Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
Normally by this time in March I am so depressed from a long, cold, snowy winter that I am overdosing on my vitamin D supplements and booking appointments at tanning salons for a little extra light. Not so this year. This winter has been the mildest winter ever. The temperatures hung around the 40's and 50's and there was no snow to speak of. This winter we rode bikes instead of building snow forts.
All the dreadful things about a long winter vanished. I only had to bundle all four kids up in snowpants, boots, mittens, gloves, and hats a few times instead of every time we went outside. I didn't have to go through the disgusting act of watching melting snow expose dozens of old, nasty dog poop piles. I didn't have to shovel or break out the snow blower (because we bought a new one this year). In short, we've been spoiled. I loved it.
Then came March. A few days into March the temperatures dipped. Last week we got our first real snowfall of the season with about six inches of packy snow dumped on us. The kids were thrilled. Me, not so much. But, I couldn't complain because it was still a pretty perfect winter and spring was almost here.
The last few days the temperatures have been up again and yesterday was a balmy 62 degrees. The last of the snow melted and we were well on our way to an early spring. When I was at the grocery store this week I just couldn't pass up a pretty bunch of tulips. Nothing says spring like tulips.
Then, this morning I woke up to snow on the grass. It immediately made me grumpy. Silly to be grumpy since it was just a dusting and will probably melt today anyway. Plus, starting tomorrow the temperatures climb back up and all next week we are supposed to be close to 60 again.
To top it all off I saw a robin today. A very lucky sign. Forget the snow, my mood was recovered. I spent the rest of my morning in front of my bird feeders watching sparrows, mourning doves, cardinals and finches in their winter colors, and chickadees vie for food.
It was a good morning. And a good winter.
I just bought tulips yesterday! I do that every year about this time. Daffodils are my favorite, but we don't have those in stores yet. We have lots in the yard, but the frozen rain yesterday probably killed them. Still, hooray for spring!
It sure was an easy winter. I saw my first robin today, too! Dare I wash the snowpants?
Agreed! It's spring here too! We just skipped winter.
We have the robins too...they bring so much joy this time of year.
I can't remember a winter that came and went and left as small an imprint on this area as this year's winter passing did! Normally, in January and February we have days where the temps dip down to below zero and with wind chill factors then go even lower but none of that this year. Snowfall was light and I didn't mind what snow we did get that way. (You know, you can get too much of a "good" thing too!) Trust me though, I'm sure not complaining that it has been this mild. Not. One. Bit!
Love the tulips. That last shot is great.
We've had a lovely winter as well. It's been so mild and perfect, but I get grumpy when there's the least little sign of "real winter". It will be especially hard if it decides to come at this point. :)
Pretty tulips. And I saw a bluebird in the yard the other day; I think Spring might be here early.
Our winter has been good, too. We've only had 4 snow days! The past few years we've averaged over 20. Now that I've said that, I hope we don't get a lot of snow in April. I'm really looking forward to the kids getting out of school in mid-May instead of mid-June.
Look at all those pretty birds!
Glad you had a good winter. It has definitely been the mildest in my memory. Even for the South!
Love tulips too and what a great shot of all of those birds!
Saw your nice comment over at Lime's place. Thanks! If you're ever in the area, feel free to say "Hi" (or whatever else occurs to you, although that's usually a good opener.)
I know what you mean about this winter. Here in Boston, it has been the most amazing non-snowy winter in history. We've had, I believe, 10 inches total (the average by this time in the season is something like 45.) I'll take it, thanks.
How I love tulips! And so grateful for our mild winter too - seriously grateful. When we had a freak snow storm on Halloween, I was anticipating the worst, but it's only snowed twice since. Awesome. So excited for the Daylight Savings time switch and lots more sunshine!
p.s. I sent you a blog invite awhile back - hoping you got it!
great pics! Love the tulips. I think I will have to get me some this weekend. We kinda skipped winter too, here in Arkansas. That's ok, for I hate winter. I am so ready for Spring and Summer!
great pics! Love the tulips. I think I will have to get me some this weekend. We kinda skipped winter too, here in Arkansas. That's ok, for I hate winter. I am so ready for Spring and Summer!
it has been a beautiful winter. cant complain one bit..i need to get a few more bird feeders and see what we can get out there. the only thing though is the squirrels love climbing my one bird feeder we have..
Love this! My tulips and hyacinths are starting to pop up like crazy! I'm super pumped, since this is my first time planting seeds and waiting for them to grow :)
it was a VERY mild winter here too. it seems spring has finally arrived but i won't be shocked if we get a nasty surprise before month is out.
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