Thursday, February 28, 2008

My 100th Post

My one hundredth post.
Should I do the one hundred
things all about me?
But, I'm so boring.
No one wants to know that much
about silly me.
I don't want to do
what everyone else wants to.
I'll be different.
I'll do one hundred
things about my family.
Twenty things for each.

1) He has fabulous blue eyes.
2) Is one of the smartest and funniest people I know
3) Taught me how to ski, and was a very patient teacher
4) Is extremely loyal
5) Passed the New York Bar exam and scored in the top 3%
6) Was hired at one of the biggest law firms in the nation before he even graduated from law school. He is THAT good.
7) Paid for his entire way through college (UW- Oshkosh) and law school (NYU)
8) Did an exchange program for a year at Oxford
9) Has run 2 marathons and 1 half marathon and would love to do more
10) Always says he was a chubby kid, but I have never seen any pictures as proof.
11) Is REALLY hot!
12) Is very sick of practicing law and would like to start his own business
13) Is the youngest person to ever serve on the Board of Trial Attorneys for the state of WI. Again, he is THAT good.
14) Is a wonderful husband, father, son, brother and friend
15) Was checking out jobs in Hawaii the other day on the computer(so sick of the cold and snow)
16) Is a fabulous athlete and was an all conference football player in college
17) Has two tattoos
18) Has a very giving, kind, and compassionate heart
19) Is certified in skydiving and scuba diving
20) Is a true renaissance man


1) Has fabulous big blue eyes
2) Just turned 5 years old
3) Is a natural born leader (read- bossy) ;)
4) Bites his finger nails
5) Slept through the night by 2 and a half months old
6) Is a wonderful, helpful big brother
7) Wants mom and dad to get him another baby
8) Loves to play outside
9) His middle name is Todd's dad's name
10) Can't wait for summer
11) Does not whine or complain when he is sick
12) Eats just about everything but oranges and potatoes
13) Favorite color is red
14) Wants to be a fireman
15) Was a fireman for the last 3 Halloweens
16) Sleeps on the top bunk
17) Has naturally curly hair
18) Is really tall for his age
19) Loves school and has never gotten a check mark from the teacher for being naughty or not listening
20) Nickname: J-Bear


1) Has fabulous big blue eyes
2) Has been described as one big walking heart
3) Is a snuggle bear
4) Started walking really well at 8 and a half months old
5) Spoke in full sentences at 18 months
6) Loves to play with his brothers
7) Has never had an ear infection
8) Loves animals
9) Is very dramatic and very emotional
10) And very tough (football, perhaps?)
11) Was just signed up for school next year
12) Will be turning 3 in less than a month
13) Likes to do everything himself
14) Is a super eater and tries everything at least once
15) Looks almost exactly like his mommy when she was little
16) His middle name is my dad's name
17) Is very excited to start school
18) Sleeps on the bottom bunk
19) Wants to be Spiderman for Halloween
20) Nickname: Goldenbear


1) Has fabulous big blue eyes
2) His middle name is after his daddy
3) Is getting six more teeth in as we speak
4) 4 of those teeth are molars
5) Makes a really grouchy face (brow furrowed eyes squinting) when I tell him "no"
6) Squints his eyes and wrinkles his nose when he smiles really big
7) Loves to play with his big brothers
8) Loves eating real big people food
9) Is in the 97% for height
10) And the 75% for weight
11) Loves his moo-moo cow-cow stuffed animal
12) Uses a paci
13) Sometimes tries to pee on me when I am changing him- ON PURPOSE- and then laughs and laughs when he gets me
14) Will sometimes bang his head on the floor when he gets really mad
15) Loves to clap
16) And dance
17) Is a very easy going kid
18) Loves to climb our steps to get upstairs
19) Is a great sleeper (knock, knock)
20) Nickname: Babybear or Bennybear


