Hosted by Cecily and She's a moron and can't remember...
I know that Todd looks at this picture and sees his future hunting buddies,

but all I can think of is these three boys answering the door when Gracie's dates comes a calling.
"So, you want to take Grace on a date, do ya?"
I love it! They'll have 'em on the run;)
Too funny.. baby sister's boyfriends are going to have a hard time of it.
Perfect. I always wanted older brothers like that.
that is hilarious! yeah for them!!!
That's awesome. Very, very funny.
I can just hear her now..."But MOOOOM, no other of the boys will ask me out with me now!" LOL
Preparing for future! :)
classic! i bet they'll look after her just fine!
That's why God created older brothers.
tee hee...priceless.
happy PSF!
Oh golly geez, the boys never have a chance withe Miss Grace, do they?
(honestly though, being the baby in the same situation, with three older brothers, they'll just make fun of all her boyfriends until she's SERIOUS about one of them...) : )
Poor Gracie! lol
Picturing it now...awesome! :)
I love it! More than once have I been thankful that Melody is right between two brothers for protection. And then I realize that it's their friends who are going want to date her! :)
I see hunting buddies for dad, but very cute either way. It’s such a treat playing this meme with you every week. I have a little something for you today.
Ha! They'll scare away even the most desperate amour!
heh heh heh
Future protectors! Future hunters!
Yeah for big brothers!
LOL! You are so right. I can only imagine this same photo in 10 years :)
You have the cutest kids every Kat.. I love seeing them all.. I miss the baby stage but no more for me..
That is awesome.
Poor Grace!
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They are going to be the ultimate sister protectors!
Awe!!!! That is probably so true! Super cute pic!
this pic cracks me up! (and makes me hope my next little one is a boy). too perfect!
that is the best! I feel for my girls having a officer for a father and two brothers ;)
I definitely like your thoughts on the picture better than just "hunting buddies"!! LOL!!!
hee, hee!!!
hahaha....congrats on potw mention..
Boy, talk about a shotgun wedding... tee hee!
Congrats on POTW mention.
So that's what I missed by having younger brothers rather than older...
CONGRATS on POTW from Hilary!
So adorable! Grace is a lucky little girl! Congrats on POTW!
ha. that is awesome. i would be scared. smiles.
congrats on the POTW!
I don't know how my boys would have chosen their future careers wihtout Faith. It has come down to a single motivation, "What would be the MOST intimidating to a potential suitor!".
So far we have,
body builder-pro-wrestler
You get the idea...
It will have to be some great guy to get past that trio.
Lovely post and pics. Congrats on POTW
That's really funny. Thanks for sharing and congrats on POTW.
Gracie is going to be SINGLE!
Adorable (AND FIERCE) little guys!
OMG That's freakin' hillarious!!! It's been a while since I've visited been having computer troubles. Your daughter is beautiful!!!
i think you and todd are both right ;)
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