Okay, I think you have all waited long enough. I finally have some pictures of our new house for you. Mind you, we don't have any pictures hung or any window treatments, but other than that I think it is pretty much done.
Before you view these pictures I suggest you go back and look at
this post so you can fully appreciate how HIDEOUS the house was before. :)
This is the outside of the house. It used to be all white with white brick. We hated that. We also added gables over the front left windows and the garage to make it more visually appealing. We have our landscaping done except for the grass. I'm not sure we will be able to fit that in this year since it has gotten so cold so fast. Grrr. But at least the boys have this huge brand new driveway to play in (if it ever stops raining). Yeah!

You walk in the front door and this is the view. Remember the heinous crystal chandelier? Yeah, that wasn't our style. We took that down, painted the iron railing and tore off all the nasty wallpaper. It makes a huge difference. This chandelier is also on a dimmer switch and makes for such beautiful mood lighting when you walk in at night. Ooooo.

This is my kitchen. I LOVE IT. I am so happy about it I could cry. It is huge. And we have a kitchen table! That is so exciting for us I can't even tell you. It is so nice to eat dinner (and breakfast and lunch too) around the kitchen table every night. This view is from the living room looking into the kitchen. You can't see from this view but on the other side of the fridge there are three huge pantry doors. Oh how I love my storage. Also, the patio doors are just out of view on the right hand side.

Now we are looking at the living room from the kitchen. I realize now that I should have adjusted the light on this pic a bit because the light washes out the color of the room. It is a real mellow yellow throughout the kitchen and living room. It makes everything so warm and cozy. Remember the ugly wall of stone where the fireplace is? We riped that crazy stuff out and also knocked down a wall to the right of the room to make it all bigger. It worked great! It isn't the largest living room around (plus we have a massive family room down in the basement for the boys to spread out in) but I actually prefer the cozy feel. I love this room.
The door on the right side of the room takes you to my laundry room, a half bath (which I didn't get a picture of because while I love the tile we chose the rooms really aren't that exciting) and the garage.

This is our dining room. It is massive. I don't even have furniture to fill up the room. Eventually we will get a buffet table or something but for now this will do. The chandelier here matches the one in the hallway (which is where I was standing to take this pic).

Here is my beloved library. There is a lovely, large window to the right just out of frame with a lovely seat next to it. I couldn't get it all in the frame and didn't want to upload too many pics cause Blogger is so slow. I love this room!
That concludes the tour of the first floor. I will take you upstairs to the bedrooms (I have a PINK one now!) and bathrooms later this week.
So, what do you think so far? I am definitely loving it.
The house looks great! I love how open the kitchen is and that chandelier is beautiful!
Amazing! What a transformation! Looks like all that hard work was worth it.
Oh Kat, it is absolutely gorgeous. I can't believe how much you've done and unpacked with a new baby and three little boys running around!
I can not even imagine having so much space! You've done an amazing job. Enjoy.
Ohhh my word! It has changed SO much!!!! :) You did a great job! It's beautiful!
Gorgeous! (I am sooo jealous of your library.) Y'all did a great job and I'm glad you're finally able to enjoy it.
OOOH OOOH! I love it, and one can see how much work you have put into it. Another Superwoman.
I love home tours! Wow.... the house is almost unrecognizable from how your purchased it. Kudos on the decorating. It looks awesome.
A huge kitchen AND a library!? I am officially jealous.
Wow what a great look. It's so improved colour-wise, style-wise and space-wise. You are very-wise. ;)
WOW! It's lovely!
VERY nice.
I love it, and I plan to move in with you if I ever need to run away. It looks very relaxing.
oh my goodness...SOOOO LOVE IT!!!! Every room is fabulous and I can totally see why you love the kitchen and library so much. Cant' wait to see the rest!
Your house is awesome! I love, love, love the kitchen!
Beautiful! I love your color choices, and the flooring, it all looks so cozy. So glad you guys (and gals) are settling in. :)
Wow..the kitchen, the dining room..the LIBRARY!!! I love it all. Your hard work has really paid off!
Beautiful! Your entry light is soooo cool. And your colors are awesome. I'm so pleased for you, Kat!
It's beautiful! You have such great taste.
ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!! your miracle workers and with a new baby! How did you get so much done? It's like a magazine and everything is so tastefully done, love it!! I am soooo happy for you!
Can't wait to see the rest!
Love the looks of the house. Hope you enjoy it too. I know your boys will this spring and winter when they have a back yard to make many many snow forts in. Grace will be out there with them before you know it.
I'm loving it too! It's absolutely gorgeous.
Oh! Wow! That is beautiful. I love, love, love those shelves! I'm a total shelf person! :)
Looking awesome girl! Can't wait to see the rest!
It's fabulous! You must be so excited to be settling into your new home. And the outside is spectacular! What a transformation!!
Can't wait to see baby's PINK room! : )
It looks beautiful!!! Congrats to YOU! And I love the paint color in the dining room!!!
BRAVO!!! That was quite a makeover! Simply elegant.
I still can't believe you did it all with all those kiddles in tow (and a newborn, at that). You're amazing. : D
Beautiful! Loved the whole tour but especially was in awe of the kitchen! My kind of layout there! Even though I had my kitchen done 21 years ago now, and it isn't small in dimension, it is still small because of the layout and still don't have near enough in the way of cupboard space. But then again, when do we EVER have enough of that? Looking forward to seeing the upstairs now too -especially the pink!
I have 3 words for you ... A- May - Zing!
Simply fabulous. Love it - can't believe the transformation.
I had to go back and check out the before photos again... Wow.
Can't wait to see the upstairs. :)
Wow! The house has really come a long way. I just love the layout and how open it is. Just lovely.
Can't wait to see more!
Stunning, just stunning. You've done a brilliant job.
I have to admit I'm a tad envious... we've been in our brand new home for almost two years and we're not as 'finished' as yours is yet! Slackers, we are, slackers!
I LOVE it!! The kitchen IS awesome, and everything looks so beautiful. :-) And man oh man, that dining room!!!
Oh and the orange pumpkin candle holder in your kitchen on a shelf? I have the same one. LOL
I am definitely LOVING IT too!! I love your kitchen back splash, the lights in the entry way and dining room! And all the paint colors!!!
What a difference you all have made! All the while delivering a baby and moving, you might be my new hero!
Looks fabulous Kat!!
WOW!!!!!!! When can I move in????
Oh my gosh - it's beautiful!!!
Do you want to renovate our house next?!?
What an amazing house!
wow, it came out great! that library is just so fantastic. yeah i'd love to have me a library.
Gorgeous! You guys are truly, truly blessed :)
There is a whole lot of lovely going on here. I know that this makes you all sorts of happy . . .
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