1) Has hazel eyes
2) Has run in 2 10k races
3) Has one tattoo and is thinking of getting another (bro is an award winning tattoo artist)
4) Is the youngest of 3 brothers and 2 sisters (closest sibling in age is sister 6 years older)
5) Will go back to school when the boys are older
6) For something in the medical field (nursing, radiography, ultrasound, etc)
7) Has been in an independent film as the female lead
8) Has made money singing and acting
9) Loves sports (playing and watching)
10) Worked in the banking industry (snore) for 8 years as a teller, loan processor, mortgage loan processor/underwriter, personal banker, teller supervisor and asst branch manager (in that order)
11) Has dyslexia (so #10 is actually pretty funny)
12) Can be very stubborn and too competitive
13) Is scared of clowns
14) And dentists
15) Has super duper long toes
16) Wants to learn to play piano before she dies (no, not with her super duper long toes)
17) Is exactly where she hoped she would be at this point in her life
18) Is going to start a campaign to rid the blogging community of word verifications on comments. So mean to make someone with dyslexia do those things!
19) Is a practicing Catholic.
20) And finally, she really can't stand it when people talk about themselves in the third person. A-nnoying!


So, there ya go! A 100 things post for all of you that wanted me to do one, but with a bit of a twist so I didn't have to conform. Whew! I'll tell ya one thing, that was so much easier than trying to think of 100 things about myself. Forgetaboutit!

I love that pic of my hubby. It is from our honeymoon. I just love the expression on his face. Little stinker. I realize it is a pic from about 7 years ago, but the stinking guy doesn't age so he still looks like that. Well, he looks like that, but with a goatee now. I tell ya, the man looks good. He is like a fine wine. He just gets better with age. Me? Well, I just get old. Ah well, he is stuck with me now. Sucker!

Have a great weekend, all!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Mix

I realize I have been neglecting to participate in a couple of the meme's that I have been tagged for, and pass on a few awards that I received, so I thought I'd better buckle down and tackle them today.
First, the awards.
I received the Kind Blogger Award from Laskigal at From the Cheap Seats. She is one of my favorite bloggers and I just lub her. And, I love this award. I think kindness is underrated in today's society. Sometimes it is difficult to balance being kind and being as sarcastic as I am, but I'm trying. I don't know how kind I actually am, but it is definitely something I strive to be. I might be kind some days, and a complete bag other days, but I will gladly take the award anyway. hehe Thank you, Laskigal!
I would like to pass this award on to Momof4girls at The Red Door. She is definitely a kind person. She always has such a sunny disposition and sweet, loving posts. I love to visit her blog and get my dose of pink from her four beautiful girls.
Next, Laura from Lunatic Fringe passed on the E for Excellent award to me. Thank you! I love Laura's writing, so receiving this award from her means so much! I would like to pass this on to Kristin at Loving Our Simple Life. Kristin just wrote an amazing story of the struggle that her family went through just one short year ago. It was a beautiful reminder to make every moment count. I received the Biggest Heart Award from Momof4girls at The Red Door. Again, coming from her I take this as a huge compliment as she really does have a big heart. Thank you!

I am passing it on to Melissa at Such Simple Pleasures. She recently started another blog that is to designed to help comfort children who have so little. I love her big heart. Please go on over to Project Lovey and see if you can join the project.

Okay, on to the meme's. I have done meme's here, here, here, and here. Go ahead and read them. You know you wanna! Don't make me copy and paste all of that for nothing, peeps!

I was tagged by Elaine and The Miss-Elaine-ous Life with this next meme. The idea is to post a picture of your fridge so everyone can see what kind of crap you have on it. I must say that I did not alter my fridge at all. It is kind of shocking, actually. My fridge is never this tidy. I usually have a million and one pieces of the boys' artwork hanging off of it, but a few weeks ago I did a thorough sweep of the house and rid myself of all Christmas items. Gone with the sweep was all of the artwork on the fridge. Although, I did not throw them out. They are tucked safely away. I assumed that Joey would bring home some Valentine's artwork from school, but he didn't. And for some reason we never got around to making any at home. So, here it is. My boring fridge.
A bunch of magnets. A picture of Jesus. The boys' pictures. A Packers schedule. A gym membership card. And the pediatrician's number. That's it. That is all she wrote.
What about you? What is on your fridge?

On to the next meme. I was tagged by Jewelgirl for the 6 Unimportant Things meme. Jewelgirl has an amazing site showing her huge jewelry collection. It is fabulous, and so is she! You must go and see her. Plus, she is my sis-in-law, and I lub her. :)

Okay. 6 Unimportant Things about me.

