Thursday, April 10, 2008


Last night after bawling our eyes out throughout the Idol Gives Back episode on American Idol (oh the suffering in this world) my hubby and I watched Primetime with Diane Sawyer and bawled our eyes out some more. She interviewed Randy Pausch and his wife about his now famous Last Lecture that has gotten over a million and a half hits on YouTube. You may have heard this story already, I even saw a short clip of the lecture on Laura's blog Lunatic Fringe last month. Still, hearing them talk about their life and how they are choosing to spend their days really hit me. Actually, it hit me and my hubby. It hit us. It makes you want to do better. It makes you want to love better. It makes you want to be a better parent. It makes you so much more aware.

In case you don't know the back story Randy is a Professor who has three young children and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was given 3-6 months to live. He decided to give one last lecture on how to make your dreams come true. It turns out that the lecture is more than that. It is a manual, of sorts, on how to live your life. It is inspirational. It is funny. And, it is wise. His upbeat attitude is amazing.

I still haven't watched the entire lecture, but I am including it here so you don't have to run on over to YouTube to find it. I don't expect you to watch the whole thing, although at some point you should. For now, watch the beginning. Then, maybe skip to the end. And, get some of the middle too. Okay, just watch the whole thing when you get a sec.

And then ask yourself. Am I a Tigger, or am I an Eeyore.

I apologize, but you will have to scroll down to the bottom of my blog and mute my music before you play this video. Thanks!


  1. You mean I wasn't the only one crying my eyes out at this either?

    I still have about 10 minutes to go in the program, but everyone must listen to what he has to say.

    I have to say his wife is beyond amazing. To be so strong in the midst of knowing that at any moment he will be taken away. Although, I guess, that is the moral. We should all live that way. We never know how long we will have with those we love. We should all hug and kiss those we love extra every day.

    To watch this and think about the scare I went through with Chet. I am so thankful for all I have been given.

    Amazing! Thanks for making sure people hear this story!

  2. this man is amazing. and i have to confess, i alternate between being a tigger and an eeyore. i just want to now why people like this are taken from life so soon.

  3. I read about this on the abc website this morning, and I had heard about him last year. He is a an amazing inspiration, you are right.


  4. Wow. What an amazing man. Seriously. Amazing. I think people who take their fate and RUN with it! Look at what he's doing and those he's inspiring! AWESOME. I love it. And what a sense of humor.

    In response to Lime- I truly believe everyone has a purpose on this Earth. God puts us here for a reason and he has a plan for each of us. Some of us fulfill our "duties" earlier than others. How wonderful for those people who fulfill their purpose earlier than others! This man's purpose may just be fulfilled within these 3-6 months, by doing these lectures. Who knows.

    Thanks for sharing this, Kathryn!

  5. I recorded it last night. I had to skip anything and everything that would make me cry. I was not equipped to handle it . . . (no ice cream left . . . zero comfort foods in the house-- a travesty!).

    I watched the entire lecture on one of the TV news shows (can't remember which one) and I was amazed by his courage. His heart. He is one amazing man. Clearly, he was put earth for a reason. I know his story is inspirational, but it still pains me that he has to go through this. After all the cameras turn off, he and his family still have to deal with an impending sorrow. But, like he said, he is making the nets to catch them when they fall. Yeah, I caught that part . . .

  6. I read about him in Parade magazine over the weekend. I'd really like to read his book that he has out now.

    I cried through Idol Gives Back last year and ran right to the computer to donate. I taped last night's since I was gone and am planning on watching it today. I'm sure I'll cry again.

    I'll watch that lecture hopefully during Aiden's nap this afternoon. I'm intrigued...

  7. Watching this was a great start to my day. Thanks so much for sharing this. I still need to come back and watch the middle. What an amazing person.

  8. I read about the lecture in last week's newspaper. I guess I'll have to listen to it now.

    Didn't watch Idol last night. Sounded cheesy. I guess I should have!

  9. In case anybody is interested, you can continue to follow Dr. Pausch's story on his website. It's been seven months since he was initially diagnosed, and I can't but help hope he keeps updating that website for seven more decades.

  10. Lime- I think most people alternate between the two. I know I do. I hope that most of the time I am a Tigger. The world is a difficult place to live. No one is immune to suffering. And just look what he is doing with his suffering. Amazing.
    Burgh Baby's Mom- Thanks for the link. I love it!
    Glad that so many of you saw the special last night. It was so emotional for me.

  11. I didn't watch the special but I did see him on Oprah recently. He's an amazing inspiration. I mean to get news like that and still be motivated to do something like this? That is truly wonderful!

  12. I can't believe how amazing and good his attitude it. I have never heard of him before. HOw long has it been since the he still alive?

  13. I'm so glad you posted about this Kathryn. I was bawling my eyes out to watching idol gives back. I saw the last lecture clip a few weeks ago with hubby, and we both starting bawling. So heartbreaking, yet so courageous. We didn't have the courage to watch the show last night. But just the evening alone inspired us to want to make changes in our lives. To be better...about everything.

  14. Glad to see I wasn't the only one in the Kleenex box last night!

    By the way, thanks for stopping by my little piece of the blogosphere. As a result, I tagged you for seven random things:

    Sorry! Feel free to ignore.

  15. I love this speech and the man! He is so inspirational. I think I am often an Eeyore, but I am trying to be a Tigger!

  16. I just cannot watch this. It makes me cry like a baby and I don't need anymore crying right now.

    It's snowing, and I know I should be a better person and enjoy the fact that we are all here and happy and don't have death facing me in the face but it is snowing, and I am pouting.

    Okay....I watched it....and I'm crying! And I'm still pouting over the snow.

    I am not a good person.

  17. I watched the ENTIRE lecture this morning. And it broke my heart. After watching it last night on TV I couldn't sleep.

    What a TRULY amazing man.

  18. I saw this interview last night - it was heartbreaking and so inspirational - truly!!!

    Have a good evening Kathryn - see ya - Kellan

  19. Wow thanks for sharing that! I have been watching tv lately.

  20. Okay I just want to cry now because I FORGOT TO RECORD Idol Gives Back last night. Darn it, darn it, darn it.

    And I posted that lecture a while back and am so glad you reminded me to watch again. He is amazing. AMAZING. How truly difficult that must be for him and his family.

  21. I've been meaning to watch this...I might come back after I do..

  22. I am planning to read the book. And, how can you not be proud of someone who is using his last days to spread joy to others?

  23. Too tired for Primetime, but did watch Idol Gives Back last night. That was inspirational and great motivator that it's true and it can be done - - changing the world one person at a time.

  24. The Diane Sawyer show was fantastic. That guy is a fabulous human being.

  25. I have chills & I haven't even watched it yet. I'm going to get off the computer & go cuddle with my Hubby....thanks for the reminder of what's important!!!

  26. Thank you for blogging this. It hit us too, and we felt the same.

  27. Okay, I haven't watched the video yet (slacker, I know), but definitely will! This guy sounds amazing!

  28. I haven't even heard of it but I can't wait to watch it! I'm going to do so when I get home (since of course it's blocked here!). Sounds great though - thanks for sharing!!

    Lake Michigan! Love, love it. When I lived in Chicago one of my favorite spots was right along the lake. I'm envious!!

  29. I do a virtual book club at my site, and this book is in the running for the next title. Interested?

  30. I watched Idol gives back -- which i never do -- in hopes of seeing Hugh Laurie from House. And I missed him. Or else I was all distracted by Teri Hatcher "singing." I'm going to check out that clip -- but tomorrow because i don't have any tissues handy.

  31. Thank you for finding and posting the entire lecture. THANK YOU.
