Monday, May 28, 2018

Making Up For Lost Time

I think I've forgotten how to blog.

I haven't posted about Christmas,

or Easter (when I couldn't get a decent pic),

or any of the major holidays.

I didn't post about the kids' school musical this year (Aladdin),

or Joey's first season on the trap team at his high school (and being named Rookie of the Year),

or about Ben getting his braces on.

There are so many things that I never posted about. Our sweet little guinea pig died, which may sound silly but Stanley was more like a tiny dog than a pig.

So much of my life has been consumed with school that I have not had any spare time to do much of anything else. When I do have spare time I use it trying to do something fun with the kids. I have so much guilt about not being the kind of mom that they have become accustomed to. This year in school has been so taxing on me, emotionally and physically. I haven't been volunteering at their school, baking treats, or been quite as focused as I normally am. It has been a real struggle. 

We didn't even get a spring break together this year. The kids had spring break for one week and I had my spring break from school the week before. It was such a bummer. Todd was able to take the kids up north to the cabin for spring break while I was in school, but I missed it all. As many of you know, I hate to miss out on ANYTHING with the kids. That was hard. I know I only have all of my kids together for a few more years. And those years are whizzing by. I don't want to miss any of it.

But here we are now. I finished my first year of school. I got a 4.0 for the entire year. Something I didn't think was possible. I'm proud of myself. And my family is proud of me too. Still, I question my timing. I have a couple of weeks off and then I start my summer class. Just as the kids are getting out of school I will be starting again. It stinks. And then when school starts in fall it will really be tough. In fall I will be starting all my core nursing classes plus clinicals. It is going to be rough. And I just pray that this will all be worth it. 

This extended weekend has helped a bit. We took the kids up north and had a great time. It was quite the all American redneck weekend. I wouldn't necessarily consider us rednecks but we certainly look like it from the pictures. We were shooting, riding four wheelers, playing cornhole, fishing, kayaking, swimming, boating, and having bonfires and s'mores. It was a grand old time. The weather was supposed to be rainy all weekend but instead it was hot and humid and sunny. It was perfect!

We were definitely trying to make up for lost time. 

As summer approaches that will be my goal. I will concentrate on school when I can and spend as much time soaking up my family as possible.  These kids just keep growing and getting older and I don't want to miss a single minute.


  1. I was just thinking of you last week, but I knew you would have been busy with school, children, etc. WTG on the 4.0!! That's amazing!! Great pictures shared here; kids are getting so big! I think it will be worth it in the long run, the kids do seem to be thriving and I also think it helps put into perspective that parents, although they are there for their kids, they are their own people too and have dreams and aspirations they might want to accomplish which can be done with everyone working together for it (make sense?) Try to breathe a bit this summer though and I hope you guys have some other long weekends together to be able to make the memories it looks like you did this weekend!


  2. No wonder you have not been blogging. You actually have a rich and full life. Take some time to breathe, though.

  3. I'm sorry about the loss of Stanley. Losing a pet is always hard.
    I hope you are enjoying your summer so far.

  4. What a sweet start to summer with your beautiful family! Love to read the update about how they're growing--and you are ALL SO BUSY! <3