1) One of my nicknames is K-Lo. Yes, as in J-Lo. I would like to say it is because I am a fabulous dancer (which I think I am, thankyouverymuch), but it is not. It is because I have a bit of junk in my trunk. Okay, maybe a bunch of junk in my trunk. One might even classify it as a ghetto bootie. Whatever. I'm fine with it. Kinda. I have small everything else, just a bigger bootie. And it isn't huge, just a bit out of proportion for me. And when I am running the bootie shrinks to a normalish size. So there. But, let's just say, for example, that it is winter, and I am eating more than usual, and not running, perhaps, then maybe it would get a bit out of control. Maybe. It's fine. Really. Call me K-Lo if you like. Or not. Maybe just Kat. Whatever.

2) I am in the process of growing my hair out. I had hair down to the middle of my back (so pretty) and I chopped it off up to my ears. It was a cute cut. I liked it for a while. And then I remembered that I ALWAYS feel much better with longer hair. And now I hate it. I have instructed my hubby to duct tape me to a chair if I should ever feel like chopping off all of my hair again.

3) I used to be a very good singer and dancer. My friends were always trying to get me to try out for American Idol when it first came out. I just never wanted to be famous, not that I thought I had a chance anyway. I had enough fun being in plays and musicals in the area. I would even sing Ella Fitzgerald songs at a jazz club sometimes. I think one of my biggest compliments came when my hubby finally heard Ella singing the song I always sang to him at the jazz club (Someone to Watch Over Me) and said, "I think you sing it better. Your voice is so much warmer." I couldn't believe it. Ella is tops! No one is warmer than her! But I took the compliment anyway and will never forget it. Wow.

As for dancing, I only took ballet for a few months before I started going with my friend to her ballet class. Everyone in her class had been taking ballet and modern dance for 10-12 years and I kept up. I was amazed at myself. Pretty cool. Although, I always loved freestyle the best and thought that was what I was really good at. I've always had this strange ability to see a dance once and then be able to copy it.

I still love to sing and dance, but I am out of practice. Maybe someday I'll get into it again. I would love my hubby and my boys to see me as a lead in a musical again.

4) It is really hard for me to say what I am good at or give myself any compliments. Just writing the above makes me extremely uncomfortable. I have erased it and rewritten it about 4 times now. Eek! I'm still wondering if I should erase it. I think I may have nightmares tonight if I leave it up.

5) I believe in ghosts. I have had 3 or 4 experiences that scared the crap out of me. The first experience was when I was about 8 years old. The last experience was when I was 25. I will definitely have to write about those some other time. Very creepy. My hubby and I are obsessed with watching ghost shows. We love Ghost Hunters but we love Paranormal State even more. So good. Of course, after we are done watching them I am so creeped out that I make my hubby walk around the house with me while I'm getting ready for bed. hehe

6) My 100th post is coming up. I believe this is number 98. I REALLY don't want to write the 100 things about me meme. I mean really. Does anyone want to know 100 things about me? I am really not that interesting. Plus, everyone else is doing it. And the minute someone tells me that I have to do something or "everyone else is doing it" it makes me NOT want to do it. I'm still on the fence about it.

So there. There it all is. I'm not gonna tag anyone, but I would like to hear any ghostie experiences you've had, or anything else you would like to share. Thanks, y'all!

I mean, Kat!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Big Boy!

You. My boy. My baby. The first to make me a mom and steal my heart. The first baby that made me fall in love. The first one to open my eyes to a new world. My first little buddy to go everywhere with. Explore the world and see it for the first time, all over again.

Today you are five. And I look at you and can still see you as the baby I fell so deeply for. The same round face and smooth, pure skin. The same huge blue eyes that go straight to the heart of me. The same easy going, lovable you. You still try so hard to be good. A good son, a good brother, a good friend, and a good boy. And you are. You amaze me.

