Monday, April 7, 2008

My Weekend In Pictures

It was a fabulous weekend. The weather cooperated and we were able to enjoy the weekend to the fullest.
On Friday afternoon after the boys got up from their naps we all went outside to soak up the sunshine and get some exercise. It was so cute to watch Ben's reaction to the grass. I set him down on it and he stood in the same spot, squealing and laughing, but not moving, for about 15 minutes. I don't know if it was the fact that the ground was uneven, or if he just wasn't sure what to make of the grass, but he would not move. I kept offering him my hand, and he would grab it, but keep his feet firmly planted. After some time I touched the grass with my hand and he followed suit. He would bend down, pick up the grass, show me, and laugh and laugh, but he wouldn't walk. It was so funny! I couldn't believe this active little kid was just standing in the same spot for such a long time. I ended up sitting on the grass with him for the remainder of our time outside, and then right before we went inside he started walking on the grass. So cute.

We also decided to take the training wheels off of Joey's bicycle. And he got on! Sure he cried and he was nervous (that's my Joey), but he got on! I thought he was going to have those training wheels on until he started asking for the car keys.
He seemed to do pretty well, and got the hang of it, but got off after a couple trips up and down the street. I was so proud of him for giving it a try.
I guess he thought it was time to play in the dirt again. Tommy would do the digging and Joey would take the cement roller and smooth it out. What a team! I must remember to put up a little fence there when I plant my flowers.
Then on Saturday I went with the in-law ladies for our overnight getaway. This is just one of the three adjoining rooms that we stayed in. It was fabulous! There was also a parlor room with a bar, three bathrooms for four ladies, and we each got our own bed. So nice!
We went shopping all day long (and I didn't buy ONE THING!?!), relaxed at the hotel for a while, and then headed out for the evening. We ate at one of my all-time favorite restaurants, stopped at a couple of bars, and then saw a great comedy show. We had a blast. When we got back to our rooms this was waiting for us.
Only after we were in our pajamas stuffing our faces did I realize I didn't get any pics of us all dressed up and spiffy. Doggone it! I hate it when I do that! Well, we looked good. Take my word for it.
On Sunday we got up, relaxed a bit, took long showers, and got dressed. We ate a big, delicious breakfast and headed out for more shopping. I still didn't find a nice spring jacket to buy, but I did manage to get two really cute purses. Here is one of them...

By the time we got back home on Sunday afternoon I was exhausted. I remember when I was younger I would go out, have some drinks, go dancing, stay out until 3 A.M., get up for work the next morning and be fine. Now I go out for a night, have half the amount of drinks I used to, go to bed a couple hours earlier and still need a couple of days to recover. I'm still tired! Sheesh! I guess I'm just getting old. Or, maybe I'm out of practice. Yes! That's it! Out of practice!

Anyway, it was a fabulous weekend. Todd did a great job holding down the fort for me. The boys had a blast having daddy all to themselves. They played outside all weekend and did "manly" things like taking trips to the hardware store. They loved it. I was afraid they were going to be disappointed that I was home so soon but they were very sweet. Joey said, "Where were you all this time, mumma?" and Tommy said, "I'm so glad you're here with us, mum." Little Ben kept sitting on my lap all night. It was very sweet. And, truthfully, I missed them. I wanted to hug and kiss and cuddle them all night.

Sometimes the best part of a relaxing getaway weekend is coming back home and remembering how much you love your life.


Lisa said...

So glad you had a great weekend! I love being missed when I'm gone too!!!

the dragonfly said...

Hooray for a good weekend!! :)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a great time with the gals!

I'm glad the ground has thawed and you are able to enjoy a bit of sunshine!

Laura said...

How brilliantly perfect! Thanks for sharing - I am jealous!!!!


Looks like you had fun! Everyone
needs a break once in a while to
rest up and refuel for the next
round of family life! If the purse
is pink, Ally, would likey - luv
it! When I win the lottery, I am getting me a JUICY handbag.

Momisodes said...

Wow! What an exciting weekend! No training wheels is huge :) Sounds like a fantastic weekend to relax, recharge and remember how special your loved ones are :) Oh, and I LOVE the that purse!!!

dawn klinge said...

I loved reading about your wonderful weekend. I'm glad you had a good time.

Beck said...

What a great weekend - and having everyone happy to see you home again is lovely, too.

imbeingheldhostage said...

Oh thank you for sharing your weekend with us! Those of us who stayed home (oh, was I the only one?) would LOVE the chance to get away to appreciate our lives, and with this post, I kinda felt like I did. Great purse btw, and Congrats to Joey! I missed you too ;-)

María said...

Cute bag!!

just jamie said...

Feeling ever so jealous at the moment. Happy for your sweet pleasures.

david mcmahon said...

Yes, we all have our training wheels on sometimes, even as adults!

I particularly enjoyed the last sentence ....

Kellan said...

Cute pictures of your darling boys. What a great weekend you all had and your getaway, WOW!!! I'm glad you had a good weekend - see you soon - Kellan

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Ah, what a blast. Isn't it funny how the best of vacations makes you love home even more? Tis why each and every Mom needs some fresh scenery now and then.

Love the bag and the bike WITHOUT training wheels!

Anonymous said...

Aw, excellent post. So glad you had some wonderful girl time away, but even better that you were glad to be back to people who were glad to have you back. Doesn't get much better than that. I'm feeling all heart warmed and whatnot.

Chrissy said...

What a wonderful weekend! It's always good to be away, and then good to be welcomed back again. Glad you had fun.

Ashley said...

Glad you're back! We missed you!

Kelly said...

So glad you had a wonderful weekend!! It is always nice to come home though and be missed!!

Kelly said...

So glad you had a wonderful weekend!! It is always nice to come home though and be missed!!

Melissa said...

well at least someone has some good weather this weekend! Glad to see you guys had some fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had a great time with your MIL. And, how sweet baby Ben was so taken with grass. Has it been that long since you've seen it?!

Kristen said...

What a great summary of your weekend.

Glad to hear that both you and the boys had a special time.

I LOVED what you wrote at the end with coming back to the family. It sure is nice to be the one the kiddos are so excited about every once in awhile don't you think?

Unknown said...

Gosh, you had a fun-filled weekend didn't ya?

Little Ben is so cute just standing there on the grass!

Cute purse - glad you finally bought something! ; )

And yes, it is nice to get away, but ever nicer to come home...

Brittany said...

Sounds like a blast!!!! :) I am so glad you were able to get away and relax!

The purse is SUPER cute! :) I am a purse fanatic, myself, so I appreciate a cute purse!

CC said...

so jealous am i!!!

painted maypole said...

sounds great, and how fabulous that you get along so well with your inlaws! :)

Casdok said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and great photos!

ConverseMomma said...

This reminded me of when Jackie first saw grass. I have this beautiful picture of him picking a dandelion. He was so in awe over grass. It's amazing to be young.

Cath said...

Yes it is great to recharge your batteries isn't it? And always great to come home. Especially to a welcome like that. Glad you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great recharge. I heard recently that 'it is impossible to draw from an empty well' and that spouses and specifically mothers need to make time for themselves pursuing hobbies and activities and taking time away for themselves to be recharged and basically keep sane. It's never easy to plan stuff like this, but it's always reward for everyone involved. Good for you!

Amy said...

I definitely think those little getaways make us appreciate our lives so much more!

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson