Wednesday, February 3, 2010

WW- Meeting Our New Neighbors

The other night we were getting ready for dinner when a few of our new neighbors stopped by. It seems they were making the rounds because they stopped at our neighbor's house first.

We thought they were beautiful, but maybe a bit rude. They walked all over every one's yards like they owned them.
And when we opened the door to say hello they stopped and stared. They stared for a really long time, I think their mother should tell them that isn't polite.
As soon as we shut the door they went about their business.
They all but ignored us.
I guess they are the "eat and run" type. Again, a little rude but we didn't mind. We were happy to have them visit. We had seen them in the neighborhood many times before but not so many at the same time. We do hope they will all visit us again soon. We just love our new neighbors.


  1. How cool! Be careful driving in your neighborhood though...

  2. rumor has it that your neighbors really like salt.

    totally random thought as I was scrolling up your page... next fall you should get pictures of you and Todd in the leaves, to match the pictures of your kids. That would make such a great addition to the blog, plus a really fun series in a hallway or on a tabletop or something in your house.

  3. We had a lot of deer in our old neighborhood. Jackson used to love to sit at the window and watch them in the backyard.

  4. PM- Ha! That is actually what I said to Todd. I told him I want to get a salt lick for the deer and he said that is actually illegal in our township. Lame. I still kinda want to do it. I guess just having grass will help. Right now our yard is still a big mudhole (when not covered in snow).
    And does anyone really want to see pics of hubby and I? I think the kids are just so much cuter. :)

  5. That's so cool! Very neat. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Those are beautiful neighbors Kat.. enjoy them..

  7. What cute neighbors you have! Be careful in the summer time though they will sooo eat your flowers! LOL my MIL has deer like that and they always eat her lily's and mums :0) But we love them...

    Found your blog and it is super cute....
    Summer :0)

  8. Summer- We just had some landscaping done in fall and the gentleman made sure to put in bushes and plants that the deer do not like. I actually hope they come and eat our grass (once we plant some) though. I LOVE them! :)

  9. I don't think I would mind neighbors like that! :)

  10. I don't think I would mind neighbors like that! :)

  11. Cute neighbors! I hope they mind their manners and only eat the grass.

  12. Ha,Ha,Ha!!! What lovely neighbors y'all have!

  13. That is so neat. I think deer are just beautiful and one of my favorite parts of going out to my dads cabin is watching the deer come by. They are so used to us that they'll just come walking on by.

  14. Wow, that is crazy! We never see anything like that around here.

  15. We have a little deer that has decided to move into the courtyard of our church. Sure makes it easier to get the little ones excited on Sunday mornings!!

  16. They are beautiful neighbors. Over the summer when my hubby played ball we would be graced with some of them in the outfield. such beautiful animals.

  17. So pretty! And they're quiet neighbors too! HA!

  18. Your neighbors seem to have that "deer in the headlights" look. Strange! ;o)

  19. I hope you didn't plant tulips. Just sayin.

  20. Wow, they are pretty though, with the backdrop. But that is a whole LOT of them!

  21. Jackson used to love to sit at the window and watch them in the backyard.

    Work from home India

  22. Lovely pictures. They seem like nice enough folks.