Just yesterday you let me hold you. Something that has become rare lately. I sat and stared at your face. I studied the contour of your cheeks and the shape and color of your eyes. The hair that curls at your forehead and your gorgeous lips. So much bigger than the first time I saw you, and yet so much the same. You still melt my heart. You still make my me swell with pride. In our quiet moment together you looked up and said, "My birthday wish is that you and I will be best friends forever and forever."  You caught me off guard. My eyes filled with tears and my already full heart wanted to burst. You wanted to know why I was crying, "Because you make me so happy, honey." I said. And you always have. My little buddy. Growing up right in front of my eyes. Oh, how I wish it wouldn't go by so quickly. But, always know that no matter how big you get you will always be my baby.

I love you, Joseph. I am so proud of you!

Happy Birthday, my precious boy.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy Kat

Kat and her kittens
Lying in the sunny spots
So snuggly and warm
I was so cold and tired. I just wanted to lie down. I crawled away from the place on the living room floor where the boys and I had been playing, and went over to my sunroom to curl up in a sunny spot. These days of winter are especially harsh on me when the sun refuses to show itself. I think I could manage the arctic temperatures and the mountains of snow if we just got a bit of sun once and a while.
This day, the sun was making an appearance, and I didn't want to miss it. It felt so good on my back and sent warm tinglies all the way up to the top of my head. My mood immediately improved. The boys must have heard me purr because just like that they all came over and curled up with me. We lay there for quite a while together. And it was lovely. My heart took a snapshot and filed it away in my mind's vault under "favorite moments".

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Loosing My Marbles

In my lunatic frenzy of "I have 8 million loads of laundry to do" yesterday (Okay, fine. I'm exaggerating. It was only 4 million loads) I looked up and noticed that I only had five minutes to get to school and pick up Joey. Ack!

As quickly as I could I grabbed the two little monkeys, pried the toys out of their little mitts, and began forcing them into their boots, mittens, hats, and jackets at lightening speed. They squirmed, cried, and complained and I ranted and shouted about how we were "going to be late!". With much fuss we made it into the car. I threw them into their car seats, buckled them in, jumped into the drivers seat, and flew out of the driveway. Okay, that isn't entirely true. I wanted to fly down the driveway, but EVERYTHING WAS COVERED IN ICE. Flipping ice. So instead of driving at warp speed like I wanted to I actually drove under the speed limit so that I wouldn't slide right through the stop signs.

The whole way there (all 10 blocks) I was picturing my poor boy, my oldest, my worrier, standing in the back of school freezing his little tushie off. I could see his big, beautiful eyes unsuccessfully searching the parking lot for our minivan. I pictured those same big eyes fill with tears and his little eyebrows raised in question. I just knew he would be thinking, "Doesn't anyone love me? I'm all alone! I've been abandoned!". My poor baby!

I rounded the corner and pulled into the parking lot. What was this? There was no one there. Man, I must be even later than I thought! Poor Joey! Did the teacher take him back inside? Should I run in and check? Are they watching for me from the door? I glanced at my clock again to see just how late I was. Um, what? Does that say 10:36? Ten? TEN? Joey doesn't get out of school until 11:30! I was an hour early! Good lawd, what is happening to me? I must be loosing my mind. I can't even tell time anymore.

I turned the van around to go back home when Tommy said, "Why aren't we getting Joey? I want my Joey!"

I said, "Well, honey, mumma read the clock wrong and we weren't supposed to be here for another hour. We have to go back home and come back in a little while."

Tommy began to cry again, "But, I want my Joey! Can't I just have my Joey?"

So I said the only thing I could think of to restore the peace, "How about a cookie instead?"

Tommy stopped crying in .02 seconds and cheerfully said, "Okay!"  And the rest of the morning was peaceful.

