Thursday, April 13, 2017

Fiddler on the Roof

This past weekend was a Fiddler on the Roof weekend. Our school once again put on an impressive production. This time I got to be on stage with all three of my boys. I do not imagine that I will ever have this opportunity again. Fiddler will be Joe's last musical at this school as he will be graduating in a couple months. 

I can't tell you what being a part of these productions has done for him. I have seen him grow in confidence and embrace a part of himself, a talent, that he may not have otherwise known he possessed. I will forever be grateful and indebted to our two directors/producers, Tracy and Wally, for giving this opportunity to our school and our kids, and for sharing their passion and talent and love with all of us. What they have given to our school is immeasurable. What they have given to my family is immeasurable. What they have given to me personally, the memories I'll always cherish, is immeasurable. "Thank you" just doesn't seem to be sufficient.
(Joe as Motel, Tommy was a son/villager/bottle dancer, and Ben was a son/villager)

Our school has been so incredibly blessed with such professionals who are willing to give so much of their time and talents to give our students these opportunities. Giving these kids a chance to be a part of such an amazing production is something they will always remember.
Time and again I am approached by people who have seen a show at our school and they always want to tell me how amazed they are that such a show came out of an elementary school. It just doesn't seem possible.  And this year we had almost three weeks less than we normally do to prepare. We were cutting it pretty close and yet somehow we pulled it off.

Yes, it was another amazing show. But more important than that is the memories we made. The experience and courage that these kids are gaining and the love of theater, it is priceless. I can not express what it means to me to be able to share in this experience with my boys. What parent gets this opportunity? These memories? I am just so incredibly grateful. There really are no words.

Joe is feeling a bit melancholy. He has really enjoyed being in these shows. From the Tinman, to Simba, and now Motel, Joey worked hard, sang his heart out, and learned how to connect with the audience through his characters. Joey has been a big part of the last three shows. I honestly can't imagine doing the show without him next year. It makes me a bit choked up just to think of it. 

(Me and all my boys in our first, and probably last, musical all together)

I'm not crying. You're crying!


  1. Wow! The costumes and scenery are amazing in themselves! I only saw it once, when my high school did a production of it, but I still remember what great music and story it had!

    1. Bijoux- The costumes and set are always amazing. I don't know if we could ever top The Lion King or The Wizard of Oz that we did the last two years but this was fun. I probably should link back to those two posts as well. I have some video clips from The Lion King. 😊

  2. Looked like a success of a show!! Bittersweet though with Joey graduating, but then Gracie will be able to come aboard soon acting in them?


    1. It is very bittersweet. Grace will be able to join in 4th grade. She is in 2nd now.
