Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Timing Is Everything

The past two weeks have been absolute madness. Between massive amounts of showings for our house, and major crisises (what is the plural of that? crisi? crisises? whatever) happening with family and close friends we have been going nonstop. But hopefully, after this past weekend, things will be slowing down.

We have accepted an offer on our house. There were two couples competing for our house and the final offer that we accepted was over our asking price. Not only that but they are trying to close as soon as possible to get us the cash equity right away, and then giving us the option to rent the house until the construction on our new house is finished. How perfect is that?

Once we put our house on the multiple listing for realtors to see everything started moving very quickly. It has only been three weeks since Todd's friend became our realtor and we already received multiple offers. So good. My mind tells me that perhaps we should have gone the realtor route a long time ago, but then we wouldn't be getting the remodel house in my dream neighborhood, so my gut tells me that everything has happened in the right order. I thought the first house was a dream house, but this one is even better. Timing really is everything.

Now all we are waiting for is the appraisal on the construction property, and we will schedule the closing so we can begin the remodel as soon as possible. It is all very exciting, really. I can't wait to show all of you the pictures of the fixer-upper. You may be a little shocked at the before pictures (so much work to be done!), but I know it will be great when it is finished. The house is gonna ROCK. Woohoo!

Thank you all for being patient with me. I know I've been absent for a long time but I'm looking forward to catching up with y'all and getting back into the bloggy world. See ya soon!


  1. YAY great news on the house! I can't wait to see your new one when it's finished. Have you started packing yet? ;)

  2. Congrats on selling the house and making out on the deal. Good luck with the construction loan.

  3. Congrats on both houses!!! God does work in wonderful ways!!!

  4. So much good news!!! Congrats. I can't wait to see pictures.

  5. Oh, this sounds wonderful! I'm glad everything is working out so well for you.

  6. Sounds like a lot of stress.Just be careful and congrats on the offer. Talk to you soon.

  7. Woo Hoo!! I love it!!! That is almost exactly what happend to us! I knew it would al work out for the best!!! Yea!! I am so excited for you and can't wait to the the re-model unfold.

    Sorry about the crisis situations. Hope all is okay on that front. My thoughts are with you.

  8. YAY for selling your house! Above asking price too! And YAY for the new house! New construction is always exciting and the neighborhood sounds so nice, it will be a great home for you.

  9. That's awesome about the house! I know you'll be glad when you can finally get settled and now you're a little closer to that goal.

  10. Wowzers! I haven't been visiting people in a long time, but I didn't realize a) that your baby is due so soon and b) you are moving! Wow!! That is a LOT to deal with. Best of luck!

  11. I am soooooo excited for you...there is light at the end of the tunnel finally! Isn't it amazing how things work out when we put our faith in God and wait to see what exciting new thing is going to happen because of that! Can't wait to see pictures. :)

  12. That is such fabulous news!!!! And what a relief to not have to show your house anymore. I hope it moves fast and y'all get settled soon. Can't wait to see pictures.

  13. Such great news about your house! I'm excited for you. :)

  14. Fantastic news! Glad it's all working out so well for you!

  15. yay.

    and the plural is crises (pronounced cry-seez

  16. Glad to hear that things are falling into place for you. Hope that YOU are doing OK during all this.

  17. PM- HAHA! THANK YOU! I knew how to pronounce it, but I just couldn't spell it. :)

  18. I'm so glad everything has "fallen" into place for you.

    I can't wait to see the pictures of the new place.

  19. The outcome for you and the house sale/problems/purchase, etc., can also be described as "Good things come to them that wait." Or perhaps the word "patience" too exemplifies the situation. But whatever it might be, congrats that you got it all the way you did! Fantastic, how things sometimes do just fall into place, isn't it?

  20. Such exciting news. Everything really does happen for a reason!

  21. Congrats on the house, sounds very exciting and you will be busy for sure... good luck!

  22. YAY!! So glad it's working out for you!

  23. Congrats. I told you everything would work out as planned.


  24. I can't wait to see pictures, and I'm glad that you're so happy about how everything worked out!

  25. congrats with the house.

    3 days before my last baby was born, we moved into our house.


    It was great... I was "too" prego to help much,,, so everyone else did the "work".