That is, until 45 minutes later when I had to pry the toys out of their little mitts, and force them into their boots, mittens, hats, and jackets.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wordless Wednesday- Lake Michigan Part IV

Click on the pic to enlarge it. The clouds behind the lighthouse are amazing. The clouds were actually formed by the steam rising off the lake. It was THAT cold outside.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Do Your Duty

This morning:

Me: "Come on, boys. We have to get our coats on. Let's go!"
Joey: "Where are we going?"
Me: "Mumma has to go and vote."
Joey: "We are going on a boat?"
Tommy: "Oh! A boat!"
Me: "No, no, honey. Mummy is VOTING today."
Joey: "Boating? That's what I just said!"
Tommy: "YEAH! A boat like up north? I love that boat!"
Me: "No, sweetie. I said va, va, va, voting. Not ba, ba, boating. Voting. Remember last time? At that school? The ladies gave you flag stickers?"
Joey: "I want to go boating!"
Tommy: "Are we going boating?"
Me: sigh

I don't know why we have this conversation every time I take them with me to vote. I've literally taken them with me at least a half dozen times already in their short little lives, and yet the conversation is always the same. Poor kids. A flag sticker is just never as exciting as boating.

I was pretty excited to see the turnout, however. There were far more people there than I expected for a primary. It was so good to see. No matter who you are voting for you have to be pretty excited about the interest in this race. For the first time ever we have an African American AND a woman running. That is exciting stuff! Little by little, we are getting there, my friends.

As much as I think it would be amazing to have a woman president I have to admit that I've never liked Hillary Clinton. I don't agree with her stance on most issues, and to be honest, she is a little scary. She always reminded me of a crazy neighbor I had growing up. I think it stemmed from those grainy videos of her in a crazy fist-shaking, screaming match from the late 70's, early 80's. Yipes. I know she has toned that down quite a bit, but you can tell it is still there.

Then we have Mike Huckabee. Maybe this is unfair, but do you really think we would ever have a President Huckabee? I mean REALLY. Come on. Huckabee? Sheesh. How do you get any respect with that name? You might as well be President Fudd. Okay. That's a little harsh. Huckabee seems like a genuinely nice guy with a great sense of humor. But I just don't see it. Of course, Bush isn't exactly a great name either, now is it?

Next up is Barack Obama. It is a bit disturbing to me when I see people crying uncontrollably and passing out at his rallies. Just strange. I'm sure he is a great man, but he is not the second coming. He is a politician running for president. Breath people. Obama is just a bit too liberal for me and my conservative ways. But I do get a kick out of his campaign commercials. They crack me up! I actually saw one that said something like, "I will fix our broken school system, and I will solve our medical crisis, and I will end global warming." Hehehe. I thought that was funny. What about putting my kids to bed every night? And maybe shoveling everyone's sidewalk in America? Or better yet, why don't you just guarantee that it never snows again. Can he do that too? He is amazing! ;)

That brings me to John McCain. I am a John McCain supporter. I was rooting for McCain when he ran in the primaries 8 years ago. I feel (and always felt) that he is the only person who has a record voting on a cause by cause, policy by policy basis. He doesn't just tow the party line. Democrats like him, and Republicans like him. We need someone who can bridge the gap. I think he is that person. I don't agree with all of his ideas (I don't know if there is such a thing as a perfect candidate), but I'm on board with the majority. If there will be any change in this country it will have to be made by bringing the two parties together first. No change will be made if there is such division among us. And yes, the man is almost elderly, but if he can keep up with these crazy primary schedules I think he could handle anything.

I used to get my undies all in a bunch when my candidate didn't win. I would throw temper tantrums and stomp my feet spewing how the country is going to hell in a hand basket. But the truth is that each and every one of these candidates are all just trying to do what they think is best for this country. I do not believe anyone will ruin this great country. And I do not believe anyone will be the savior of this country. They are each just trying to do what is right, though they have different ideas of what that might be.

And yes. I know I am putting myself out there by saying I am conservative (big surprise) and a McCain supporter. I know the majority of you are Obama supporters. I'm just hoping that even though you don't agree with me, we can all just get along. No matter who the new president turns out to be I hope we can all just buck up and give that person the respect that the position deserves. And no matter who you want to win, just get out there and VOTE!

Do I have something on my nose?

I'm starting a new trend.
Okay. So you have to be "cool" to start a trend, so what. And, yes. I know I'm a nerd. You don't have to tell me. I'm perfectly fine with it. Really, I am. Sniff, sniff.
And, um, please excuse the hair. I had a hat on for half the morning.

