Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holy Mackerel!

Whew!  I've been gone for a while.  But I have an excuse.  Well, I honestly have a thousand excuses, and they are all good.  Wanna hear them?  Well, here they are anyway:

- My mom had open heart surgery last week to replace two of her valves.  The surgery went perfectly and she recovered faster than anyone expected (especially considering that her cancer complicates things).  I spent my a lot of my time driving the one hour plus down to visit her this past week, and yesterday I got to go and pick her up and bring her home. Hallelujah!  She is SO HAPPY to be home where she can actually get some rest and recuperate.  How anyone is supposed to get better in a hospital I will never know.  Now my brother is staying with my mom at night and the rest of us kids are checking on her way too often.  Thank you all for your prayers I can not tell you in words how much it meant. 

- Ben got a double ear infection this past week.  It was a doosey and it has temporarily affected his hearing.  Poor kid.  He is practically deaf.  We have to yell everything at him.  He probably doesn't understand why mommy and daddy are always yelling at him.  Hopefully he will recover soon and not have another nasty cold for a while.

- Todd and Grace currently have nasty colds.  Not fun.

- One of my very favorite uncles died this past week.  Uncle Clarence lived in New York and I didn't get to spend nearly as much time with him as I would have liked.  He was my father's brother, and the last time I saw him was at my dad's funeral.  He spent the week here, and I am so grateful for the time I got to have with him.  Such a wonderful man.  He was so similar to my dad and they were very close.  My cousin told me that the day my uncle passed away he said from his sleep, "Where is my brother?"  It was the only clear thing they had heard him say all day. 

- I have gotten a few migraines this past week or so.  I wonder why?  I have found that chewing Excedrin does keep the migraine at bay and it doesn't get as bad as it normally would.  Tastes horrible, but it works so I'm sticking to it.  Still, I think I might need to get myself to the chiropractor.  That, or cut out some of the stress.  Hmm.  How do I do that?

- I think I may have to have the phone surgically removed from my face.  I have been on it nonstop for the past few days giving updates on mom, info about my uncle, and general yucky stuff (doctor's appointments, getting mom's financial stuff in order, and school info, etc.).  This is grand central station.  The phone is constantly ringing!  AH!

- I gave the boys haircuts and they look so handsome!  I hadn't realized how shaggy they had gotten until I cut their hair and now I can see their gorgeous little schmoopee faces.  They look great!  Even Grace had her bangs cut.  She didn't like that.  At. All. 

- I have a ton of Christmas shopping to do yet.  Oops.  Been kinda busy.  Guess it is coming up faster than I thought.

- Joey and Tommy have their Christmas concert at school tomorrow.  That's all I have to say about that.

- Each school child of mine (that's three) have Christmas parties and secret santas I have to shop for too.  And Joey has a nativity play that his class will be putting on in a week and he needs a costume for.  Oh dear baby Jesus, can't I just celebrate your birth quietly and respectfully without running around like a chicken with my head cut off?  *sigh*

- Oh and by the way, we had a MASSIVE snow storm during all this madness.  It was not only a fair amount of snow but severely cold and WINDY.  It was crazy, and it made driving to the hospital to see my mom a real mess.  This is the view from my front door.
 This is the view from my kitchen window.  Can you see anything?  Me neither.
 The pretty part of the backyard.
 The fun part of the backyard.
And my dog seeing her first snowfall and wondering what is going on.  Please note, she is standing on top of the snow because it was already pretty solid from being so freaking cold outside!
Yep.  Life is wackadoodee.  I half feel like I'm going crazy.  And I don't suspect it will get much better anytime soon.  But that's okay.  This too shall pass. And soon I will be able to sit back, for at least a few minutes, and enjoy this beautiful holiday season with my family.  I hope.


  1. So glad to hear that your mom is doing well. I hope she continues to recover beautifully!

    My daughter had a double ear infection a few years ago that was absolutely horrible, and she lost hearing for awhile, as well. But I'm happy to say that she was back to normal pretty quickly after that, so I'm sure Ben will be too.

  2. I am so sad to see all that snow. I will be in the general area starting next week and I've been very spoiled here down in the sunshiney southwest.

  3. Your life sounds like you need to relax a little, but with everything that is going on, it will not be easy to do.

    I feel for your little guy with the ear infection. I had one this week, and I was miserable. 2 shots and antibiotics later, I am getting back to normal.

    MY DIL is praying for the stillness of the season. She has 5 little ones, home schools, but she is listening to the quiet.

  4. I've been impatiently waiting for a blog post from you!
    I'm SO glad to hear your mom is ok.
    I'm sorry to hear about your uncle, and poor little Ben too. My oldest son had chronic, terrible ear infections and had tubes in twice. It was miserable for him.
    I hope everyone is well soon and your Christmas is as stress-free as humanly possible!!

