Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Six More Weeks Of Winter Makes Me A Little Crazy

This is what Joey thinks of 6 more weeks of winter.

I feel much the same way. Although without the red, spiky hair. It is crazy hair day at school today and I did the same KoolAid trick I did last year. It is such a quick, easy (although messy) way to dye hair, and the boys like the way it smells.

So, as I mentioned, Phil saw his shadow today. I guess that means six more weeks of winter. Technically, the first day of spring is 6 weeks away so don't we always get six more weeks of winter no matter what Phil sees? Especially in Wisconsin. We have such long winters. Ah well. I really can't complain because so far this winter has been very mild. We have not had very much snow or many horribly cold days. Not like last year. That was a harsh winter and it seemed to last FOREVER.

The weather is supposed to be mild again this weekend so we are considering taking the boys up north to teach them how to ski. There is a family friendly ski hill right by Todd's family's cabin and it is the perfect place for the boys to learn. Every year we say we are going to take the boys skiing, but this year we are actually going to do it. And, it will make for a wonderful birthday weekend for Ben. His birthday is on Monday and there is no place that kid would rather be than up north at the cabin. It is a win/win.

Maybe six more weeks of winter isn't such a bad thing after all.


  1. Definitely not if you get to ski! We just get cold here...no snow. :( have a great time and happy birthday to your little Ben! And loved the hair!

  2. Yeah the whole groundhog's day thing doesn't really apply to us here in Texas. The weather is always crazy & we really don't have seasons!

    Love the crazy hair!!!

  3. I feel the same way about the winter! I live in GA for crying out loud, it should be at least 80 degrees outside by now! LOL

  4. Doesn't it seem like the groundhog ALWAYS sees his shadow? I'm starting to think it's all a big sham!

    Have a fun trip! :)

  5. No kidding! Seriously, it can't be up to a groundhog to decide this. I need warm weather now! But, the idea of skiing sounds fun. Enjoy it!

  6. Love the KoolAid hair! Happy birthday to Ben and happy skiing. I'm with Rima...seems like Phil always sees his shadow.

  7. They need to leave that poor Groundhog alone... He isn't any good as a weatherman...

  8. love the picture. i feel that way about a lot of things. i guess i can live with the whole winter issue. have fun with the skiiing.

  9. That sounds like fun! I can't believe you have had a mild winter. I feel like we have been hit brutally hard here.

    Well here's to spring!!!

  10. The trip to the cabin sounds divine. Can I come too? ;) Enjoy it!!

  11. What a funny photo!
    Have fun skiing!

  12. I think you're spot on--finding a way to have fun in the snow will help winter pass by more quickly and make it more fun. Enjoy!

  13. I kind of feel like Joey does too. Even in Texas it's been cold. And I'm SO ready for some warmer weather. It's time.

  14. I never learned how to ski. When I was in 6th grade we went to a ski resort for the day in school and I never got off the bunny hill...LOL..So hopefully your kids learn more than I did...

  15. The weather is always crazy & we really don't have seasons!

    Work from home India