Disclaimer: Please know that I take my voting privilege very seriously, and would never pick a candidate solely on their name or whether they are a bit scary or not. I was just trying to add a smidge of humor to a touchy subject.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Big Mama

Last night after the hubby and I finally got all three boys to sleep we settled down on the couch with a glass of soda, and a big blanket, and began flipping through the channels on tv. We were just beginning to relax our aching bones when the satellite went out. Nothing. No channels. No picture. Nothing.

We both knew right away what the problem was because this just happened two weeks ago. We looked at each other and said, "Ice."  Luckily, the dish is right off of the upstairs porch so it is really easy to get to. The only problem is that the porch door is only accessible in the boys' bedroom.

Now, I could have done without television for a night. I could have read a book. I could have taken a nice long bath. I certainly could have read all the blogs I neglected over the weekend. But the hubby was having none of it. He wanted some tv, and he wanted it now.

He threw on his boots and a coat and hauled himself upstairs to the boys' bedroom and out the porch door. I reluctantly followed, knowing I would have to answer all the boys' questions and attempt to keep them from following their daddy out the door into the cold.

I got upstairs and closed the porch door which was hanging open letting all the freezing air into the room. The boys sat up and immediately began their barrage of questions.

Joey: "Where is daddy going?"
Tommy: "Was that daddy? I thought that was a monster!"
Joey: "Can I go outside with daddy? What is he doing out there? Is he gonna fall off the porch?"
Tommy: "I don't want daddy to fall!"
Joey: "What is that scraping noise? Is that daddy?"
Tommy: "Why is daddy scraping? Is a monster coming?"

I told the boys that daddy was scraping the ice off of the dish (with a butter knife, thank you very much), that he wouldn't fall, they couldn't go outside with him, and that there were no monsters. I decided to have the boys go potty one more time since they were awake anyway. We trekked across the hall, they did their duty, and ran back to bed to get warm again. I crawled up to the top bunk and tucked Joey back in to his warm blankies. I gave him his special blankie, "lellow", and a kiss on his nose. Then I headed back down the ladder to tuck Tommy in.

Again, I pulled the blankets up to his nose, gave him his lambie, and then crawled on to the bed and laid down with him until Todd was done.

Tommy: "You can't lay in dis bed, mama! You're too big!"
Me: "No I am not!"
Tommy: "Uh-huh! You're big! You are a big mama!"
Me: "What?"
Tommy: "You are a big mama."

Thank goodness Todd came in just then to save me from this verbal assault. I rolled my big, huge body off of the bottom bunk, being very careful not to squish my child with my massive girth. I gave each boy one last kiss and headed to the door with directions to go right to sleep.

Me: "Goodnight, boys. God bless you, I love you!"
Joey: "Night mum. I love you!"
Tommy: "Goodnight, big mama. I love you!"


Little sass.

I walked downstairs, grabbed a bag of popcorn, more soda, and sat on the sofa for the rest of the night watching pointless tv. If I was gonna be a "big mama" I might as well act like one, right?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Wake Me When It's Spring

November snowfall
Felt exciting and cozy
Now it feels like death
I am sure that by now you are all very sick of hearing me talk about this horrible winter weather we have been dealing with here. But, there is more. We just received another 8 inches of snow today. And guess what. Our snow blower broke. Yes. Broke. And guess what else. We are expecting another large snowstorm on Sunday or Monday. Yippee.

This winter has been unusually awful. Okay, Wisconsin winters are no joke. But this is ridiculous. I can't remember the last time we had this much snow combined with this many horribly cold temperatures. I am DONE with winter! No more!!! All this horrible weather makes me teary. I am one of the lucky ones with a warm home to keep me safe. I can not imagine that there are people out there who have no place to stay. It turns my stomach.
In November when the snow would fall out the window everything looked peaceful and calm. It made me feel cozy in my warm home, excited by the approaching holidays. Now I look at the downpour of snow and think of death, depression, and isolation. Ugh. Talk about Seasonal Affective Disorder! Spring? Now? Please?
Okay. I'll stop. Am I depressing you yet? I don't want to make anyone jump off a cliff here.

