Here we are, almost to Halloween, and we haven't had one opportunity to get to the pumpkin farm. If our schedule wasn't keeping us away it was the weather. There just was never a good moment to enjoy one of our favorite fall activities.
This weekend was our last chance to get in some pumpkin farm fun and this time we were granted the most perfect fall weather. Saturday was warm and sunny with just enough wind to cause the remaining orange and yellow leaves to cascade out of the trees in huge luminous sheets.
Even this weekend proved to be a challenge in getting to the pumpkin farm. Todd was up north, Joey had a football awards ceremony, the kids had homework. Still, we managed to make it work.
It was a long awards ceremony (2 hours) but it was fun seeing Joey up there with his coaches and teammates one last time and listening to them all hoot and holler for Joe when his name was called. Plus, it was kind of neat being in my old high school again and pointing out to my kids where my dad's photo hung in the school. They thought it was pretty cool to see their grandpa up on the wall of fame, too.
Still, once the ceremony was done the kids were more than ready to leave. We did not stop at home. We did not pass go. We went straight to the pumpkin farm. We had waited long enough.
Fun was had, people. Fun was had.
The kids obliged me and sat for a few seconds so that I could get our annual family pumpkin patch picture. Unfortunately, because Todd was up north it was not really our whole family, just the kids. But, beggars can't be choosers, right?
The kids ran around picking out pumpkins, apples, pies, and cider. They pet all the animals and played in the haystack maze for hours (I should have brought a book). By the end of the day the kids were tuckered out. Still, we went back home, picked up our Molly, and took her to the dog park for a bit of exercise.
We rounded out the night with pizza and a nice warm fire as we watched Halloween themed cartoons. It was a fantastic fall day.
The next day Todd came back home, heard all about our fun at the pumpkin farm, and decided the weather was so wonderful another trip back to the pumpkin farm was a great idea. Besides, he knew how much I wanted to get my family picture.
Needless to say, the kids were thrilled to be going to the pumpkin farm two days in a row.
There was more feeding of animals, more haystack maze, more apple goodies (pie!!), and more pictures.
We even managed to get our annual family pumpkin patch picture.
As I placed our new family picture over the top of last year's picture in the frame I couldn't help but look back at past years' photos. Ten years worth of fall family photos taken at this orchard. I saw just how fast each of those years came and went. Amazing how quickly the falls flew by.
It may seem silly to make such a big deal out of getting this picture every year but I just feel like I have a limited amount of years left when the kids will happily go along on little family trips. Soon the family outing to the pumpkin farm won't sound so appealing to my kids. Soon they will forgo the pictures and trips and opt for hanging out with their friends instead. It is the order of things. The way it goes.
But for now, I'm going to enjoy it. I'm going to capture it. I'm going to remember it.