Thursday, February 14, 2008

And the winner is...

Brittany at Mommee and Her Boys!!!!!! Yeah, for Brittany!

Thank you all for participating in this little giveaway. Do not fret if you didn't win because I had a blast doing this and I'm sure I will be having another one soon. I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day, with enough lovey feelings to make your heart swell.
As for me, I am about to drag the boys to the store (in the beginnings of a snow storm) to buy myself some flowers. Seems the hubby forgot (again) it was Valentine's Day (WTH?) or something. Butthead. Anyway, I'm buying the prettiest tulips I can find, and maybe a new car too. HA!

Update: The hubby came home on his lunch break with hand-dipped chocolate covered strawberries. My absolute favorite thing in the world. Redemption!


  1. I WON I WON I WON I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OM GOMG OMGO!! I am seriously jumping up and down!! I NEVER WIN ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  2. Oh man... alright yippee, congrats to Brittany, but I still want to pout about it! Looks like the boys had fun too! Your Hubby isn't the only forgettful one, I gave mine a hug and kiss this morning and a sweet "Happy Valentine's Day Hun" and he was all... "Oh yeah it's Valentine's Day today huh, yeah you too" *blah* He still has the rest of the day to redeem himself! :)

    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  3. I want to congratulate the winner but the cuteness of the kids is distracting me! *lol*

  4. I'm telling ya, K, you can SOO use this to your advantage. Serious guilt could get you something pretty blingy!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day! Sorry hubby forgot, maybe he's going to do something for dinner. A girl can hope right?!?!?

    Oh and the boys are too cute!

  6. The boys are adorable!

    And *sigh* that I didn't win, but I didn't have high hopes. Would have been fun, though. :)

    My husband knows better than to get me a gift on Valentine's Day. I told him if he wants to get me an "I love you" gift, the best time to do it is any other day, when it's a real surprise!

    (You can call me a spoil sport, I don't mind. I still put a "valentine" on my blog...with a bit of help from the Little Mister. :)

  7. CONGRATS To Brittany!

    My husband doesn't do Valentine's Day...perhaps I should get myself a new car too!

  8. Oh no, you have the buy a new car
    thingee too? Sounds like Dave.
    Oh my!
    Anyway he already gave Aly & I,
    Valentine Day cards and a big
    heart shaped box of candy last
    night, so we all could be together,
    when we got it. He's a big softy
    sometimes, I love that about him!
    Happy Valentines Day from all of

  9. AFF- Yes, I suppose I could use it to my advantage, but I don't like guilt gifts. I think I'd rather have nothing.
    I just got back from the store with some lovely red tulips for myself. They are gorgeous! :)

  10. ohhhhh guilt gifts....have fun!!!

    Happy v-Day!!!

  11. Congrats to Brit! Cute boys by the way!

  12. congrats to brittney!! good for for me!! just kidding!
    happy valentines day, honey!! i hope you get a really snazzy car! can you hide the package in your closet, so your husband won't find out!!??

  13. Yeah Brittany! I kinda feel like I won too because we share a name and she lives 5 minutes away from me. Ha!

    Cute pictures of the kids pulling the name out.

    happy V-day!


  14. Yea Brittany!!!

    How is your new car Kathryn?? Make sure it is red for Valentine's Day!!!!

    Your boys are adorable!

  15. Your husband is a sweetie!!!

    And big congrats to Brittany :)

    Happy Valentine's Day.

    Heidi :)

  16. Just found your blog and as a mom of a 6, 4 and 2 year old, I can relate. Your kids are adorable.


  17. Congrats to Brittany! HAppy Valentine's Day Kathryn!

  18. I'm glad your hubby saw the light! :) So many bloggers are saying they don't expect anything on V day, or that it's overrated. I heart Valentines Day & DEMAND chocolate!

    Enjoy those strawberries, darlin'!

  19. Congrats Brittany!

    Kathryn...I'm glad you got yummy strawberries! I got an ecard. So, if you wanna come help me pick out a car, I'll wait for you ;)

  20. Hi Kathryn,

    Whew, am I relieved to hear about the redemption. By the way, a new car is mandatory with any tulip purchase.....

  21. Congrats to Brittany!

    And Happy Valentine's Day Kathryn! I also drug my kids out in a snow storm for roses today!! :-)

    Maybe I will get some chocolate strawberries later too!

  22. Congrats to Brittany!! Winning is so much fun! And your little ones looked like they had fun participating in all this bloggy goodness.

    Valentine's for me . . . I made a turkey. Clearly I have my holidays mixed up.

  23. His smile ..... sooooo precious!

  24. Congrats BRittany!!!
    That was awfully sweet of hubby :) So glad your hubby brought you something sweet!

  25. Awww, he's so sweet, and he saved himself buying you a new car :) Congrats to lucky Brittany!

  26. That is so sweet of your husband!


    :-) Happy Valentine's Day!

    :-) Beth

  27. Your hubby IS so sweet! I love (LOVE) those!

    Is that a Deanna Favre pink GB hat?

  28. Don't you love it when the redeem themselves? I hope you still went and got yourself some tulips!!!

    PS - I seriously had one of my friends get a Range Rover from her hubby for Valentine's Day. Seriously....barf!

  29. Mamageek- Why yes. It is a pink Deanna Favre breast cancer awareness Packers hat! Good eye! :)
    Lisa- Um, what? Seriously? That is kinda... um... barf. You're right.

  30. I love Brittany - I'm glad she won!!! Happy Valentine's Day Kathryn - see you later. Kellan

  31. Congrats to Brittany! And the pictures are darling. Good for hubby. Redemption is always a good thing...

  32. Congrats to Brittany!

    Hi Kathryn,
    Please accept a delicious award...
    sweet as sugar!

  33. I'm sorry, did you say something? I couldn't see anything past those blue eyes. ;)

    Congrats on those chocolate-covered strawberries. (I may have to avoid your blog if you keep talking about yummies!) Tee Hee.

    Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  34. I LOVE that second picture!

    And chocolate dipped strawberries? Score! :-)

  35. For the record, I did not forget Valentine's Day! My dearest tends to get impatient and when she does not receive immediate gratification upon waking, she perceives it to be spousal neglect. However, I know better. I play up the suspence and then give my gift. I had made dinner reservations for tonight at a very romatic italian restaraunt two weeks prior as well. We had to cancel because of horrible weather but nevertheless, I made them! Ok Ok I forgot a card...that I admit. I feel no guilt, for I am not guilty!!

    Todd aka Kathryn's Husband

  36. That's TWO posts IN A ROW that I have read that mentioned chocolate covered strawberries. There's a message hidden there, I just know it. I NEED to eat some ASAP!

    I love the photo of the kids picking the winner!

  37. I am so happy for Brittany-- her excitement was enough to brighten my day! Thanks for such a fun contest!
