Monday, September 28, 2015


It was a rare night last night. A lunar eclipse and a blood moon. 

At eight o'clock the sky was completely cloud covered and I resigned myself to having to watch the event through people's pictures on Facebook. Then, fifteen minutes later, the clouds parted and I got a beautiful and unobstructed view from my back patio.

I must say, I turned into a complete spazz as I watch the event unfold. I was so excited I was really geeking out. It was hypnotizing. I have never seen an eclipse that clearly, and definitely in such a beautiful color. It was amazing! Just what I needed to get me out of my weird funky mood that I had been simmering in all day.
By ten o'clock the entire moon was shadowed and a beautiful reddish orange. Todd practically had to restrain me from running upstairs and waking the kids. I really wanted to wake them up to see it. 
However, this morning I was pretty thankful I let them sleep. They were so tired even with a good night's rest. They have been pretty sleep deprived lately and the last thing they needed was me waking them up late at night to show them the moon. Besides, they were pretty happy with the pictures I took for them. A win all around.

As I said, the kids have been sleep deprived. This is why:
Football. And lots of it. We have football pretty much every night but Sunday. Ben plays flag football on Monday and Wednesday. Joey has practice on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and games on Saturdays. Tommy has football practice on Monday and Thursday and games on Saturday. The last couple of Fridays they have been high school football games where their teams were introduced. Football, football, football. It makes dinner times and bedtimes a difficult thing around here, but I must admit, I do enjoy watching them. Still, it will be nice when life slows down a bit and sleep isn't quite to rare.

Grace has been a super sport about trekking to her brothers' games and practices. The other night, while we were at yet another football practice, she mentioned to me that she doesn't know how to do a cartwheel so we decided that we should work on that. That is one determined little girl. For almost two hours Grace watched me turn cartwheels, practiced her own, listened to my instructions, and did her best. By the end of the night she actually landed a few cartwheels. It was very proud moment for her.
And it was a little surreal for me. When I learned that I was having a little girl that was one of the things that ran through my head. I don't really know why, but I pictured us practicing cartwheels in the backyard together. I always loved tumbling as a kid and I knew that would be something I wanted to show my kids. The boys never really had that much interest (although when Grace showed them her cartwheels they all begged me to teach them as well, and now we have a family of cartwheelers) and teaching my little girl how to do cartwheels just seemed really momentous. And it was so much fun!

Speaking of momentous. Joey got braces. Tommy will also be getting braces but for now he has headgear. Both kids have been super good sports about their new dental work. The first day their teeth were a bit sore but it has gone fairly smoothly. Joey even let me get a picture of his brace face.
He chose hunting colors for the rubber bands, orange and green. Whatever makes him happy. Tommy is being a great sport about having to wear his headgear to bed. I think he is just thankful that he doesn't have to wear the headgear to school. I snapped a really sweet picture of Tommy with his headgear on but he asked me not to post it, so I will honor his wishes. It is rare that that kid doesn't want his picture shown so I know he is a little self conscious.

Time has been scooting along at laser speed and it is rare that I can find the time to blog. But, I have been following the Pope's visit fairly closely. Just love that man. He is exactly what I hoped for in a Pope. I pray all religious leaders can spread the message of love as Pope Francis is doing. He is quite the inspiration. What are your thoughts? Are you a fan or are you sick of all the media attention? Of course, to some, I'm sure the hoopla seems excessive. I realize he is just a man. But it is exciting to see a man filled with so much love and compassion. I would much rather hear about him than the Kardashians or some other garbage. It is rare to find such a clear example of Christ's love. It is very exciting for me.

So tell me, what are you excited about these days? What is rare in your world?


  1. I had three in braces and we are still going to the ortho for retainer issues. Since 1997........he is like a member of our family now!

    I have never seen an eclipse, shooting star, etc. I've always lived where there are too many trees, so I'd have to get in the car and drive somewhere, which isn't happening at 10 pm. I'm lazy.

  2. In today's world I see a family involved among themselves quite rarely. You are inspiring, I hope that is not rare!

  3. And I saw the Super Moon here in India and was quite excited to such a glowing ball. Though many people doubted me whether iam getting crazy about moon as it looked bigger and closer than usual still I thought that it was way too different. So you too checked it on. I am feeling supported :)

  4. And I saw the Super Moon here in India and was quite excited to such a glowing ball. Though many people doubted me whether iam getting crazy about moon as it looked bigger and closer than usual still I thought that it was way too different. So you too checked it on. I am feeling supported :)

  5. We were just finishing dinner when the moon started coming over the horizon. We just pulled up our chairs to the window, shared the rest of the bottle of wine we were drinking with dinner and watched it for over an hour. It was very fascinating!! I do remember my mom waking us up one night in the middle of the night to see an eclipse, but we didn't have the crazy schedule you guys have with football! I am absolutely amazed you can still cart wheel!! How fun to share it with Gracie and the boys!


  6. I also took a few photos of the moon, my tripod was tipsy and so my photos were not still enough. But I did take time to just look at the red part and it was like a great big balloon in the sky. Maybe I will post on that. I would have woken the kids up and suffered for the next few days.

  7. Yeah. If it was just me I would have woken the kids too. However, in talking to my friends who had their kids stay up most of the kids were kinda bored. I can just hear my kids saying, "This is it?" Maybe there is a certain amount of maturity needed to fully appreciate such an event. ;)
    It probably worked out for the best.

  8. We had a cloudy sky here but they parted long enough to allow me a quick shot when it was half eclipsed.. no red. The clouds returned shortly afterward. You got some lovely images.

  9. Thanks Hilary! I was shocked that I was able to get a few good pics. I don't have a tripod so I tried to set my arms on my knees (strange shooting position) to keep myself still. I STILL don't know how to use my camera as well as I should but I did manage to get a few nice shots. Yay!
    Sorry it was cloudy by you. It was cloudy for the beginning of it here so I was thinking we would miss it too.

  10. You got amazing photos of the lunar eclipse! Over here it wasn't super late so my kids were able to see it. :) Banden was so worried he was going to miss it, he kept saying over and over again, "I can't miss it mom, I won't see something like this again until I'm thirty!" He really loved watching it too, at one point he was the last one left watching it and I went outside with him and we sat and watched it together for a while and he rested his head on my shoulder, it was so sweet. When it was time to go in he thanked me for watching it with him. I will treasure that sweet moment forever. :) I tried to take pictures and none of them turned out, you must have an amazing camera! Or just know what you are doing, ha ha!

    I thought we were busy with after school activities and sports, but your schedule is insane!

    I am not Catholic and haven't really been following the Pope, but anytime I do hear something about Pope Francis I like what I hear. We need more love and compassion in this world for sure!

  11. Riahli- Aww. That is precious. That is exactly what I was picturing in my head when I wanted to wake the kiddos up. However, it probably would have sounded more like, "How long does this TAKE?" and then the kids would have started wrestling/playing football in the backyard and someone would have ended up crying. ;) I'm glad Banden enjoyed it so much. :)

  12. You got some amazing moon shots! It was cloudy here and we saw nothing!

    Sleep....That is rare here, too. Going 90mph 110% of the time!

    Looks like football (and cartwheels) are going well!

    And I'm glad to hear the braces are going well, too. I'm certain we will have a set or four here, too!
