Friday, November 29, 2013

Turkey Stuffed

One down, one to go.

Thanksgiving went fairly smoothly. Well, if you don't count the morning scramble to the grocery store for the forgotten Gorganzola for my green bean salad.  And then Todd's late afternoon run back to the grocery store for the forgotten wine.  And the crazy kids.  And both Todd and I not feeling well (achy, sore throat).  And, oh yeah, my new lamp that was broken by the boys in their craziness.  

But OTHER than that.  Thanksgiving was lovely. I'm thankful that I look forward to getting together with my family instead of dreading it.  That goes for my in-laws too. I truly enjoy being with my family and that is something to be very thankful for.

Todd and I are attempting to rest up a bit today if we can.  Tomorrow we are hosting another Thanksgiving dinner for Todd's side of family. We are contemplating taking the kids to a movie this afternoon.  We'll see if we can muster enough energy to leave the house.
(Eww. That one is gross. Sorry.)

I hope you all had a wonderful time with your families with more blessings than you can count.  And I hope you are all recovering nicely.


  1. Glad you had a fine day despite the setbacks. Your turkey humour made me laugh.. especially the gross one. ;)

  2. OMG these are great, I love the last one! Glad you had a good Turkey Day.

  3. Funny comics! Sorry about being under the weather; that seems to happen around the holidays sometimes here; makes me wonder if it is because of all the extra getting ready for it. It is neat though how the celebrating is spread out over a few days between different sides of the family. Enjoy! And I do hope you and your hubby feel better soon!


  4. Glad you are enjoying your extended Thanksgiving. We've moved onto Christmas here, with lights up yesterday and trees today!

  5. The fact that you had setbacks makes me feel better...because you always seem to be so organized with so much stuff going on. Broken lamps...yes, grandchildren do that as you probably have more lamp purchases in your future.

  6. We were lucky--went to Iowa for ONE Thanksgiving where everyone got along just swell and now we are home for a month before any more family stuff.

  7. Awwww, glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, hope you survived the second one! ;) I was violently ill on Thanksgiving, but felt just barely enough better by the evening to go hang out with family, and I'm glad I did. It was wonderful, even if it wasn't what we had originally planned. :)

  8. really powered through. I would have thrown in the flag.

    I hope you did the movie and were able to relax:)

  9. Ha ha, these are hilarious! Hope your second Thanksgiving went great! :)
