Now that the craziness of last week is finally over with I thought it was about time to deal with the matter at hand. You have been ready for a while, my boy. I know you have. You picked out your
unders, your special seat, and your yummy treats. And then you waited patiently for mama to tell you it was time. We waited for you to get used to your big boy bed. We waited for school to finish. We waited for our house to sell. We waited to start the construction on our new house. And now that all of that is under way we will wait no more.
On the potty you go, my man!

You were so excited to try it. And so proud of yourself.

And then, of course, the fear set in. You were not so happy anymore. Just like your brothers, you took to peeing into the potty like a champ, but were terrified of sitting and pooing. If only I could reassure you of how much you will someday love to sit on the potty with a magazine. It seems to be some people's favorite
pasttime. You can ask your daddy.
But you just didn't like it.

Your brothers even tried to entertain you with a few fancy dance moves to the tune of Boom Boom Pow. But it didn't help.

You just didn't want any part of it. You wanted off!

So, knowing for sure that you really did have to go, mommy turned into a big
meany and told you that you couldn't come off the pot until there was something in the toilet. And we sat. And sat. And sat.

And FINALLY! You did it! Sure you screamed and cried through the whole thing, but you did it! And then later that night you did it again! This time with far less screaming and crying and sitting.

AND, for the second night in a row, even though you had a
pullup on you were dry the whole night. SUCH a big boy.

Quite an accomplishment, my man! Way to go! I'm so proud of you!
(And don't worry. I edited out any photo that may have shown a little too much. Everything is hidden in the pictures and the only thing that you may see is the toliet paper that we stuff between his legs to keep him from peeing on himself. So, no need to worry about any pervs out there.)
Well done!
I think I'm going to wait a few more months until Boo is 2 1/2 to see if I can push the issue...
Congratulations!!! What a great accomplishment. He's going to kill you for those photos someday though. ;-)
Congratulations! I'm envious of your bathroom--it looks HUGE!
Yeah!!!! What an accomplishment! My son has no problem w/ number 1 and fought number 2 tooth and nail! I'm almost scared to try with Melody for fear of the same thing. You've given me courage though so I might just have a go at it!!
Please come help Izzy. She still makes me drag her to the bathroom, but insists on wearing panties. I don't know what to do. We encourage, we high five and still pee on the floor!
Hooray, little guy!!!! What a big boy accomplishment!
Yay, isn't it awesome when you can say bye-bye to diapers (or pull ups)! His proud little face is so cute. :)
What a big boy!!! That's awesome news!
Wow! Congrats to your big boy!
That said, what are you thinking lady!! ;) ;) (lol! just kidding! really!) Moving and 7 month pregnant and you are potty training. Hats off to you. There is no way I could handle that.
We will beginning the process soon with the twins. Two at a time, potty time---yikes.
Good for your little guy!!!
Whoo hoo!
That's a really nice bathroom, by the way. And I love how the brothers were encouraging him:)
Yea!!! What an accomplishment and I LOVE that you documented it for your blog-- you are just so awesome :-)
I was remembering my boys and how we'd sit and sit and sit (and I'd read to them while they sat). Poor Miss Ky is always told, "Hurry, we have to go!" :-(
Fun, fun post Kat, and congrats to big boy Benjamin!
ah... be sure to pull up this blog post for his first girlfriend. ;)
What a man!
Great job buddy!
Way to go, Ben!!
That is awesome. I have not even tried with Lucky. He is going to be a tough one. He is so stubborn. :(
What a great accomplishment. Good job Ben:)
Way to go! I love your picture story and a little Boom Boom Pow!
Maybe he could talk to my youngest, who quite loves sitting on the potty, but has yet to actually DO anything while sitting on it.
total cuteness. Do not bring these pictures to this boys wedding! Or his high school graduation either, but for right now he is just adorable.Like the family dancing around in the bathroom together thing, very cozy.
Are you getting excited? about the baby getting closer to being here?
Way to go big guy!!!!
Whoo hoo! May you have many more dry nights!
I love how his brothers tried to entertain him, that's so fun!
Glad you both stuck it out and WAY TO GO big boy! : )
Look at that grin! How adorable. I love the pic of the boys dancing and I LOVE that song! Congrats to him.
Wooohoo!! Hey, I have a 3 year old niece that is adamant that the toilet is NOT for her. Feel like training another one?
Sounds like you're off to the right start! YAY!! I was cracking up at the boys dancing to Boom Boom Pow, too funny!
Oh happy day!!!
You are a very busy lady! I can't wait for the posts that include a little girl.
You make potty training fun to read about. That kidlet of yours is just adorable. And I love your anti-perv disclaimer. ;)
With my own kids, my girls were pretty much a breeze with the potty training. My son -not so much so! There were times when their Dad told me I best stock up on pampers cause I might be needing them for the boy to wear to school. He was a month shy of 3 years before he finally got the hang of using the potty but after that, he never had an accident during the day and only one time, did he wet the bed and that was because he was sick, feverish and really, was hallucinating. Now, with the grandkids here, Kurtis was 3 in April and we haven't even started with him. Maya was four before she got the hang of peeing in the potty. She will be six in October, going to kindergarten this fall and still has issues with poo in the potty. A very iffy situation there,. She has a tendency to withhold the b.m.'s and then, has problems, often with them being so large that they plug up the commode! But, we'll get there! Not sure when, exactly, but someday. And it looks like with your little guy, you are well on the road to having him be fine with it all!
Yay! That's awesome, and he looks so proud!
Also, I love how big the bathroom is and those colors. Also, too, nobody ever entertains me while I'm in the bathroom. Now I know to request dancers.
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