Monday, November 5, 2012

You Capture- Favorites

This week for You Capture we are to post our favorite pics of the week.  I think I already posted many of them on my Halloween posts here and here, but I did find a few more favorites I had left out.

A shot of Joey's favorite bird, the Cedar Waxwing.  Love the little red dot on his wing and the yellow tips of his tale. I had to add this pic to my For The Birds post since it is such a nice close up. 
 Another shot of a wild Lake Michigan.
 Grace all snuggled up in daddy's sweatshirt early one morning.
 Our front yard all prepped for trick or treaters.



  1. Oddly, we don't get cedar waxwings here. Your front yard looks like a super fun stop for trick or treaters.

  2. It always surprises me when I see pictures of the Great Lakes, and they look more like the ocean. Those are some big waves!

  3. Charming bird!

  4. Wow what a great picture of that bird, I can see why it's Joey's favorite! Atty actually gasped when he saw the picture, funny kid. He loves your bird pictures. :)

  5. gorgeous shot of that bird. sweet shot of grace. :)

  6. These are great shots! I love the waves you've captured on the lake.

  7. its been a long time since i have seen the great lakes that messy. i was in Duluth MN the last time I saw waves like that in Lake Superior.

  8. What a gorgeous bird! I'd never heard of it before.

    And your house is just perfect for this season!

  9. Your yard is wonderful! I love it when people go all out for Halloween. So much fun! And the look on your daughters face made me laugh. She looks scared to death. :)

  10. Verna Lantz- Haha! She does look scared, doesn't she? She was actually pretending she was a puppy. Those are her puppy dog eyes. hehe

  11. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Cedar Waxwing!

  12. I always love ALL of your pics! That bird photo is awesome. :-)

  13. Lake Michigan is looking ticked off in that picture! (Last time I saw it, was the bay in TC, so it was the calmer side).

    Grace sure is cute in daddy's sweatshirt.
