I don't really have a running schedule either. It is too hard to try and schedule time with little ones. Basically, if I am able to get the kids down for a nap at the same time I run then. Otherwise I have to wait to squeeze sometime when Todd is home from work. Good luck! And please don't be too hard on yourself. You JUST had your baby. I had mine over 8 months ago. :)
Great photos! Thanks for posting one with Grace's toes
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