Today was Grace's two week check up at the doctor's office. I knew she was doing well, but to hear that she has already gained over a pound and a half since she left the hospital has me pretty giddy. I did laugh out loud when the nurse asked how well Grace is sleeping at night. I mean come on. I don't think they should even ask that right now. She is a newborn. Isn't it just assumed that newborns don't sleep much? Well, I suppose that isn't fair. She does have a three hour stretch now and then. That has to count for something.
Life has been nutty around here. Not just the sleep deprivation but also trying to get the new house finished up so that we can be out of here in a few weeks. Todd has been over there every waking moment painting and staining. We have been short a daddy around here, and the boys have been punishing me for it. Throw in a new school schedule and some puking boys and we have a grand ole time on our hands.
Still. I'm not complaining. I'm really not.
Today has been a very good reminder of just how fast time passes us by. It seems like just yesterday Joey was having his two week check up and today he started first grade. He looked so grown up and so little all at the same time. The whole family ushered him into school and to his classroom. It was quite the parade.

So, life may be crazy, and at times it may seem unmanageable, but I'll take it. And I'll not wish it away. I'll take the sleep deprivation as it comes. Because all too soon Tommy (and then Ben, and then Grace) will be starting 1st grade, and then before I know it my babies will be off to college.
Good post, new mom. It sounds normal and that is a good thing.
Isn't it funny how excited we are when they gain a couple of pounds a month, and then, when we reach adulthood, we hate it! Sigh!
Enjoy Gracie, she already is looking like a baby and not a newborn.
I just had to catch up on everything i've missed..like seeing her cute face! She is adorable!! Congrats! :-) Joey look so cute sitting at his desk!
From someone who's been there, it really will go by in the blink of an eye. I'm glad you can treasure the moments.
Good Grief, I'm so pregnant you're making me cry. My oldest turns 4 tomorrow and I am such an emotional wreck today...I'll just blame it on the hormones.
Your little baby girl is so beautiful!
it's awesome that you treasure all this. That little girl has got some cheeks on her! So cute.
Wow, she sure does look bigger. And so much more alert.
They do grow up way too fast, but I have no doubt you will savor it all.
How time flies. Yes, soon they will be in college, and you'll be blogging about all that extra time.
Wow...it's amazing two weeks can make in the life of a newborn...she looks so much bigger! I know, time goes go by fast and it's sometimes hard to soak up the sweetness in the midst of insanity. I'm glad you're trying though!
You are a wise woman to savor every bit that you can even amid the chaos before time passes. And your children are absolutely beautiful.
It does go by so, so fast. Savor all of it- even the trying times- as they don't last too long either. Glad to hear everyone is doing so well.
You are such a trooper. I can only imagine how crazy hectic things are for your right now, and your still posting!!!
Hope everyone is settling into the new classes nicely, and the new house is coming along.
Where does the time go?
Oh, next year I will probably be sobbing sending my (only) baby off to kindergarten! But she's so excited to be moving up in the world and learning new things...can't squelch that!
Gracie is beautiful! She is going to be so well protected in the future by all that testosterone surrounding her ; )
you're such a wise mama
Yay for Joey!! You will be amazed at how much he learns and grows this year.
Grace is so beautiful. She always has a smiling face, even though she is not nearly old enough to smile yet. She just looks so happy already. So sweet.
Life just keeps on keepin' on, doesn't it? You're handling it all so well, I fear I'd be a wreck with all that going on!
What a cute 1st grader!! : )
WOW - you are a super mom! And you are so right...blink and they are heading off to college - no matter how hectic it gets, always remember to cherish the times.
Your family is absolutely beautiful!
Aw, so sweet. You have every right to complain, it's rough right now! But I'm glad things are going well.
those college days really do arrive so much more quickly than you expect.
what sweet pictures.
Glad to hear things are looking good. Since we home school I am waiting till after the Holiday to start our schooling. Then we will hit the books again for the year. Kora will be in 3rd grade cirriculum and then Bri's in kindergarden/first grade stuff. I couldnt find much for kindergardeners..
Happy schooling this year though..
Hope things settle down for you soon after the move. Sounds like you have a pretty good handle on things right now though :)
Very sweet post! Gosh, he does look all grown up!
Don't I know this!
Enjoy the chaos. :)
She looks like she's SMILING!
Glad you are enjoying the chaos--you are right, this time does fly. And we're down a dad here, too, so I can imagine the stress with a newborn thrown into the mix.
It does go by fast! Take a deep breath, hang on tight, and enJOY it all.
That baby girl is adorable -- she matches the boys perfectly. So cute. : D
A great reminder. You've got the right perspective I believe. :)
She's beautiful, Kat.
And thanks for the reminder. I needed that. :)
The years do fly past. You are wise beyond your years to realize that during the most hectic passage of your life. All of your children are fortunate to grow up with forward-thinking parents. Already, they are learning important lessons that will make them great parents to your grandchildren. Won't that be fun?
So true!!! I can't even believe my little guys is 16 and 1/2 months old... Time flies!!!!
awwww, even sleep deprived you have such great insight. Sometimes don't you wish you could just freeze some of these moments to treasure later?
amen to all of the above :)
She's a beauty Kat!
We need to get you a red cape to honor your SuperMom prowess. Y'all are SOOO busy right now!
I agree with burgh baby, how do you do it and not go a little batty? :)
And, Your little blessing is beautiful, children are such miracles :)
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