Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Just The Ladies

The ladies had the run of the house this past weekend. The gents packed it up and went up north while Grace, Molly, and I stayed back at the house since Grace had a birthday party to attend on Saturday. It turned out to be a wonderful ladies' weekend.  
We started out the weekend in the backyard playing, reading, and hanging out in the sunshine. A good, relaxing time was had by all.

Next we made some cookies.  PINK cookies, thank you very much. I found a recipe for strawberry chocolate chip cookies and Grace and I thought we'd try them out. Let's just say they were a hit. The boys are lucky we were able to restrain ourselves enough and not eat the whole batch before they got back home. 
Grace was thrilled with the results. They were pink AND tasty. She had a difficult time waiting for the cookies to cool. She tried to be patient but eventually she started to get a little anxious. Give me a cookie, woman!

The rest of the weekend flew by. Grace went to the birthday party and had a blast and I was able to go for a run while she was there. Then we went to the farmer's market for some flowers and afterwards stopped over at my mom's house. My poor mother had yet another frightening health scare. She suffered a seizure in the middle of the night and ended up in the ER (thank goodness for her precious little dog who alerted my brother that something was wrong with mom). By Saturday morning mom was back home. Grace and I brought her flowers, cookies, and a few dog treats for her hero doggy.  

My mom has really been through it. One thing after the next. Multiple Myeloma, pericarditis, open heart surgery and valve replacement, a broken vertebrae (from her cancer meds) and cement injection to build the bone back up, and now seizures. If you could please keep her in your prayers I would very much appreciate it.  

Thankfully, my mother was feeling well after the ordeal. She is a tough cookie and has the best attitude. I just want her to catch a break here and be able to just be for a while without having to worry about any more medical emergencies and all the bills that come with it. 

Anyway, Grace and I visited with my mom for quite a while until my mom started to get tired. We left so she could catch a nap. By that time it was close to dinner so Grace and I went out to eat. We had such a nice time just the two of us. It felt really special. 

After that we went back home, snuggled up, and watch Frozen together.  Good times. 

The next morning Grace and I picked up my mom and took her to church. Afterwards we treated her to lunch. We were so glad she was feeling well enough to be out and about and joining us for part of our ladies' weekend. 

Medical emergency aside, it was a very good ladies' weekend.

All the menfolk are back home now and we are happy to have our family together under one roof again. A ladies' weekend is fun but we missed our stinky boys.


  1. Well, I see where you and Grace get your good looks, Kat. I wish your Mom well - she's had a scary time of it. Those cookies look too good to wait. I'm thinking my granddaughters would love making them. Any chance of posting the recipe?

  2. I send my best wishes and great energies for your lovely and special mothers. Lucky you to have someone so important in your life. Lucky daughter to have a grandma who wears pink!

  3. Barb- Oh shoot! I meant to link to the website I got the recipe from. I updated it and the link is in my post. It was from Sally's Baking Addiction. She is fantastic. Enjoy!

  4. Best, positive thoughts for your beautiful mother. Her emergency aside, it sounds like you and your sweet Grace had a wonderful girls' time together. The first photo is just adorable. Even Molly is making the pouty face. Best. Selfie. Ever!

  5. Your mom looks so sweet; what a load of problems she has had! That weekend with the girls sounded like a fun one, just to relax and hang out together like that. The cookies looked great too! I'm sure lots of wonderful memories were made that will last a long time!


  6. Your mom looks so young! I hope and pray for improved health for her. I have also had good luck with cake mix cookies.

  7. Bijoux- I think my mom looks young too. She is going to be 75 this fall. She is amazing. Truly.

  8. Hilary- Isn't Molly hilarious? That dog is the BEST photo bomber ever! She LOVES being in pictures. Every time I'm trying to get a group pic of the kids she comes in and lies down right in front of them or sits pretty right in the center of the shot. Take a look back at some of my holiday pics. She is hilarious!

  9. What a scare that must have been. Prayers that your mother does well for a bit. I can't imagine how much stress each medical problem causes. Sounds like the sweet doggy of hers is a real keeper. A true doggy hero!

    Glad to hear you all had a nice ladies weekend!!! You can't go wrong with pink cookies. I love my time with my girls but we love our stinky boys too :)

  10. I will keep your mom in my prayers. Looks like a great girls weekend was had, Leiella and I always look forward to girl time but we always end up missing those boys too. ;)

  11. How nice for you to have your girls time together! Glad you got to share some of that time with your mom, too. How special for all of you!

  12. I love the photos of you ladies! I'm so sorry your Mom had to go to the ER but I'm glad to see she was feeling better. I hope she's still doing well!!
