Friday, December 17, 2010

PSF- Wonder

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

I wonder what presents they'll ask Santa for.

They wonder if baby Jesus was cold in the manger. 

He wonders if he can wear his tie to mass.

I wonder if it will snow for Christmas.

He wonders what Santa will bring.

I wonder what time the relatives will be arriving.

He wonders if I will like the card he made for me. 

I wonder how the Three Kings knew to follow that star.

We wonder who the package is from.

They wonder how Jesus was ever a baby.

She wonders how the lights got on the tree.

The Christmas season is filled with wonder.  And now that there are only a few days left of school, mom is getting stronger and stronger, my Christmas shopping is just about done, the colds are subsiding, and life seems to be slowing down just a tad, I think I can actually enjoy these last days before Christmas and the wonder that the season holds.
I hope you can enjoy the wonder too!


  1. That's really beautiful Kat. Hope you have a wonderful :) Christmas.

  2. I hope you all are healthy and well and enjoy your Christmas, too! The season of wonder!

  3. That picture is a perfect ending to your post!

  4. Happy Holidays and I know you will get the best gift of all which is lots of little people hugs!

  5. Grace is such a cutie! I'm glad things are slowing down a little for you so that you can enjoy the holidays.

  6. I miss the days when all I wondered about was jesus and our presents :) As an adult it becomes SO much more complicated! Fun but still complicated

  7. Lots of wonder to ponder. Lovely photo of your wee sweetie. :)

  8. Colds are just hitting my house and I hope it skips me!
    Your tree and your baby are beautiful and your right it is the "wonder" that makes Christmas so special.

  9. Oh my!! Talk about what Christmas is all about~Precious!!!