On to lighter fare...
Am I expecting?
All signs point to, no baby.
Not yet, anyway.
I have gotten so many questions from y'all asking if I'm pregnant. It seems my constant mood swings, crying jags, irritability, binge eating, food cravings, and weight gain have you confused. Unfortunately, that's just me. Apparently, I turn into a polar bear in winter. I get extremely pale from no sun, add a few tons of blubber on to my body, and become extremely cross. My hubby is a lucky man, isn't he?
In all honesty, I constantly think I am pregnant. Perhaps that is because I have been pregnant almost continuously for the last 4 years. I don't know. But any little pull in my stomach, slight nausea, or fatigue (3 boys under 5 and fatigue is pretty common) and I think I'm pregnant. And seeing as how I may just be one of the most fertile creatures on this earth it is always a possibility with me. Just not right now. If we do have a fourth a little more space between the third and the fourth would be appreciated. But, feel free to ask again in a few months. Who knows what the answer will be. ;)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

And the winner is...

Brittany at Mommee and Her Boys!!!!!! Yeah, for Brittany!

Thank you all for participating in this little giveaway. Do not fret if you didn't win because I had a blast doing this and I'm sure I will be having another one soon. I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day, with enough lovey feelings to make your heart swell.
As for me, I am about to drag the boys to the store (in the beginnings of a snow storm) to buy myself some flowers. Seems the hubby forgot (again) it was Valentine's Day (WTH?) or something. Butthead. Anyway, I'm buying the prettiest tulips I can find, and maybe a new car too. HA!

Update: The hubby came home on his lunch break with hand-dipped chocolate covered strawberries. My absolute favorite thing in the world. Redemption!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wordless Wednesday- Mmm, Cake!

Mine, all mine!This is fun!
See my cake in my mouth, mom?
I like blue hair.

He had lovely turquoise poo for days.

Don't forget to leave a comment on my previous post for your chance to win a little something on Valentine's Day.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Valentine's Day Giveaway!

Alrighty peoples. Here it is. I asked you what you would like to win, and you told me. Most of you wanted cold, hard, cash. Heh, heh. I like the way you think. But the other options, chocolate, a funky mug, and a book, all got a few votes too. So, I decided to do a combo giveaway. I must admit, I got a little carried away. And I am REALLY tempted to keep it for myself. I can just picture myself, eating it, spending it, and drinking it. It is quite a vision. I look so happy. Chocolate all over my face, rubbing my extended belly. Ahhh. I can be so greedy sometimes, I tell ya.
Fine. I'll give it away. If the hubby found another new (funky) mug in the cupboards he would freak anyway. It has become somewhat of an obsession with me.
ANYWAY, all you have to do is comment on this post and on Valentine's Day I will draw a name from a hat for the lucky winner.
Ya want a little glimpse of the lovely prize?

There. That is all you get. The outside of the box. Are you happy now? No? Hmmmm. Well, I suppose I could show you a little bit more. But, before I do, I must apologize to any male readers that might want to participate. I realize that this giveaway is overly girly. But if you are the winner you can give the girly stuff to a loved one. Or, if you are really secure in your manhood you can keep it for yourself. Or you could let me have the girly stuff and I could just send you the cash. Sound good? Okay.
Drumroll, please!
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Tah-dah!

It is a girly mug, stuffed with chocolate (with much more chocolate in the bottom of the box), with a small sampling of tea, plus twenty dollars in cold, hard, cash. Yeah, baby!

The only thing I did not put in the box is a book. To me, picking a book for someone is tricky. Everyone has very different taste in what they like to read. It is a personal thing. So, if you win maybe you could use the cash to buy a book you have had your eye on. Or, treat yourself to a movie. Or, some drinks with friends. Or, or, I don't know. Whatever makes you happy.

If you aren't anticipating getting anything for Valentine's Day this could be your chance. Just leave me a comment. Anyone can enter. Anyone can win. I will ship it anywhere in the US, Canada, England, Australia, or wherever else you hail from.

So go ahead, my friends! Leave me a little comment. Just say "hi". Or, tell me a funny story. Or, a romantic story. Or, something that ticks you off. Whatever you like! And all you lurkers out there now is the perfect time to delurk. Leave me a comment and you too could be a winner! Go on! Type-a-dee type me a little comment. Ya know ya wanna!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

What The?

