Friday, April 11, 2008


Nighttime thunderstorms
Rumble through my weary mind
Keeping me awake

Thoughts wash in and out
I can't focus long enough
to clear out my head

My brain is too full
A dryer of tumbling rocks
Banging and shifting

I can't shut if off
They tumble out of my ears
Onto my pillow

Rain taps at the glass
And lulls me to sleep at last
Oh but not for long


  1. i love sleeping to rain, but not storms. that i find almost impossible.

  2. I LOVE it when thunder wakes me up. I know that's weird, but I do.

  3. What a great Haiku! I feel that way sometimes, just can't get to sleep.

  4. Sorry you didn't sleep well, but at least you got a great haiku out of it! (That's me trying to be a Tigger!)

    Happy Friday!

  5. Great haiku. Hopefully you'll be able to take a nap today and get some rest ;)

  6. Kathryn, it's really strange but my brain just hasn't globbed on to reading haikus, so I usually give it a half-assed try, then ... fade out. So today, I saw it first on google reader, and in that format, it jumped out at me. I LOVE IT!

    Now I have to go back and really read and absorb your beautiful haiku's.

    And, as always, your music is so, so good.

  7. So sorry you're tired, but that was beautiful 'ku. :)

  8. Sorry you are tired but that haiku ROCKED! Great job!

  9. Oh Kathryn, I'm sorry the storm kept you up. That was a beautiful Haiku though, especially being sleep deprived.
    Hope you find rest soon.

  10. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Estabilizador e Nobreak, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  11. At least it was RAIN and not SNOW!! yay!!!

  12. lovely 'ku. it's tough to sleep with all that racket...

  13. Nice Ku. Sorry for the storms keeping you awake.

  14. I know just what you mean! Great haiku.

  15. That was me yesterday morning. Maybe it moved directly north? I wish you a night full of sleep...and great naps from the boys today.

  16. Wow-- this was a really great haiku. You certainly have the ability to write! I wouldn't mind a few t-storms and rain on the glass. It's a nice change from snow isn't it :-)

  17. Impressive haiku because it's actually very poetic. I kind of miss storms since we don't get many out this way, but I don't really miss that feeling.

  18. Powerfully, your words
    generate imagery
    rich enough to feel!

    Thanks for visiting
    Sacred Ruminations … my
    second ‘ku is here ;--)

    I do hope tonight
    you catch up on 'missing' sleep
    and have pleasant dreams !

    Hugs and blessings,

  19. Nice post! Sometimes sleeping is just plain hard work.

  20. Oh no! Sorry to hear that you are so tired. Hope that you were able to get at least a nap in?

    I am going to try and be least it didn't snow. :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  21. lovely!!

    I fall asleep to rain. Almost. every. single. night.

  22. Sometimes I feel like you live inside my head! We too, had rain and thunder last night. I loved the metaphor of the dryer...that fits me to a T. Have a wonderful weekend.

  23. WOW K, they was seriously fantastic. I loved it. Our storms kept me and my son up too - and you know that Last Lecture is still stuck in my head. :O

  24. Kathryn... you blew the storms my way. Again. :)

    Sweet post.

  25. Oh I like this one! I often have trouble getting to sleep because of all of the noise of the day still rattling around in my brain. Great 'ku.

  26. Great Haiku, Kathryn. I think you write the best Haiku's of nearly everyone!!

    Have a good weekend - see ya - Kellan

  27. I am glad it rain and not snow. I sometime like rainy nights as long as it not to stormy.

  28. I usually sleep through them. It's only when scared child come into bed that wakes me up.
    Better rain than snow.

  29. Great haiku!

    I mailed a little something something today. It should be there soon!

  30. That was a beautiful Haiku. I really enjoyed it!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  31. So beautiful.... I love the image of the rain "tap[ping] at the glass" (among other lines) -- beautifully put.... You're evolving into a really great poet.... :)

  32. Beautiful Haiku, Kathryn!

    Although I do love a good thunderstorm!

  33. Dear blogging friend,
    My meme tag response is up. You can go right here. Be there or be square. :D
    Yours truly,
    The Apron Queen

  34. Your haiku are always so beautiful.
