Monday, March 21, 2016

Eleven Is Heaven

Today my Thomas turns eleven. No longer able to show his age on his hands he is now officially in the tween stage. Luckily, this age seems to fit Tommy perfectly. With Tommy, eleven is heaven.

This past weekend we celebrated Tommy's birthday with presents, cake, dinner out on Saturday and brunch on Sunday with the grandmas. It was kind of a birthday weekend, if you will. And much of the time Tommy was helping me run errands, sharing his brand new toys with his siblings, and generally being full of sunshine and loveliness. You know, par for the course with this kid. 

On one errand to the grocery store this weekend Tommy mentioned to me that he is so glad that he is part of our family and I just had to respond in kind. I let him know that he is such a gift not only to our family but to this world. Tommy glows. It is like he is lit from within. We have always called him "Goldensbear" not only for his soft blond hair but for his golden heart. The kid is filled with compassion and kindness. He is charming as all get out and attracts young and old to him. He is confident in himself and makes others feel comfortable being around him. He is good at just about everything he tries. He is a hard worker and I have no doubt that whatever he wants to do in life he will be a success. But more importantly, he is a good person. I told Tommy all of this and let him know that his dad and I don't care what he does for a living. It doesn't matter if he gets married or stays single. He can be rich or poor or somewhere in-between. What matters to us is that he is a good person. And he certainly is on the right path already. We are so proud of him. What a joy he is. 

Happy 11th Birthday, Tommy! No matter how big you get you will always be my baby. I love you so much and I'm so proud to be your mumma.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Welcome to Wisconsin

This past weekend Wisconsin saw temperatures in the upper 50s. Sunday it was 60 and sunny. The warm temperatures gave me a chance to finally take down all of my outdoor Christmas decorations. The ground had finally thawed enough to remove the stakes (from my Nativity scene) and metal and wooden snowmen and Christmas signs from the ground. I even got up on the roof and took down the lights.

The last of the massive amounts of snow and ice had melted from my yard. Every last poo package that Molly left in the yard over the winter, previously buried in snow, had been cleaned up. It truly looked like spring. I was even sweating as I finished up the last of the yard clean up.

Feeling especially giddy I even brought my patio furniture out to the backyard. I knew it was early. I even knew it would get cold again. I checked the extended forecast and saw mostly 40s with a cold day here or there. No snow.  I brought my chairs and couch up from the basement and gave them a good wipe down. I laid the cushions on the furniture. I added the pillows. I even set my solar powered owl on the outdoor table. Then I sat outside on my patio furniture and soaked up some rays. It was glorious.

Later that evening Todd asked me if I had heard of the impending snow storm. I had not. I checked the weather forecast and again did not see any snow predicted. Maybe a slight chance of a flurry but then temps in the 50s again. No problem.


The weathermen were wrong. Late last night they predicted an inch or two. I was not happy.

I am even less happy today. The weathermen were wrong again.

We have about 8 inches of snow and it hasn't stopped snowing yet.

I am not happy.

This really is my fault. Though I knew better I went and set my patio furniture outside anyway. I know it is still winter. This is Wisconsin. I don't know what I was thinking. I jinxed us. I apologize.

This morning I shoveled off the back patio and a half an hour later you couldn't even tell I had shoveled.

The owl I had set outside seemed to glare at me as the snow kept piling up. The snow is still falling. I shoveled my mother's house this morning but I realize I will have to go back again whenever this craziness stops. 
At least I can't see him giving me the evil eye anymore.  Sorry, Mr. Owl.

Words To Live By

Be grateful for each new day.
A new day that you have never lived before.
Twenty-four new, fresh, unexplored hours to use usefully and profitably.
We can squander, neglect, or use them.
Life will be richer or poorer by the way we use today.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson