Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Playing With My Presents

This is what I got for Christmas:

Not too shabby, right? I just love my presents.
Christmas took a lot out of me this year. I feel like I've been wrung through. I'm exhausted and moody and emotional. And, Todd is hunting up north for a couple of days so I don't have much of a break. It is a good thing that we have had a few nice snow falls for the boys to go outside and play in and get their energy out. Oh how I LOVE my nice, big, fenced-in backyard!
When the boys come in all rosy and cold they gulp down their hot chocolate and we snuggle up on the couch.
And it gets me through.


  1. And YAY for pretty Christmas dresses... shopping for sweet dresses for the girls gets me through long winter days too.

    Stay warm!

  2. that picture of you and grace is adorable. and with all three boys on the couch. awesome.

    my hubby will be gone for at least two weeks in January. while I'm getting ready to open a show. I'm trying not to think about it. denial is a good thing, right? ;)

    at least we'll both have adorable companions.

  3. Best pressies EVER! : ) Miss Grace looks a lot like you and you ladies are gorgeous. The boys are pretty cute too! Have a cup of cocoa for me...

  4. You are one lucky woman!

    Your children are BEAUTIFUL!!! :)

    Happy New year sweetie!

  5. Amazing presents! God has blessed you dearly!! :) Happy New Year, Kat!

  6. Those kind of presents are the best. Love the pics so cute.

  7. You have the cutest little family! The boys always look so sweet, and of course Grace is adorable!

  8. Those are such lovely pictures!!! Beautiful family. What more could you ask for? All the best for 2010... Happy New Year!

  9. Happy New Kat and family.. Boy is she gorgeous in that dress... I love how she is growing into such a little lady...

  10. I like the present with the big red bow!

  11. Such adorable pictures. I felt so blessed this Christmas too, with the full house and all. All that I need I already have.

    Some days are hard being a mom with so much to do, and everything else that can be added in. It's especially hard when our men are busy...makes for extra long days and no breaks, but it is so nice to slow down and just snuggle isn't it. I love the picture of you and your boys on the couch...

  12. I think you totally scored on your gifts!! this time of year is rough for me this time too, I hope things start looking up for you soon!

  13. They are definitely the best presents ever! They are so beautiful... Hang in there, hunker down at home and enjoy being together!

  14. Those are wonderful gifts! Hope you hang in there!

  15. i'm right there with ya and pretty glad the holiday is over. i'm glad you have some cuddle bugs to help get you through. that really is a gift. :)

  16. Even with Todd gone its still a full household with the kids... Happy New Years Kat!

  17. How on earth did you set the self-timer and run over to that couch looking all calm and relaxed?

    Get some rest Kat (oh, that was funny, wasn't it?), this must've been an emotional roller coaster holiday for you. You're right though, you have some pretty gorgeous presents there.

  18. J- This photo was actually taken before Todd left for hunting. We snuggle like this on the couch all the time. Today the boys were actually rubbing my feet too! Yahoo! ;)

  19. AWE!!!! I have no idea how you do four kids... And your husband still hunts? WOW! You go girl!

  20. How cute!!!

    And look how big Ben is getting!! My goodness your kids are just plain adorable! :)

  21. Those are some pretty adorable Christmas presents. :)

  22. Miss Grace looks a lot like you and you ladies are gorgeous.

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  23. Who wouldn't want to play with those presents? Those are the best!

  24. They are so yummy, but don't forget to take a little time for yourself! :)

  25. i hear you on the rung out. for real - i'm ran over!

    but please tell much fun did you have buying a christmas dress this year??? :)

  26. You certainly have a beautiful family! And Grace is adorable, naturally. It seems she's hair-challenged much like mine though, huh? Oh well. Good thing their cuteness makes up for it! :-)

    Happy New Year!

  27. Why do these pictures make me choke up? Baby A has a similar dress. Did you see is on Facebook? Grace is lovely . . . and those boys . . . handsome.

    It would get me through . . . too.
