Todd has had off since Wednesday and until Monday of next week. The poor guy so looks forward to his vacation time, dreaming of relaxing and chilling out, but inevitably we always try and cram as much into every day as we possibly can. It is fun, but also not very relaxing. Still we have all been having a pretty good time soaking up summer.
The other day the boys asked me what an ice cream cone was. I felt like a horrible parent. That day I ran out to the store and got ice cream and cones. They all decided that they LOVED ice cream cones.

Especially ice cream cones eaten outside by the fire!

They like doing anything and everything outside. Even eating their cereal outside (in their underwear).

Todd and I love being outside too. And when the kids go to bed we have our own fun outside. I'm sure the kids suspected we would be having fun outside without them because they had a hard time making it up to bed. They had "dragging feet syndrome". Alas, we got them off to bed.
Ahhhh. This is living.

But don't worry, the kids got time around the fire too. Plenty of roasting marshmallows until all the bellies were bloated and full.

After a full day of swimming the boys even got to sleep outside in a tent for the first time. It was very exciting. I was a bit jealous that I didn't get to sleep outside with them (I had to stay inside in the off chance that Grace would wake up at night) but after hearing that Todd only got about 2 hours of sleep (because of firecrackers going off and birds waking them up at 4 a.m.) I wasn't jealous anymore.

Lack of sleep and all we still made it to the parade.

And the fireworks too. It was a long day.

Towards the end the boys kept asking when the fireworks would be over so that they could go to bed. Poor
Today we are off to the zoo. There is no rest for the weary.
Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July and are soaking up as much of summer as you can!