Tuesday, November 15, 2016


I am exhausted. Weary and worn. Physically, mentally, and emotionally I am tired.

Weeks of being sick, having Todd gone, and then this horrendous turmoil our country is in and all the constant bickering has left me drained. I just want it all to stop.

This past weekend the kids had off of school on Friday and we decided to join Todd up north at the cabin. It was a good recharge. I needed it. We all did.

We arrived around noon on Friday and Todd was still out in the woods hunting. The kids and I set about making a fire in the fireplace and then settled in to relax. The kids spent their time outside and I read by the fire. It was just what I needed.

It's funny. Todd used to tell me how much he would love to live up at the cabin someday. The idea terrified me. I thought that perhaps Todd married the wrong girl. The cabin is just so isolated. I guess I always thought of myself as needing to at least be near a larger city. However, the older I get the more appealing the idea of living at the cabin becomes. There is something to be said for solitude.

Just as the sun began to set the kids came running in to tell me that there were a couple pairs of swans on the lake. I grabbed my camera and headed out to take a look.
The swans were a bit too far out to get a decent picture of them but I did manage to catch this beauty of my kids. I love it. I'm thinking this one may get blown up and put on my wall at some point.

As the sun set lower and lower the sky just kept getting more and more beautiful. And once the kids ventured over to the other side of the cabin the swans gathered a little closer so that my zoom lens could capture them.

In a matter of minutes the sky turned from a hazy pinkish peach to a brazen orange. It was an absolutely gorgeous sunset.

And I was reminded of God's glory. And I was comforted. And once again I called to mind my very favorite Psalm, "Be still, and know that I am God."  I will not put my faith in man. I will trust in God. And I will not fear tomorrow because I know that God is already there.

These are troubling times. And the only way we can turn it around is to do good, to love one another, be kind, and have courage. It's going to be okay.


  1. So true it is going to be okay :)

    I love the picture of the kids too. So glad you did the weekend getaway to recharge some batteries perhaps and to spend time together with all around.

    These are weary times we live in, but we do need to remember to be still and know that He is God. He does give rest to the weary and his burden is light. We just need to drawn on him and not on our own strength :)


  2. We are confused and afraid, but we must remember that many disenfranchised souls are now terrified. We must be there for them if only with a smile. I am not a Christian, but I do call on Christians to follow the Golden Rule which is my guide. The silhouette is PERFECT. I think that country and city are both good places to be...we just need balance to rise above the fray.

  3. Thank you for saying that. I hope it will be ok. I am so tired and so weary right now, too. I love the pics. Glad you got away from it all for a little while.

  4. Those are amazing shots! Are you on Instagram? Not that you need another social media time-killer, but I've been seeing lots of sunrise and sunset photos lately.

    And yes, our hope is in Him.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Beautiful pictures and a great reminder.

  7. What a beautiful sunset.. and the photo of your kids in silhouette is amazing. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the peace of the cabin. Your last paragraph says it all. <3
