This is the one and only picture I was able to snap of Maya Angelou on Saturday night. I didn't want to take pictures while she was talking and when she was done she got up so quickly and my silly camera takes forever to take another shot so I could only get one picture. This is the only photo and unfortunately it has those little light blobs on it. At least you get to see how close I was to her. I did not zoom in on this picture at all. I was in the front row just a few feet away from her. So often when she spoke she was looking right at me as I smiled and nodded my head. It was just amazing to have one of my idols speaking right to me and smiling back.
It was an incredible night. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to listen to this wise woman speak. I kept thinking how I was listening to a living legend and it was just overwhelming at times. She was not only inspiring, and captivating, she was hilarious as well. It was a fabulous speech.
Her topic for the evening was hope. How appropriate was that? It was just perfect for my mom, my sister and me. Ms. Angelou spoke of being a rainbow in the clouds. How so many people in her life had been the rainbow in her clouds, and how we may do the same for others. She reminded us that we are all able to inspire and transcend. It was so moving. It was one of those moments that makes you want to be better. Do better. Be an example.
It was an
unforgettable night.

Tomorrow I'm going to post the story of how the hubby and I met in participation with a meme
sponsored by
Rebecca. I love the "How we met" stories and if any of you would like to participate then stop by
Rebecca's and sign in the mister
linky. I would love to hear your own stories.
How cool is that! A living legend indeed!
Yay, Kathryn! Looking forward to seeing you! :)
WOW! It sure sounds like a night you'll never forget!
I'm inspired just looking at her. I can't explain it, but Maya Angelou makes me want to just go and do and be something really creative and wonderful and good. That you were that close to her is just 80 kinds of awesome!
Wonderful! WOW!
What a great experience, I am really happy for you and your mom (and sister)!
Thanks for the linky on the How you met meme. I'm in--but it will have to come a little later-- I JUST got the boxes for my move that begins Wednesday... (:-{
oh i am so glad to hear it was such a good night for you. getting to hear a woman you respect so deeply and her sharing a message that is so timely for you, well, it seems like maybe a little hug from heaven. i'm delighted you were able to have that.
Hey Kathryn,
Send me the original. I'll see if I can get rid of the light blobby thingies for you.
mamadbs @ gmail . com
She came to our school when I was a little girl. At the time I didn't know who she was or how important, but the name always stuck with me. Now I am in awe.
That is so very cool that you were able to hear Maya Angelou in person. Way cool.
ms. angelou is inspiring, indeed. how lucky you got to hear her!
Oh Kathryn! I am so glad that you got to go see her. It sounds like it the was perfect thing for your soul!
Glad to hear that you, your mom, and your sister got a night to be recharged!
And can't wait to hear the how we met story. I love those! :)
I'm so happy that you got to go and see this wonderful lady. It sounds like it was just what you needed.
How awesome! I have a cookbook/autiobiography of hers that has a lot of her favorite recipes in it and stories of her life. It is so cool. She is an amazing woman!
What a wonderful "once in a lifetime" kind of experience. How wonderful that you were able to go with your sister and Mother. A night you will surely never forget!
Way neat, I have seen her on Oprah and she is inspiring to say the least!
Thanks for stopping by last week, I am WAY behind on my blogging:-)
I'm glad you had a good time! It sounds amazing.
I just love her cadence when she speaks. Can you imagine yourself talking like that?
Glad you guys got to have that experience.
A living legend indeed! Wonderful that you and your family were able to have this nice experience together.
How beautiful is she? Wow! I read her poem "Alone" last night at our poetry reading. What a talented poet she is...Peace - D
That's incredible that you got to meet her and listen to her speak! I wish I could have been there!
Can you believe I'm finally looking at this picture? It's awesome! Despite little light blobs that I didn't notice at first. What an incredible night - and your seats!!!!
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