Monday, April 20, 2015

Just Another Manic Monday

And now is about the time when I start to freak out.

The past few weeks have been so busy and it all culminates this week.

Our kids' school had their big fundraising gala this past weekend. It is a major event which requires many hours of volunteer time in selling raffle tickets, getting donations, making class baskets to be auctioned off, selling admission tickets, securing food/entertainment/sponsors, securing more volunteers for the gala itself, and of course, decorations. I spent all of Friday morning helping to set up and decorate for the event and then I volunteered to work at the gala as well. Funny side note- the gala is always a costume-type party. Last year the theme was roaring 20s and Todd and I gussied ourselves all up and looked the part. This year is was Alice in Wonderland. I am not an Alice fan, and I didn't feel like trying to get my hands on some kind of elaborate costume, so Todd and I went as Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum. It was pretty funny because all of the ladies looked so fantastic in their dresses and fancy hats and I was in a yellow t-shirt, red suspenders, a blue bow tie, a spinny hat, and jeans. Ha! I'm such a dork.


Along with the preparation for that big event we are also preparing for Grandparents' Day at the school which is also a big deal and will occur on Friday the 24th. More volunteering as well.

Then, of course, we have Ben who will be receiving his First Communion on Sunday the 26th. I have yet to start making his banner with him or to even check and see if the suit that Tommy and Joe both wore for First Communion fits Ben. I suppose I should do that sooner than later.

Also on Sunday the 26th is Grace's ballet recital. So after church, and a party for Ben, we will all be heading back out to watch Grace in her first recital. Both the recital and the First Communion also have scheduled rehearsals on Saturday the 25th as well.

I also just found out that on Saturday Joey also has a major football meeting for the upcoming fall football season and he needs to be fitted for a uniform. So we have to get to that somehow as well.

None of this would be that big of a deal if we didn't ALSO have the musical going on. I don't know if you remember, but Joey and Tommy and I are all in the musical The Wizard of Oz. Rehearsals are from 6:30 until about 9:30 every night. This coming week rehearsals will begin at 5:30 because we are adding in costumes and makeup because the play will ALSO be this weekend on Thursday the 23rd and Friday the 24th.

Do you see what I'm saying here people?

Rehearsals every night until almost 10.
The play opens on Thursday the 23rd at 7. Cast needs to report at 5.
Grandparents Day at school (volunteer) Friday the 24th.
The play runs again on Friday the 24th at 7. Cast needs to report at 5. Cast party to follow performance.
Saturday the 25th Ben has practice at 10 in the morning for First Communion.
Saturday the 25th Joey has a meeting for football from 11-2
Saturday the 25th Grace has dress rehearsal for her ballet recital at 2 in the afternoon.
Sunday the 26th Ben has his First Communion at 10:30 and then a party.
Sunday the 26th Grace has her first ballet recital at 3.

Did you notice I didn't even mention homework in there? Because, yeah, there is a bunch of homework every day too. It is homework, quick eat, and then off to rehearsal. I am also a little panicked that the kids are going to get sick this week because Tommy had a nasty stomach bug last week that took him out for three days. We CAN NOT afford to be sick this week!

I have also been trying to destress by getting back into running and yet at the same time trying to find time for a run is just one more thing to add my schedule. And, I also will be turning another year older this week, so we can throw that in there too. And, to make me feel older, the pinched nerve in my back (although MUCH better thanks to my chiropractor) is not helping me at this busy time and is also making it very difficult to get any sleep at night.

So. Yes. It is a manic Monday today. I am working on deep breaths. And I keep reminding myself that at least all this madness is all FUN stuff. The musical is turning out to be pretty freaking fantastic. If I can get my hands on a video (it is supposed to be video taped at dress rehearsal on Wednesday) perhaps I will post a bit of it here for you all. For now, I'll tease you with a few photos.

Dorothy, the Tinman (my Joe), and Scarecrow

 Advertising (before Joey had the whole Tinman costume)

The Tinman costume. Not the easiest thing to move around in but it looks GREAT!

 See? Doesn't he look great? Once the makeup goes on it will really be fantastic.

No hair or makeup yet, but we're getting there!

Now if you'll excuse me I just remembered a few more things to add to my week's checklist. 

Hope your Monday isn't too manic!


  1. Oh, my. I so remember those days. Let me tell you, it truly was fun and even more fun as I look back on it. However, happy to be sitting in my chair right now.

    Happy Birthday to you and enjoy. No one will GET SICK! Nope, ain't happening.

  2. Girlfriend at least find some time for. Glass of wine, even if it has to be at 10am!! Wow! What a week, it will all be fantastic! I hear you on the whole year older thing. That would be me today! Good Luck and breath!!

  3. Happy belated birthday (if I read this right, LOL). Oh my gosh, I'm just tired reading of it all :) All sounds fun though!


  4. Amazing that you can take time to post. If you are enjoying all this activity so be it. If not, I suggest next year you delete just a few things.

  5. I always thought May was the craziest month with kids. Your costumes look great!

    Nothing freaks me out like norovirus, or whatever is going around!

  6. Tabor- I see what you're saying, but nothing can really be taken out and they all just happen to be converging at the same time. The musical is a huge time commitment but I feel it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to do with my kids. Grace only has one activity a year and that is her ballet. Her recital just so happens to fall on the same day as Ben's First Communion, which isn't something I would opt out of either. And who knew that Joey would have a football meeting in spring? Bizarre! Then of course the school stuff (Grandparents day and the gala fundraiser) are not up to me but those are both big events at our school that were planned well in advance. And trust me, I am volunteering the minimum right now. ;)
    Ah well. Such is life, right? :)

  7. The costumes are perfect! I love it!

    And, I'm pretty sure I don't know where most of April went and May is going to FLY by! I'm bracing myself! It's going to be awesome and totally overwhelming.

  8. I'm hyperventilating and it's not even my schedule… ;)

    I was just thinking that our schedule was getting pretty hectic around here with all the kids activities, but when put into perspective it's not nearly close to what you are describing, ha ha! I was going to blog about it but now it will just sound like silly whining in comparison. ;)

    By the way you all are adorable!!! And it does look like you are having so much fun! I love that you are in the play with your boys, seriously awesome! :)

  9. Riahli- Oh no. Go ahead and complain. I'll listen! Busy is busy. I hope you blog about it because I'll read it and relate. :)