As I was getting ready for my shower this evening I was reflecting on the emotional week I had. If you have read my last two posts, it is probably no surprise to you that I have been feeling rather melancholy. I have been one big, soppy, blubbery, sobbing, weepy, cornball of a mess. And as I was thinking about the tears I shed while giving Ben a bath on his birthday ("Just look at my beautiful one year old" I thought), and the tears I shed over my parents' wonderful anniversary ("Dad was so happy and lucid that day and mom was glowing"), and the tears over the girl on American Idol who lost her dad only a few days earlier ("How can she sing right now?", and, by the way, I was still crying during the commercial break), and the commercial about the homeless children ("I'll adopt them all!"), and the commercial with the dogs in the humane society ("They can come too!"), I realized I've been even more emotional than usual.

What is my problem? I have always been an emotional person but this is getting loony. Could I have Seasonal Affective Disorder? I don't know. Could it be hormonal? Definitely a possibility.

Whatever the reason, one thing was clear. I must stop eating my depression away. I did a quick tally in my head of all the food I had this weekend. Pizza, cake, and ice cream. But that was for the birthday party, so no big deal, right? But then there was that Parmesan steak and shrimp with garlic mashed potatoes. And the two large packages of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. And then this afternoon there were donuts. With custard. Not to mention the three Captain and Cokes I had on Friday night. Oh yeah, and the french toast and bacon this morning. Hmmm.That's odd. I'm not usually one to eat my worries away.

Well, no big deal. I'll just step on the scale here as long as I'm stripping down for the shower, and see what the damage is. I hauled out the handy-dandy digital scale and stepped right on that bad boy. Um. That can't be right. What? Uh-UH! What the crap is the matter with this damn thing? It says I gained 11 pounds since Thursday morning. Is that even humanly possible? Okay. Don't panic. I pick up the scale and move it to another tile on the floor. Perhaps a more level tile? I wait for it to clear and step on again. HUH? This time it says 6 pounds less than the first reading. How can I weigh 6 pounds less than I did 10 seconds ago? Help me!!!

That's it. I put the scale back in it's spot, wrap a towel around myself (so as to hide my new-found blubber from the hubby) and run up to the second floor to get on my trusty old turn-dial scale that I've had since 1996. I cautiously step on, hold my breath, and look down. Whew! Thank the foody gods! I only gained a pound. One pound. I can live with that. I knew I always liked this scale for a reason. It is smart! It is loyal! And, it is right!!! Right? Yes! It is right! HA!

I think it is time to celebrate! I wonder if we have anymore donuts left.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Birthday Baby

It caught me off guard
Came rolling downhill, top speed
Today you are one.

This birthday taunts me. It taunts me with bright decorations, delicious cake, first-time presents, and of course, your gorgeous smile. It wants to make me squeal with delight and bask in your newfound toddlerhood. And I do. Gratefully. But with heavy heart.

Today is the first step you take away from babyhood. You are becoming your own boy. And although I want you (need you) to have many, many more of these blessed birthdays, I also want to freeze time. I want to remember you exactly as you are today. My baby boy.

I want to remember the way it feels to hold your soft, round face in my hands. And I want to remember how your warm, heavy body feels as I sway and rock you to sleep. The way your hair swirls, ever so gently, at the back of your neck. The sweet little dimples in your chubby hands. The way you lean your tired head on the spot on my shoulder that always seemed like it was made for you.

I want to remember what an easy baby you are. How you always try to please. Try to make us laugh. How you run up and hug my legs every two minutes. How you bonk your head on anything and anyone that you like. How you practically live in a smile drawing everyone to you. How you wrap your tiny arms around my neck and give it a squeeze. I want to remember that. I want to remember how that feels.

Because it all goes so fast. I know that now. And I want to remember all the things that made me fall in love with you so quickly, and stay in love. And I know that just as I love the baby you, I will love the little boy you, the teenager you, the young man you, and the adult you. I know that. I am sure of it.

Still, I want to remember.

And I want you to always remember, just as I tell your brothers, no matter how big you get you will always be my baby.

I am so proud of you. So proud to be your mumma.

I love you, my baby boy.
Happy Birthday.