  5. Wow! If I could give you a hug I would. Consider it done.
    I hope the good moments of the season slow down a bit and the not-so-good moments hurry on past.
    I'm so happy that your mom is doing better than expected. That is wonderful news.

  6. Goodness! You're right, lots of excuses. Good ones too. So sorry for the stresses, thankful your Mom's doing better. I hope life gets calmer soon.

  7. Glad to hear your Mom is recovering and doing well. Hopefully the rest of your family has a speedy recovery! We had a monster of a storm here last weekend in the Twin Cities!! Stay warm and hopefully the kids can get out and enjoy the snow. :)

  8. Woah, look at all that snow!

    Hope you get a chance to slow down a bit and SO glad to hear that your Mom's surgery went well.

    I need to trim K's bangs too. Wonder how she'll like it...

  9. YAY for your mom! That's great news!
    Ah, the rest---always the most crazy in the midst of holidays, isn't it? Peace, dear.

  10. Wow. You have been insanely busy! I'm so sorry to hear of your uncle and so glad your mom's surgery went well. I hope she recovers quickly. And I hope life settles down so you can enjoy your beautiful white Christmas.

  11. Good Lawd you've been busy! Sounds like you need a long bubble bath, a good glass of wine with the bathroom door locked!!! Ha! Hope the holidays slow down for you, well at least long enough for you to enjoy them!!!

  12. I'm really sorry about your uncle, but I'm delighted your mom is home.

    It will be a wonderful holiday season; everything doesn't have to be perfect for it to be perfect.

  13. Holy cow, you HAVE had a lot on your plate. I hope things start to calm down and everyone gets healthy again so you can enjoy the holidays.

    PS I still want your dog. :) She is soooooo cute!

  14. Kelly- She is the best dog EVER and she is only 5 months old. We are so in love with her. She is AWESOME! She used to be big and fluffy but we cut her hair. The short hair is better for the snow but the boys miss the big fluffy hair. I think she is cute either way. Best. Dog. Ever. :)

  15. You poor thing! That's a LOT on your plate all at once. I'm glad your mom's surgery went well and she is recovering! And I'm very sorry about your Uncle. :-(

  16. Kat Honey, with all those things on your plate, it's a wonder you were even able to pull two thoughts together and write 'em down!
    So relieved to hear your Mom's surgery went so well and that she is home, doing fine now. You're so right about trying to rest in a hospital! No way you can do that! My condolences to you on the loss of your uncle. My family had two losses in less than a month here with my dear oldest cousin on Nov. 9th and then, Dec. 5th, her husband died too. Sometimes, when it rains, it does seem to really pour, doesn't it? Just hang tough now though Kiddo and if you made it through all the above, plus your son's ear infection, the rest will no doubt be a bit of a breeze by comparison! Hope things calm down a bit for you though so you can relax on the 24th and 25th with your family to have a blessed Christmas.

  17. wow that is a lot of good excuses!

  18. My goodness. You certainly have had a lot on your plate recently.

    I can empathize concerning your Mom's operation. My Dad had open heart years back, and I was his only help at the time (only child, he was divorced from My Mom.) It was a tremendous strain. To have the other things you've detailed on top of it, plus the holidays... Bless you.

  19. Gosh, best wishes to your mum, hoping it all goes well and she is fit and well very soon. Lots going on with you, I'm not surprised you are having migraines. I'm sure they're stress related, you could be doing too much.

    I know it's not easy to slow down with a family, but sometimes you just have to take a step back and look after yourself. My orders!!

    Take care, CJ xx
    p.s. I've sent you an email.

  20. Oh kat - that's a doozy for sure! Hope you're keeping your head above water!

  21. I am so glad to hear the good news about your mother! sorry about the colds, little kids and nasty noses are yukky. Dealing with all of that and being buried in snow is not for the faint of heart to be sure. Sorry about your uncle. I have seen many people who are believers in Jesus talk to their loved ones and the Lord as they are dying. It's awesome that he said that.

    I hope you get a reprieve from the headaches and stress. As much as you love your precious family you need to enjoy them at Christmas. Your puppy is adorable!!!! She is a beautiful dog.

  22. Crazy busy!!

    So glad to hear your mom is doing well!

    Beautiful snow pictures.

    Oh and I LOVE your hair, dark hair and light colored eyes is always an awesome combo! Keep it!!! :)

  23. I just realized that I commented on your hair in the completely wrong blog post...oh well...

  24. Forgive my way-behind-ed-ness while I catch up on old posts. I just wanted to say that I hope your mom is recovering well. Also, I am so excited that you guys got a dog! She is such a cutie pie, and I think she looks hilarious in the snow all blended in. Good stuff, Kat.
