Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Making Up For Lost Calories

I'm finally starting to feel better. No, not my neck and shoulders. They are still sore. I'm talking about my morning sickness. It is finally beginning to subside. I still have waves of nausea every once in a while, but they are becoming less and less. And I am not having such a difficult time eating anymore.

Well. That's putting it mildly. I think my body is trying to make up for all the lost calories over the last few months because I kinda want to eat everything I see.

I decided to treat myself for Valentine's Day and I bought some tulips and my all time favorite chocolate covered strawberries. Look at these bad boys.

There were six of them, but just opening the box to take a picture I had to eat one. Just couldn't wait. Oops.

It is hard to convey the size of these puppies. You can't tell from the pictures but they are almost the size of my fist. They are huge. And they were all gone in less than twenty four hours. Maybe I should have gotten myself a dozen. Or, maybe not.

Remember all the chocolate and potato chips and ice cream I had gotten to try and tempt myself to eat when I was feeling nauseous? Yeah. Those are all gone. Obviously I am on the mend. Now I just have to remind myself to ease up on the snacks and focus more on the healthy stuff. Which shouldn't be too hard considering my biggest craving right now is grapes. As long as I have my grapes everything will be a-okay.

Then again, a KitKat does sound pretty good right about now.


  1. Those flowers are beautiful and YUM to the chocolate covered strawberries!!! I am so glad that you're feeling better sweetie!!

  2. What a wonderful way to celebrate feeling better. Yippee!

  3. Those look FABULOUS! Glad you're feeling better.

  4. Oh! I had some of those bad boys on VDay as well. them!

    I'm glad your sickness is subsiding. It's hard to stay healthy sometimes but I know you can do it. Lucky girl craving grapes! Nice!!

  5. Damn! Those strawberries sure do look yummy! Good to hear that the nausea is beginning to subside somewhat though and here's hoping things ease up between now and when your system returns to normal eating habits.

  6. Oh, you are so on the mend.

    And, now I want/need some chocolate...thanks!

  7. Wellll since you lost some weight... Then you certainly have room to eat a little extra! :) Those look(ed) amazing!

  8. Those chocolate covered strawberries just ruined my entire day. How do I go reheat beefd stroganoff leftovers for lunch after seeing those?!?!?!

  9. ohhh those chocolate strawberries look SO GOOD! are you trying to get me to ruin my diet? haha

  10. oh, and I'm glad you're feeling better!

  11. tulips are my fave - and I bought myself some and then my hubby came home and surprised me with some, too!

    glad you're feeling better!

  12. Way to go on the chocolate and flowers!!! And YUM!!!! I am so hungry looking at those!

  13. Those strawberries look delicious and think of it this way, the strawberry part is healthy!

    Glad you're feeling better!

  14. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Chocolate can do that. ;)

  15. Yummo, I had a couple of those on V-day too. Glad to here you're feeling better.

  16. Those strawberries may not have even made it in the front door at my house!! YUM!!

    So... you passed the nausea on to me, huh? ; )

  17. Yay! So glad to hear your m/s is letting up, Kat! Don't worry about you said, your body is probably just trying to catch up from the NOT eating you did! I'm sure it will all even out.

    And DAMN those strawberries look HEAVENLY.

  18. m happy to hear that you are on the mend, I hope I am soon!

  19. I did the same thing!!!! As soon as I was feeling normal I went on binges!!!!!

  20. Those are so pretty!
    And that magical day when the morning sickness stops - I REMEMBER THAT! And then I remember eating everything IN THE WORLD. Have fun!

  21. From one pregnant gal to another- ENJOY!!!

  22. Oh those look beautiful and delicious!

    So glad to hear you're over the nausea hump. I LOVED strawberries and grapes as well during the second trimester with my daughter :)

    Along with guacamole spread all over everything.

  23. Glad you are feeling better.

  24. I need to make a mini trip to your neck of the woods and BUY those strawberries, YUM!!!
    I'm so glad to hear your feeling better! I hope the soreness works itself out soon!

  25. Those look so yummy!

    Hope you are healing from your run in with the wall.

  26. Those strawberries look incredibly yummy... I'm so jealous.

    Glad you're feeling better on the food front... I just kind of graze all day if I'm at home. Not a good thing.

  27. YOU go girl and I bet that sweet baby loved every minute of those strawberrys....LOL LOL

  28. Those strawberries look heavenly. Glad you are feeling better. :)

  29. chocolate covered grapes.
    yeah, maybe not.
    I am so glad you're feeling better and able to eat again. Oh, you forgot the address where we can order those strawberries ;-)

  30. Glad to hear you're feeling better, all except your heid though!

    those strawberries looks lovely. I love watermelon and pineapple. It's so hard to resist the carbs, isn't it??

  31. I think kit-kats, alone, could solve all the world's problems. IT truly is the perfect candy bar!

  32. Yay to feeling better!!! And I know what you mean about making up for lost calories-I don't snack, but I eat a LOT at meal times. Kit-Kats...mmmmmmm. Righ now I'm on a Dove milk chocolate kick. Nummmo!!

    so now that this is #4 for you - are you huge already or is it just ME??? Seriously - this is gonna be BAD.

  33. so glad that the morning sickness is gone.

  34. Tulips? Strawberries? Sounds like Spring Fever to me. I have it too . . . uh . . . well, the part about the Spring and the Fever NOT the morning sickness. No-no-no! : D

  35. I sometimes wish I had pregnancy as an excuse for my poor eating. Hehe!

  36. eat six for you, then six more for me. You totally deserve each and every one of them.

  37. Funny!!! I didn't realize how much I ate when I was pregnant until I looked back at the pictures about a month ago.... Holey cow did I eat!!! I say go for it!!! You'll bounce back!

  38. I am glad you are feeling better. Eat up woman! You deserve it for all the days you felt horrible! Those strawberries you have me drooling over here!!!!!!!!!

  39. Glad you are feeling better, and those look so very yummy! Wow.

  40. Those strawberries look amazing! We had some of those for V-day too, sooo good.
