Thursday, December 31, 2009


(The sunrise over Lake Michigan-Please click to enlarge)

This is the last day of the year. Of the decade even! I am not sad to see it go. Yes there were some wonderful and good things that happened this year. But there was also much heartbreak and sadness and chaos. That is the thing about life. You take the good with the bad. There will always be both. So while I look forward to another year, hopefully a more peaceful year, I am grateful for the year we've had. And the decade we've had too.

I have a lot of hope for this new year. I hope we can slow down a bit and live a little less chaotically. I hope for peace. Peace of mind. Peace and QUIET. And peace in our world. I hope for contentment. When I don't have that QUIET I'm craving I hope I can appreciate the noise. Because it is beautiful in it's own way too. I hope for good health for all of my family and friends and loved ones. I hope I am strong enough when I need to be. I hope I am kind enough to those that need kindness. I hope I am understanding, and patient, and brave.

I will be a better mother. I will be a better wife. I will be a better, daughter, sister, and friend. And I will not wait until the new year to begin. Each day is a clean slate, and each day I will recommit to doing better.

I wish you all a very healthy, peaceful, and Happy New Year!


  1. A very happy and blessed New Year to you Kat! May 2010 be a wonderful year and decade for your family!

  2. Beautiful post! Quiet? You want quiet? You may have to leave home and hearth for a bit to get any of that. You are so sweet.

  3. Beautiful. Beautiful picture, beautiful words, just Beautiful.

    Every day is a new day! :) Thank goodness for that...I was just thinking that I need to be more dedicated myself to the very same things, I especially need to slow down and take the time to be a better mommy, to really Be There for my kids. I get so busy trying to take care of Everything that I sometimes forget about what matters most...those sweet little faces staring up at me. I mean I'm doing stuff for them all day long, but I some times forget to just get down on their level and be there for them. I just finished the book Being a great mom and raising great kids by Sharon Jaynes, if you have a free moment ;) read it, great book. It's what made me realize I need to start out 2010 with a better focus, get myself back to the kind of mom I wanted to be when I started this whole thing...before everything went CrAzy!! :)

    Happy New Year!

  4. Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2010, Kat. :)

  5. I would love some quiet too! Hope you & your family have a Happy New Year and a blessed 2010!

  6. Happy New Year to you also :)

  7. what a dramatic and stunning photo!

    you've had a dramatic and stunning year too, which can sometimes be exhausting and scary. you have the character though to make it all become a beautiful thing. wishing you a peaceful 2010.

  8. I am hoping right along with you!

    Happy New Year friend! :)

  9. Wonderfully inspirational post! Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year to you too! Beautiful post.

  11. Heres hoping your hope comes true in 2010...

  12. Back at ya! Here's to peace and contentment in 2010!

  13. Happy New Year. Cheers to 2010!

  14. I have so enjoyed this peaceful stroll through the beautiful backlog of your posts. (I've been a very distracted blogger these past few weeks -- but it has been WONDERFUL; equally wonderful to come quietly and catch up. Thanks for leaving the door open . . . )

    Your sweet heart spills over with the most precious thoughts laced with honesty and openess, heartache and joy, REAL, Real, real. Truly you are blessed and I pray the blessings continue to bubble up and flow all over the place in your 2010.

    Happy New Year, sweet, sweet friend.

    XO ~~ Debbie

  15. I wish you all the best for the new year! What beautiful goals you have...I'd like these things to.

  16. Lovely photo. Happy 2010! Beautiful post.

  17. Sounds like 2010 is going to be a wonderful year for you and your family. Happy New Year Kat!

  18. It is crazy to think about this being the end of a decade - definitely good and bad alongside one another. Happy New Year to you and wishes for many blessings and much simplicity in the year to come.

  19. A beautiful post -soft and sentimental and yet, very realistic with respect to the events of the past, the dreams for the future.
    May you always be able to look at things in this manner as I do believe the attitude, especially such as yours is, helps to be able to handle the drawbacks and sorrows life often throws our way. And it puts a balance too on the good things as they come rolling forward,
    Happy New Year to you and all your family -keep enjoying the noise along with the occasional quiet times -although, quiet when small children are present often isn't a really good sign, is it?
    All of that and more says you'll make the coming year truly be a very happy one!
    Peace and blessings.

  20. Hope this year is more peaceful for your family. ONLY good stuff. And more pics of that beautiful family, if you don't mind. :) Happy New Year, Kat.

  21. Wishing you the same!

    I gave you an award on my blog. Happy New Year!

  22. 2010 is going to be a wonderful year for you and your family. Happy New Year Kat!

    How to make a website

  23. Loved this post! Happy New Year!

  24. Gorgeous photo Kat and wonderful goals to accomplish.

  25. What a great message for a new year!

    Happy hopeful new year.

  26. Peace and quiet.... Ahhhhh.... yes.

    Happy New Year Friend.

  27. Lovely daily resolutions to remember.

    Happy New Year.

  28. That's a beautiful picture.. colors are amazing

  29. happy new year Kat and family.. I hope all your dreams come true this year.. i am hoping i have a better year myself..

  30. I just HAD 2 visit ur blog...just because of the name of it!lol...I got here via Tweetey's Blog,btw.I was thinking "that should have been the name of MY blog"lol
    Glad I popped in,cuz you sound like your going into this year with a strong mind and alot of determination to have a GREAT 2010.
    Awesome blog.Glad I popped in.Great reading.

  31. Hope you are having a great New Year!

  32. Happy New Year!

    (Hope it's a good one :)

  33. Happy New Year to one of the best mothers I know . . .

  34. Happy New Year to you, Kat! You sound like an amazing all of the above to me. I mean that. You are awesome.
