Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I Stink At This

You'd think I'd be better at this by now. I've already had two of my children go off to camp so you'd think I'd be prepared for the third. I don't know why this is still so difficult.

But he just looks so little. And he is leaving all by himself. For FOUR days. ((sniff, sniff))
When Joey and Tommy went to Boy Scout Camp they left on the same day. I don't know why that made it seem better because they were going to two separate camps so they wouldn't be together. But they prepared together and that made them more excited. But Ben is leaving all on his own. It feels more lonely to me.

This is my baby boy. The boy that is used to having his big brothers with him everywhere he goes and in everything he does. He has never really been on his own before. He has never even been to a sleepover. And now he is going to go to camp for FOUR days all by himself. Ben even said that he wished Tommy could come to camp with him and admitted he was nervous. "I've never slept somewhere without you guys." he told me privately. My little Benny.


I just don't know if I'll ever get used to it, to be honest. I will forever have trouble seeing my kids leave.

When Ben left Tommy turned to me and said, "Well, before you know it we'll all be leaving for college!" The little dirtball. It's almost as if he likes to see me cry. Or maybe he just likes to see how much his mama wants her kiddos around. Little fart.

And I do like to be with my kiddos. Even when they are little dirtballs.

Hurry home Benny! I miss you already!


  1. Mine are 29, 27 and 23. I still hate to see them leave my house.

    BTW -- all are Eagle Scouts.

  2. I still don't think I'd be okay...and they may or may not be driving me crazy right now!

    I'm sure he's having a blast!

  3. He'll come home with so many memories I am sure!!

    I'm not sure how mother birds do it when they "kick" their babies out of the nest. I would gladly have mine back if I could.


  4. Four days is a long time! I bet he has a blast, though!

  5. My concern is always with how good the Scout Leaders and Administrators are. Some troops are a disaster. I do not know why that is, but my sweet daughter has to take time off from work to go camping (hubby is a city boy and hates bugs, etc.) and then she has my husband tag team so that my 10-year-old grandson has a safe and fun trip. The big camp is pretty organized and provides some new experiences, but I find the meetings a little disorganized. Tears are normal...just don't let him see you are sad.

  6. My youngest just took off today for a 4-day Bible camp in Pembine. He's a little nervous, but I know he's going to have a great time.
