We are back home. Safe and sound. No airplane crashes. No untimely deaths. No horrid accidents. Whew!
The vacation started out all wrong and struggled from there. First, after traveling for 12 hours (and I didn't have the chance to eat once) the resort told us that they had our reservation but did not have our room. They were overbooked. I felt like we were in an episode of Seinfeld. They managed to down grade us to a room that was not great. The shower had no hot (or even warm) water and it was right by a very busy road with massive trucks running by all night long. And for a good long portion of time there was no electricity either.
The next day we were transferred to our reserved room which was better (it had hot water), but it seemed to be one thing after the next on our little getaway. After a while all we could do was look at each other and laugh. We decided to just sit on the beach and drink for the majority of the time and try not to think about anything else.
It was an absolutely gorgeous beach. The sand was white and soft and the water was beautiful. I sat and read my book on a beach chair, and then when we'd had enough sun (and were burnt kind of crispy) we went back to our room and I read some more on the hammock.
Things we learned on our vacation:- My once-upon-a-time love for flying has disappeared with motherhood. I have turned into a bad flier. Upon takeoffs I begin to hysterically laugh until I cry.
- I am obsessed with hammocks. I really should get one.
- Todd's ankles can become purple and swollen with sunburn even though the rest of his body is fine.
- Jamaica is just not for us. No need for a second trip to make sure.
- Todd and I can have fun together no matter what the circumstances.
- There is no place like home. After three short days we were ready to get back to our wonderful kiddies.
I am so proud of how our kids behaved with the grandmas. They were so helpful and listened so well. The boys even remembered it was garbage day, told grandma they'd take care of it, and quickly bundled up the garbage and recyclables and dragged them out to the end of the driveway before the garbage truck arrived. And when the satellite got messed up and the tv went fuzzy the boys figured out how to fix it. Twice! They all kept their rooms clean and put their toys away. There was no fighting and very little need for discipline from the grandmas.
It felt like a month since I'd seen them and they all looked bigger to me after just three days apart. We'd brought them t-shirts and little sea turtle snow globes that they were just thrilled about but they kept telling us that their real gift was just having us back. Aww. Little darlings.
I guess sometimes the best part of a vacation is coming back home.

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli