Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I'm hiding out.

Hiding from the cold.

Hiding from the kids.  They're wild.

Hiding from cleaning.

Hiding from the grocery store. It's probably wilder than my kids. *shutter*

Hiding from winter. The cold.

Hiding from the prepping it takes to host two Thanksgiving dinners in three days.

Hiding from the laundry.

Hiding from homework.  Theirs, not mine. But still kind of mine.

Hiding from housework.

Hiding from cooking.

Hiding from baking.

Hiding from the dishes lurking in my sink.

Hiding from leaving the house.  Did I mention the cold?



  1. You should hide. It's cold out there and all the crowds are AWFUL.

  2. Me too… :) Great picture though, you are adorable! And I love the color of that sweater.

  3. I'm in the office, with the door closed now!!! LOL!

  4. Too cute but I hope you emerge long enough to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your beautiful family.

  5. I've got you covered. If they ask me I will tell them I haven't seen you all day!

  6. I'm with you on hiding from the cold. I feel like I haven't been warm in weeks. Love that sweater. Now come on out and start cooking! Happy Tgiving!

  7. I think I would hide too under those circumstances :) But I'm sure you had the most delightful Thanksgiving???


  8. I see you! =)
    I went to the grocery store on Wednesday afternoon; do I get a medal or something?
    I just smiled at everyone and waited patiently in the 'traffic jams'. No sense trying to rush at a time like that!

  9. You are super pretty while hiding! :)
